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NEW NoE Site is up!


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Bah I still say most of the Stars Catalogue stuff is crap :p


Give us SNES, NES & N64 Classic Controllers and Tingle's Balloon Fight! :p


Crap? Your joking right? Thats the best stuff we've had in years. :smile:


Also, it will get updated with more stuff from now on probably including Mario Soundtracks, NES VC controllers etc..etc..


It looks as though it's getting the gifts from the Japanese Club Nintendo catalogue doesn't it?

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Well i got in to the wii points part of the site but got this message:


The Wii Points Card Shop is momentarily closed due to maintenance work. Please come back later. We apologise for the inconvenience.


Der Wii Points Card Shop ist zur Zeit aufgrund von Wartungsarbeiten geschlossen. Bitte schau später wieder rein! Wir bitten, die Unannehmlichkeiten zu entschuldigen.


La boutique Wii Points Cards est momentanément fermée pour cause de maintenance. Prière de revenir ultérieurement. Nous vous prions de nous excuser pour la gêne occasionnée.


La Wii Points Card Shop está temporalmente cerrada por labores de mantenimiento. Vuelve más tarde. Nos disculpamos por las molestias.


Il Wii Points Card shop è momentaneamente chiuso per manutenzione. Ti preghiamo di riprovare più tardi. Ci scusiamo per il disagio.


De Wii Points Card Shop is momenteel gesloten vanwege onderhoudswerk. Probeer het later nog eens. Onze excuses voor het ongemak.

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Man, the only thing I want off the catalogue is the Wii Points. Might just buy something for the sake of it as some stars expire at the end of the year. I've got like 17,450 to spend plus I have more games to register.


Damn, tried to get one of the Mario Kart things and I get 404 Not Found.

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Yeah, the statue is sold out. As are the T-Shirt and Wii bag. Not bothered because I didn't want any of them anyway. Wouldn't pay 15,000 for a statue and I wouldn't walk around with a club Nintendo t shirt on or a Wii bag.

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I guess ill complain and get nothing, this really sucks, I thought one of the major things about the new site was to have plenty of stock. I really cant believe how bad nintendo are at making a simple freebie catalogue, I have been waiting years saving up my stars point for something decent and now this :cry:

I wish they had never bothered making one in the first place, at least I wouldnt be so dissapointed...


I dont suppose anyone who bought the statue would be willing to sell it/ swap it for a stars points acount with about 17000 stars?

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