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yyeeaah boi!


dyson, you unemployed ruffian, how about a game of SFIV tomorrow?


Oh you are so ON


Almost bought myself a fightpad for £15 earlier, stopped myself because I kinda want a fightstick, but am gonna hold out on that until they hit the £40 region.

Fightpads are worth the money IMO. Great for emulators and stuff too if you're a dirty thief like me.


Was playing some of my old genesis games earlier and it would have been muchos easier had I had a pad. Psycho Pinball + KEyboard = Reduced Awesome.


Sweet, I'll check it out when I'm on mah PC.


Got my fightpad! Went for a Guile Round 2 fightpad and I love it. I've never enjoyed being able to pull off Akuma's fire hadoken (messatsu?). Can finally pull off sweet combos, nearly perfected some 2000BP chump on Live last night. Much fun :D

Sounds like a flowchart ;)


Game later, dude?


Hah, fuck you :heh: shoryukenshoryukenshoryukenshoryukenshoryukenshoryukenshoryukenshoryuken! :D


Gonna have to be tomorrow now unfortunately brah; got the girlie over tonight. Afternoonish sound good? I'll probably be on Live anyway!

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I got it from a big-chain gamestore. I'm literally surrounded by gamestores, both big chains and indies, and there is usually one who sells mayor titles early. RE5: Gold was sold a whole week in advance, Yakuza 3 also 5 days. It's just a matter of doing the rounds here. It's not one store, though. now it's this one, the next time another.


I remember playing SFIV for the first time, and while good, it didn't blow me away. Surprisingly, as this is an update, this one has me floored. The presentation is great (No more 'in-des-tructableeeee', mind. Whether or not this is good or bad, I leave up to you :grin:), the Bonus Stages are a real treat in a Back-to-the-ol'days way. Sometimes, one of the 'bad guys' from Final Fight even comes to say his famous line. If that isn't great fan service, I don't know what is. The new backgrounds are way more interesting and dynamic the older ones, and all characters are unlocked from the get-go, which makes for an excellent roster from the beginning. And Prison-Cody is the icing on the cake. Even the voice-acting is pretty good... for a fighting game.


It feels more complete, polished and balanced (for as far as I can tell) then SFIV. Essential, and for a midlow-price. I you have SFIV, you simply have to update. If you don't have SFIV, there hasn't been a better time to do so.

Edited by Strange Cookie

This should be arriving any minute now and by some freak miracle i just scored 3 ''punishment'' days off of work.

(insert deity) has truly smiled upon me today!


Theres alot of new PS3 users here since the last version of SFIV so anyone picking this up, do post your PSN ID in this thread!


Got mine pre-ordered from Shopto. £21 with a free shirt to boot. I cannot wait - SFIV was such a huge game for me and I just got my hands on a fight pad too so I can really tuck in :D


One question; early on in development Capcom said something about people who already owned SFIV and bought SSFIV would get...something. Not a clue what, was there any follow up on this?


If you still have a SFIV save, upon starting SSFIV you get colors 11 and 12 unlocked, one of which gives your fighter the inky abstract look from the opening cinema. Hooray?


I played about a dozen online matches and only encountered 1 Shoto spammer. Mission accomplished!


I'm gonna be buying this from my local and loyal Blockbuster who are selling it for the awesome price of twenty-five of my English pounds. I can't wait! I already know who my fighter is...go SAKURA!

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