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Super/Street Fighter IV


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I love this game online but it can be very annoying sometimes, haha. I was wondering, what if we made a team or an N-E tournament or something. There would obviously be two, one for 360 owners such as myself and one for PS3 owners. Whaddya say? Anyone up for it?

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Yep no doubt. They're actually bringing an online tournament mode for free via a title update in June I believe that allows you to have a structured KO bracket tourney with the provided features which should be awesome.


Finally played this last night. Played 20 games online and won 3. Epic fail, lol, if this was vanilla SFIV I'd have won at least half. Loving some of the new Ultras though; Ryu's Shinku Shoryuken is awesome. Hakan is a hilarious character to use too, quite liking him actually. Also enjoying how the icons on this are much easier to unlock than in SFIV; nice to see some variety. I have Dudley and Hakan's chibi box icons, Dudley's is epic.

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Just got this today - traded in my SFIV (for £8.40) which I hadn't played in months. I'm shit at the game but I thought I'd get the better version.


Thinking of getting the SFIV fight pad as they are pretty cheap now - they worth getting?

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Either go with the Hori or the MadCatz SFIV fightstick. The other 3rd party sticks are meant to be naff.






Dispatched day of order if ordered before 4

Arcade style gaming for PS3

Fully featured 8 button arcade stick

Turbo and macro functions

Solid, genuine arcade realism

Full PS3 Home control


Bring the arcade experience home with this fully featured Digital Arcade Stick from Blaze. With a sturdy 8 button control system the solid arcade stick also features full Turbo and Macro functionality as well as full PS3 Home controls. Perfect for Beat-Em-Ups and other classic Arcade titles.


I can't afford much more so will see how this keeps me going.

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Let me just state the obvious here: don't buy a fight stick just because you're not very good at the game. It won't change that. The same way an expensive car won't make you a good driver and an expensive guitar won't make you a better guitar player. I often see people throw away money on a fight stick and then have to sell it 6 months later when interest has dwindled or when they didn't become a pro the way they expected.


Speaking of Pros, when you watch the world SF tournaments, they're using the standard pads.

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I actually disagree with everything you've said in that post. A more expensive guitar did make me a better guitar player, and buying an arcade stick was what make me able to play Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike with a good level of skill.


Also; if you watch Evo, or any of the American East Coast/ West Coast tournaments (or Street Fighter documentary "I got next") you will not see a single person using a standard pad. Because using a pad, and being proficient in the game's language are mutually exclusive. Factoid.

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Maybe because you use controllers for 99% of games and thus it is native to you. Nothing a little practice wont fix.


That's true but I'm not fast enough on it. Me and my mate played Street Fighter IV for hours and in the end, I gave up, it just feels seriously awkward to me. I prefer the fightpads myself but each to their own.

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Let me just state the obvious here: don't buy a fight stick just because you're not very good at the game. It won't change that. The same way an expensive car won't make you a good driver and an expensive guitar won't make you a better guitar player. I often see people throw away money on a fight stick and then have to sell it 6 months later when interest has dwindled or when they didn't become a pro the way they expected.


Speaking of Pros, when you watch the world SF tournaments, they're using the standard pads.


No doubt in some way this has been posted as a result of me buying a fighting stick. I don't think its gonna make me a great player, I'm an average player but my only experience of playing street fighter as a kid was through playing in the arcades and on my joysticked amiga (which was a nightmare due to only having two/three proper buttons.) so it seems natural to do it. In regards to your second point that's why I've only bought a cheap one because yes I won't be playing SSFIV hardcore for years to come.

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I'd love to have a go on a fightstick, I just can't justify dropping the money on one. Loving my fightpad though...if I see a stick for £30 or below I'm snapping one up.


Managed to get my mum to do a Hadoken earlier. Still took her 3 minutes to pull one off but she did it in the end...and combo'd straight in to a Shinku Hadoken accidently. I was so proud :heh:

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I actually disagree with everything you've said in that post. A more expensive guitar did make me a better guitar player, and buying an arcade stick was what make me able to play Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike with a good level of skill.
What I really meant was, in simpler terms, if you suck at SF, you won't get better the instant you buy an arcade stick. It won't solve your problems if you just don't get the game. Expensive guitars (and fight sticks) are expensive for a reason, they are the superior product and produce better results, so ultimately you will of course be better as an end result of using them. But you're not just a better guitar player the moment you picked up a better guitar.


The sound would improve immediately though, through no fault of your own. Which might make you more motivated.

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I just got this today, loving it allready a lot more than Street Fighter IV right from the word go - thank fuck they finally replaced the original 'IN-DE-STRUCTIBLE!' intro music lol - everything is presented a lot more clearly which makes a huge difference; it's also nice to have the full roster available from the very start even if it is initially a bit overwhelming... thirty-five characters! :o


Just finished blitzing through on the easiest setting as Guile to get a feel for what's changed and am now watching the replay channel in the hope that I might pick up a few tips and tricks from mere observation; of course I realise that the best way to learn and become strong is to actually play so I'll be hitting up Trial Mode next so that I can properly get to grips with a couple of characters before attempting Arcade mode on Medium. :)


On the subject of Fightpads, I've had one since SFIV and it hasn't let me down yet, although I'm tempted to buy a Fightstick someday I'll hold off for now and maybe review my situation in a week or two, I may then invest in one depending on how much I've played the game but I'll still keep an eye on prices until then, like Dyson if I see one for £30 or less then I'd definitely snap one up. :D

Edited by S.C.G
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