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Why do you Love the Wii So much?


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My arguments aren't flawed as I have played a wii myself and even google images of the hand on the controller prove you have to stretch upwards. The adverts prove you have to flail your arm about in some games as well as actual gaming experience.


And as I said before, ps2 controller shape and type wasn't a 'novelty' when I started gaming. But it was certainly better to play with.


I find the wiimote to be annoying to play with - come on, it's got a piece of wire hanging between it and the analog stick - wth? The generic controller design allows you to play with your arms resting in your lap, with your hands close together and easy access to all buttons with little effort. You also don't have to be continuously trying to aim with the controller - even just trying to select an option on the screen was a pain in the ass cus sometimes the cursor wasn't showing on screen for whatever reason.


Plus, ultimately, the wii mote is dangerous. Less so due to the new straps, but there is still the danger of it slipping out of the hand/strap breaking and flying across the room. Generic controller doesn't possess that danger.



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Also, the wii-mote is a similar size to my house phone, probably a bit bigger. I have to stretch my thumb up and downwards to tap in certain buttons.

Yeh, I actually can understand that now I think about it; So I retract my streaching argument, though though buttons you have to stretch for aren't used very much.

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Also - hilarious jokes aside - have you ever though the button layout is intention? I think the point is the D-pad and 1 / 2 buttons are supposed to be harder to reach, seeing as they're pretty much there for if you play it NES style. (er, horizontally)


It's hardly the controllers fault if stupid developers map key inputs to the up on the d-pad or something. I think you need to establish the difference between what could be a design flaw and what was intentionally done on Nintendo's part.

I think you've got it down to a T; whatever that saying actually means.



Also dynastygirl, If you found the rabbit food thing overly offencive, I am sorry, it was supposed to be a poke rather than a punch, if that's what it felt like. I wouldn't have said it if I didn't think you could take that:)

Though I don't like veganism.:heh:

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How old are you dynatygirl, seriously? Yous ound very very young which woulld explain your insanely ridiculous comments, and if you are 9 or 10 maybe people should stop picking on you.


Though I did find it hilarious when you said:


"So maybe get informed before spouting your mouth off."


That is irony at its most clear!


Seriously, you clearly have never, EVER played the Wii - you amazing argumnets include google images, the Wii adverts, the fct it looks like a similar size to your home phone, and a website that has pictures of Wii destruction! I would recomend leaving this thread and only post on topics you can talk sensibly on because you're just going to (and already have) annoy people; though actually, I find you pure comedy so stick around!!


Anyway, back on topic. Yes I love my Wii - I have over 20 games, I'm getting another ten in the next 2 months and I have shed loads of VC games - clearly more than I have time for, very happy, very excited about whats to come and the Wii has got me back in to gaming when i was thinking of stepping out!! Thank you Nintendo!!!

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Say what you want, my opinion stands and I feel it is true because it's what I'VE experienced.


It's fine for you to have your opinion, but if you're going to be making statements like that expect a response. Perhaps you just need to play some different games or something, some games control lay-outs are horrific on the WIi, but they're the ones which were ported from the PS2 and were never designed around the Wii Remote anyway.

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Guest dynastygal
How old are you dynatygirl, seriously? Yous ound very very young which woulld explain your insanely ridiculous comments, and if you are 9 or 10 maybe people should stop picking on you.


Though I did find it hilarious when you said:


"So maybe get informed before spouting your mouth off."


That is irony at its most clear!


Seriously, you clearly have never, EVER played the Wii - you amazing argumnets include google images, the Wii adverts, the fct it looks like a similar size to your home phone, and a website that has pictures of Wii destruction! I would recomend leaving this thread and only post on topics you can talk sensibly on because you're just going to (and already have) annoy people; though actually, I find you pure comedy so stick around!!


Anyway, back on topic. Yes I love my Wii - I have over 20 games, I'm getting another ten in the next 2 months and I have shed loads of VC games - clearly more than I have time for, very happy, very excited about whats to come and the Wii has got me back in to gaming when i was thinking of stepping out!! Thank you Nintendo!!!


I'm 18. What of it? At least I'm not as big of a brat as to bring something totally unrelated as someones diet into an argument. And it's not irony, because he clearly knows fuck all about veganism so has no right to insult it. I know about the wii due to my experiences playing it, watching the news and shit as it unfolded before it's launch (which, even before it's launch I held the opinion that it was a crap design - and it's gone to prove me right).


And yes I have played a Wii. Sheikah ( MY BF ) has one which I've played on plenty of times.


So it's not that it LOOKS, it that it IS a similar size.


I have played a wii, and formed an opinion on playing with it. Can't hack the truth? Well tough.

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I'm 18. What of it? At least I'm not as big of a brat as to bring something totally unrelated as someones diet into an argument. And it's not irony, because he clearly knows fuck all about veganism so has no right to insult it. I know about the wii due to my experiences playing it, watching the news and shit as it unfolded before it's launch (which, even before it's launch I held the opinion that it was a crap design - and it's gone to prove me right).


And yes I have played a Wii. Sheikah ( MY BF ) has one which I've played on plenty of times.


So it's not that it LOOKS, it that it IS a similar size.


I have played a wii, and formed an opinion on playing with it. Can't hack the truth? Well tough.

The media lies.

Im sorry to have to tell you this.

Also your main argument is the stretch one.

Please explain how you play other consoles. As you have to stretch for them all.

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Guest dynastygal

I don't stretch my fingers and thumb as much as I would have to on the wiimote. Fact. And showing the wiimote design before launch is hardly a lie. Plus I'm well aware the media lies, I'm a vegan ffs.

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I'm 18. What of it? At least I'm not as big of a brat as to bring something totally unrelated as someones diet into an argument.

Actually, there's a complicated reason why; all parts of society, peoples actions and beliefs etc, are affected by each other... blah blah blah, this is also proven by your above post ;) I'd carry on, but then probably get done for flaming or something stupid.

And it's not irony, because he clearly knows fuck all about veganism so has no right to insult it.

I know enough


I know about the wii due to my experiences playing it,

Which everyone believes you're doing wrongly

watching the news and shit as it unfolded before it's launch (which, even before it's launch I held the opinion that it was a crap design - and it's gone to prove me right).=
Even though we're sure you're doing something wrong.
And yes I have played a Wii. Sheikah ( MY BF ) has one which I've played on plenty of times.

Why; If you hate it so much?!

I have played a wii, and formed an opinion on playing with it. Can't hack the truth? Well tough.

I can hack the truth that you don't like it; but it seems you've just been plauying wanking games, or games with bad button layouts to me.


It sounds like Shiekah's Bar's in the wrong place, or you're sitting in the wrong place.




Anyway; I also retract my apology; seeing as though you never accepted it, but then I wouldn't expect it from one of them:indeed:(i.e. Any non-meateater)

They're so hard headed and shit they give people like me a bad name.

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....Do you post that every other post or something?


Its like you're after a medal yo'

You got the "I'm Different Brag Award"; you get 20 Lifeypoints to add to your Lifeyscore.


People trying to get that award on in their LifeWorld 360 is the exact reason I hate "camposexuals", but love Steven Fry (plus he's hilarious, and makes gay jokes:))

He gets 100 Lifeypoints for the Respectable Award :heh:


....Sorry; I've been trying to get Captain on CoD3, as I've always really played unranked before.

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I had to go with no as well, nothing has swayed towards me playing it more than my 360 ever since I got it.


First of, lack of decent multiplayer games. This is meant to be a family orientated console but there aren't actually any good multiplayers on it other than WiiSports.


No online support. OK, there's one online game, but if you don't like that then that's it.


Poor graphics. Yeah, graphics aren't important and all that. When you play a 360 game then go back to the Wii, you'll realise how much you miss good graphics.

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Please explain how you play other consoles. As you have to stretch for them all.


It's simple she's a dwarf - photographic evidence shows her cuddling a rat - look at it - it's massive next to her. I blame her diet :heh:




Seriously - Your entitlled to your opinion, however you are in the minority on here and some of your comments are just winding up the people on here.


Can't we all just get along? :confused::wtf::confused::wtf::confused:

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I had to go with no as well, nothing has swayed towards me playing it more than my 360 ever since I got it.

I'm the same; though it's mainly CoD3's fault...oh, though I play quite a bit of multiplayer (I'll talk about next); that's Wii and GC:)



First of, lack of decent multiplayer games. This is meant to be a family orientated console but there aren't actually any good multiplayers on it other than WiiSports.

Yeah, although the Wii's better for "Next-to-mates Multiplayer" the range of games isn't great:

Wii Sports

Wii Play (2P:()

Mario Party's okay for a match of about 15 turns.


We usually end up playing N64(VC) or GC games:heh:


Poor graphics. Yeah, graphics aren't important and all that. When you play a 360 game then go back to the Wii, you'll realise how much you miss good graphics.

It's not THAT bad; you've probably just played the 360 and no other console for a while previously though. Going back to CTR after months of the Gamecube felt weird to me.

Once you start switching back and forth more often (Smash Bros. time) You'll probably forget about graphics:)

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