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Deus Ex: Human Revolution


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I, for one, certainly can't learn to switch. I'd be left handed anyway, but I also have a disability that makes my right side even worse. I can manage basic stuff with my thumb like straffing because that's basically just ramming the stick to one side but I could never line up a crosshair. Just how it is.

Really, there's no reason to not include alternatives. How hard can it be? Certainly not as hard as somehow learning to be right handed.

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At least you lucky sods get to play it!


I did the stupid thing and decided to change the delivery address to my workplace, and didn't realise how shit the post is around here. It didn't turn up. I now have to wait till Tuesday, since this weekend is a bank holiday. ARRRRGGHHHH!!!! :angry::angry::weep::weep:

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To be clear I was just saying what I'd do, not setting some sort of mandate. I've had to adapt to numerous control schemes over the years — I spent a good couple of hours alternately staring at the floor and ceiling when I first tried to get my head around dual analogue control — so I'm sure I could do so again; there's people out there that have learnt to play games using their chin, we're very adaptable creatures.


As I said earlier, Southpaw should be a standard option. But it isn't, so the way I see it people have two options: adapt, whether that be by writing new muscle memory or modifying a controller; or try to change things, pester the people that worked on the offending games via Twitter and bring attention to the issue via the various blogs. Simply not playing the game doesn't help anyone, least of all yourself.


For the record I've made a note of drawing attention to a lack of Southpaw in every Beta test I've been a part of in the hope the developers change things, even though I don't use it myself. So whilst you might think I'm being a dick, I'm going more for realist; I appreciate those aren't always mutually exclusive.

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So... I was in two minds about picking this up on release or not but as it turns out Tesco have a deal on running until September 2nd which allows you to get Deus Ex : Human Revolution for £30 when you pre-order any game for £5 deposit...


Now here's the interesting bit... I don't know how you pre-order other games at the store but they already have pre-order boxes set-up on the shelf for Modern Warfare 3 so I decided to go with that knowing that they will most likely be offering some sort of killer deal on the day for it anyway, so why nto secure a copy?


Anyway... it went through the till and the offer came up but interestingly it subtracted £12.90 which is basically £7.90 off the game - bringing it down to £30 and the other £5? you guessed it, the pre-order... I of course took further advantage and used my discount card - 10% off - plus I bought a 3DS game at the same time to bump the total up as I had a £5 off £50 voucher - obtainable at all Tesco atm afaik at the till when you spend £10 - so I got two new games plus a pre-order which would have normally totalled about £73 for around £50... deal? I think so. ;)


TL;DR - Deus Ex = £30 + Free £5 deposit for MW3 when you buy them together at Tesco until 02/09/11.


Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to play it for a bit. :)


Edit - Regarding the 'Mission Pack, you can download it straight away worry free...


*The below is taken from the included dlc card*


-The bonus mission - Tong's Rescue - will be offered to you by a character in Hengsha during the game.

- The Grenade Launcher will be given to you upon completion of the Bonus Mission.

- The Remote-Detonated Explosive Devide will be added to your inventory at the start of the Sarif Manufacturing Plant mission.

- The Automatic Unlocking Device will be available as loot throughout the game.


Edited by S.C.G
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Whilst the game is great so far, I hate the hacking. Unlocked level 2 hacking and I just can't do it. I've no idea what I'm doing wrong.


I hack the first icon deeley and get discovered straight away due to the 60% chance of discovery. There is no way in hell I can hack my way to the required icon within the time limit. I don't get it.


Luckily I have the limited edition that comes with the option to buy auto unlock things in-game. I'll just have to keep buying those I guess. They're cheap at least.

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The hacking is a bit odd, I agree. You can try again about 30 seconds later though, I think you just need to get lucky and level up a bit - or use a nuke - so the alarm doesn't go off on the first couple. Also as soon as the alarm goes off you should go back to the start and add a defense. And don't bother with any hard-to-reach bonuses unless you have slowed or frozen the trace, or not set any alarms off when you're near the end.


It seems like you're missing something, but I think this is really all there is to it.

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Forget what I said yesterday, the game did turn up in the end. :grin: I had a quick go on it last night, and loved what I've played so far! I haven't had much chance to play it though, as I stopped and my friend's last night and stayed over. My mates aren't too keen on it however, as they don't like the controls, which they find makes it difficult. Personally, I see nothing wrong with them...

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What's the point in the autosave when it doesn't even work. Poop. Apart from that I am enjoying it a lot. I love the hacking.

? Autosave works for me fine. It only saves when you enter new areas or complete objectives, I think. It's not like your standard FPS checkpoints where you'll go back two corridors no matter where you die.

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The hacking is a bit odd, I agree. You can try again about 30 seconds later though, I think you just need to get lucky and level up a bit - or use a nuke - so the alarm doesn't go off on the first couple. Also as soon as the alarm goes off you should go back to the start and add a defense. And don't bother with any hard-to-reach bonuses unless you have slowed or frozen the trace, or not set any alarms off when you're near the end.


It seems like you're missing something, but I think this is really all there is to it.


I think it was just the terminal I was trying at the time. It was one of the ones in the Police station. It was a level 2 IIRC, but a massive pain in the arse to hack. I've been having much better results since then. I think I'll be upgrading my hacking stealth soon to make things a bit easier.


Some more thoughts on the game so far:


I love the stealth. Good job too since there seems to be tonnes of it. I love how once you're spotted, it's not automatically a full alert. If you're far enough away, the guard won't be sure and come investigate. Haven't killed anyone so far (except the first boss, who you have to) or sounded any alarms. Although I killed some people in the first section (before you're augmented) so I've missed out on the achievement/trophy.


Hated it at first. It was getting to the point where I was going to turn off the game and probably never go back. He just kept walking at me shooting, not really giving me any time to do anything, let alone shoot back.


I then looked up a strategy and threw a barrel at him to stun him, then shot the bastard to pieces. Much easier.



I don't find the shooting that good. Just never seems right. It's not helped by the fact that you can't really take much damage. Good job I avoid shooting altogether apart from the occasional use of the tranquiliser rifle (I chose non lethal long range at the beginning.


I find the tranquiliser rifle the best weapon so far. I can't see a point in the stun gun really. If you're close enough to use that, you may as well use a takedown. Granted you might not have enough energy, but it's not like it takes long to recharge. I don't really see the point in lethal weapons at all apart from boss fights. Once an enemy is stunned, they're as good as dead since they don't seem to wake up.


Some of the augmentations are pretty useless. I upgraded my stealth to the first level (shows the sound you make and it's radius on the radar), aiming to get to the upgrade where you can see enemies field of view on the radar. I stopped when I realised that it's pointless, since you can see which way enemies are facing on the radar anyway. Their field of view is just common sense. Wish I hadn't wasted the 2 points opening the stealth tree now. So far, I've found the heavy lifting, hacking upgrades and inventory expansion the most useful. Haven't really used the cloaking yet, but that's mainly because I keep forgetting I have it.


The controls are kind of weird. Ignoring the whole southpaw saga (which I can work around using an adapter), the button layout is strange. It takes some getting used to using one of the stick buttons to aim instead of the usual trigger/shoulder button. I can understand why they put the cover button on the left trigger/shoulder though, since I use it more than aiming.


Shooting from cover can be a chore too if you want to use your weapons sights for more accuracy. Hold the left trigger/should button to remain in cover, move the stick to peep round the corner, then press the stick to aim. It's awkward to come out of the view too, since I'm used to releasing the trigger to come out of aim, but I come out of cover instead.


Only had one glitch/bug so far. I was in the middle of Detroit, in a public place well away from any gang territory and I got a message pop up saying I'd failed the optional part of a mission for being spotted by the Derelict Row gang in their territory. I was nowhere near Derelict Row! Reloaded and all was good again though.


So yeah, the shooting is pretty bad, but like I said, it's not like I shoot much anyway, so I'm loving the game so far.

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? Autosave works for me fine. It only saves when you enter new areas or complete objectives, I think. It's not like your standard FPS checkpoints where you'll go back two corridors no matter where you die.


I dunno, I just saw the autosave icon pop up a few times and not have it save at all. Kind of annoying, I'm used to saving myself now.


I know it's been said in reviews but I love the way what you choose to do does not affect the way the game is played out, you can pony on round how you want.


I could do with a bloody silencer for my pistol mind, anyone know where I can get one from.


I did get that punch through wall augmentation, not even sure how to use it. I wanna punch through walls damn it!!

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People with hefty augmentation and big guns. Your description was fairly apt, but it's not like "BOSS MODE" flashes up first.


Goafer, you must've approached it wrong :heh: I took out the guy by shooting the barrel next to him, stunning him with a gas grenade then emptying a single combat rifle clip into his face.

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Hold up, did someone just say "Boss Fight"?


Is it just one of those things where you have to shoot some sack of shit with like 10 clips before he dies? How do Boss Fights have a place in this game?


That's pretty much it. Some big bastard who doesn't seem to notice being shot.


People with hefty augmentation and big guns. Your description was fairly apt, but it's not like "BOSS MODE" flashes up first.


Goafer, you must've approached it wrong :heh: I took out the guy by shooting the barrel next to him, stunning him with a gas grenade then emptying a single combat rifle clip into his face.


Yeah that's pretty similar to how I did it in the end. Just threw an explosive barrel at him (which also stunned him), then shot him with about a clips worth of combat rifle ammo. At first I was trying to just shoot him. I could get him to the point where he started throwing grenades, but died shortly after.

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I just finished it, goty contender for me. I loved the stealth, art design, atmosphere, story and characters. Its a shame the gunplay wasnt upto scratch and hacking sucked. I missed one side mission, arrgh but I'll do it in the week.


Make sure to view all endings for a achievement and also make sure you don't skip the credits.



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I also love the little references here and there to the original game.


I loved a reference I found to Robocop. I was crawling in a vent in the Police station and overheard cops talking about cybernetics and how there was a film from the 1980s that featured a cop who was made into a robot and that it was also set in Detroit. They were trying to remember the name. Nice little reference to the fact that Deus Ex is also set partially in Detroit.

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I loved a reference I found to Robocop. I was crawling in a vent in the Police station and overheard cops talking about cybernetics and how there was a film from the 1980s that featured a cop who was made into a robot and that it was also set in Detroit. They were trying to remember the name. Nice little reference to the fact that Deus Ex is also set partially in Detroit.

One cop was telling the other all about the film, saying "I can't believe you've never heard of it." The cop being told was called Alex Murphy ;)

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