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Mafia Game #2 - Game Thread


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Votes (6 is a majority)


Brian Mcoy (5) Sprout, darksnowman, mr-paul, mundi, MoogleViper


I, err, believe the majority is actually 5 chairdriver, as you mentioned at the beginning of this day:


There are 9 players left in the game. (5 is a majority)


And just incase my suspicions are incorrect and the telepath isn't Mcoy, if the prostitute could block me tonight, that'd be dandy (sounds dirty, I know :heh:). I think it vital that the telepath does not get to use my powers this late in the game.

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I, err, believe the majority is actually 5 chairdriver, as you mentioned at the beginning of this day:.




So it is.



Day 10 is now over


The townspeople had figured it out, they had discovered Mcoy's secret ability. However, what they didn't realise was that he was trying to help them.

Brian Mcoy is dead. He was The Mind Controller, a good man who did so much to help the town, yet at the same time did so much to hinder it.


There are 8 players left in the game. (5 is a majority)











Night 11 begins now

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Night 11 is now over


The mercenary had again armed himself, this time he wouldn't be going to kill, he would be defending himself. He knew the mafia would want to be rid of him, after so much trouble he had caused.


People had always said that darksnowman's nosiness would get the better of him. They were right. He snuck into the mercenary's house, looking for any clues as to his identity. He wasn't careful enough to check that the occupant was asleep before entering. Sneaking into the kitchen, he was met with a bullet into the head. Curiosity did kill the cat.


darksnowman is dead. He was The Nosy Neighbour, who could break into people's houses to get info about them.



In the morning, the town sees Sprout trying to dispose of darksnowman's body.




The mafia hitman cursed, the man he had wanted to kill was already dead.



There are 7 players left in the game. (4 is a majority)











Day 11 begins now

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Very well, I promised that I would tell people my role, and I shall stick to that promise.


My role is the mercenary. Do not fear, however, for it just so happens that I am on the side of the town. I am the one responsible for the death of jayseven, and unfortunately, the death of martinist as well. I apologise for the latter’s death, it has caused me much grief that I killed an innocent due to my carelessness. I’m assuming that you wish for me to explain why I killed these people, and I shall comply in doing so.


One night, Strider, the private investigator, contacted me. I didn’t know who he actually was at the time, I only knew his role. He had investigated me previously and discovered my role. He had a job for me, and feared that there was a serial killer amongst us, and requested my services to be rid of this person. I agreed, and a contract was made. Unfortunately, he had been killed before he could inform me of who this killer actually was. Bound by a contract, I had to try and find out who this killer was by myself.


On my first attempt, I took a guess out of those that were silent, and picked martinist. Sadly, I guessed wrong. The next day was most helpful to me however. jayseven has admitted to being a killer. “Vigilante? Yeah right!†I thought to myself. I made him my next target, which proved successful. My contract is now complete, and I am no longer required to kill anyone.


I was afraid after the telepath killed someone, that he would then use me, the last person with an unknown role, to kill more townsfolk. I couldn't allow this. Whilst I can still kill, I was not going to abuse this power and randomly kill someone to find that they’re innocent. I have other powers, such as the ability to protect myself, as well as the ability to protect others. Tonight, I feared I would be dead, so I decided to defend myself, incase a Mafia member came into my quarters. Unfortunately it appears that quite the opposite happened, and another innocent towny has been killed by my hand.


My win condition is the same as the townsfolk, to have a town containing no evil players. As you notice, there is a mafia on the loose, I suggest we find out who that person is.

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A majority was reached at 5:47pm.

Day 11 is now over


The mercenary had killed the wrong person by accident, the townsfolk decided he needed to pay for that.


Sprout is dead. He was The Mercenary, neutrally inclined, and probably the town's greatest asset in taking down the mafia.



There are 6 players left in the game. (4 is a majority)








Night 12 begins now

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Sprout you should told us the day before not to come snooping around your place! It was between you and mr-paul...! I'm glad they swiftly lynched you, I wanted avenged.


Also, seeing as you killed my compadre jayseven, thats him also avenged. Hurrah!


Whens game three then? I've nothing to do now. :(

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