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Super/Street Fighter IV


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Is it possible to beat people via luck in this game? Obviously professionals will always do well but would it be fairly simple to mash the right buttons and end up winning?


There is the rare occasion where you'll time everything perfectly out of luck and unleash a combo that gets rid of pretty much all of your opponent's health bar. It's rare though, unlike most fighters the timings in Street Fighter are pretty tight.

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I only got to 9 wins too. That was a while ago though, i havnt tried ranked matches for months. I play everyday at work though. Lunch times against my colleagues, and i always win, mwahahahah!


Thing is, i use Chunners so much that i cant use anyone else now. I've got too many Chunner habits! And all other characters feel wrong. They are either too slow, or lacking something. Mid-air throws for one. I love that so much. I think only Guile and Cammy have it too. Cammy is good, shes my nemesis actually, but i dont like using her either. The commands for cannon spike and spiral arrow are too similar and i mess them up and do the wrong one all the time. Not good when you're being tactical.


Nope, its Chunners all the way for me. Love her :heart:

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I only got to 9 wins too. That was a while ago though, i havnt tried ranked matches for months. I play everyday at work though. Lunch times against my colleagues, and i always win, mwahahahah!


Thing is, i use Chunners so much that i cant use anyone else now. I've got too many Chunner habits! And all other characters feel wrong. They are either too slow, or lacking something. Mid-air throws for one. I love that so much. I think only Guile and Cammy have it too. Cammy is good, shes my nemesis actually, but i dont like using her either. The commands for cannon spike and spiral arrow are too similar and i mess them up and do the wrong one all the time. Not good when you're being tactical.


Nope, its Chunners all the way for me. Love her :heart:


Aha I can relate to that! Except for me, it's my love for Ken. He's so quick, powerful and his ultra move is tooooo gd! Just a week ago, he's be the only character I use.....I tried others but they just felt rubbish. But then I stumbled upon Sagat and I'm glad I've got a 2nd character I can effectively use. Sagat is awesome. But Ken will always be my first love! :heart:

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What happened to the tournament that was supposed to happen? or did it?


ha you know I forgot about that


I'd be willing to kick start that over summer. had a huge problem with xbl lag recently though, then I got RROD. I'm sorting that this week though so expect a bump soon.

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I just got this game recently. Bought a PS3 specifically for this game (and RE5), enjoying it immensely so far. I've unlocked everyone besides Seth, but that's because I dont have interest playing the game with certain characters yet.


My main characters are Chun Li, Guile and Ken/Ryu, basically the vets. Online so far has been VERY disappointing. I thought PS3 online was supposed to be better than the Wii online, but so far, it's not much different. I haven't played one match so far that had a green bar, 3 blocks of connection is the max, mostly one red block. Just yesterday I played about 5 online matches, lost all of them, due to horrid lag. Felt like SSBB online.


Maybe I should try again at a better time, since I was playing around 1AM, prolly connecting with people from the US or Asia instead of Europe. The game rocks though, can't wait to play against my mates :D


One question though, what's the Quick Match supposed to do? Every time I click on it, it searches for a few secs and there's no result. Does that mean nobody is in the lobby?

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I just got the game as well. Trust me the PS3 online is brilliant, I haven't even got a good connection and I've played Resistance and Killzone with no lag, and the online games I just had in this were fine (although I got whoop-assed just to see what I was up against.) The quick match for me, if you just keep retrying a game should show up after a couple of seconds after retrying. Just mash x and you'll get in a game.


I don't really know where to start with it though. Should I get good with one character or try and learn the various techniques? Cause I don't really have a clue what to do when fighting lol.

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I just got the game as well. Trust me the PS3 online is brilliant, I haven't even got a good connection and I've played Resistance and Killzone with no lag, and the online games I just had in this were fine (although I got whoop-assed just to see what I was up against.) The quick match for me, if you just keep retrying a game should show up after a couple of seconds after retrying. Just mash x and you'll get in a game.


I don't really know where to start with it though. Should I get good with one character or try and learn the various techniques? Cause I don't really have a clue what to do when fighting lol.


Go to the challenge mode, then trial (or vice versa. cant remember the option names). Will pretty much show you that characters main moves. Don't start with Chun li, your fingers will bleed.

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Lol I offered Matt_RN if he wanted to kick my ass online and he obliged. I did manage to win one round though with Ryu. Quite good cause I've barely touched it :)


It was a pleasure. Dont have the heart to tell him I was sandbagging.


As I said in the PSN message, don't be dis-heartened by that, I just have a lot of practice. I think you should definately main Ryu or one of the Shoto's though.

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oh man i'm missing this game! at uni right now and the xbox is at home....i guess its for the best as i've got exams nxt week!


regarding online, i play on the 360 and although i rarely get the full green bars, even if its yellow, the match is fine and playable without any lag. It was only like 1 in 10 matches that suffered slightly.

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So I've done a couple of trials with Ryu, am on the fourth one and I can already see I'm not going to get along with this game! It's just too difficult, in this video I can't do the 2:40 part, I managed to do 3 bits of the combo v.rarely after many efforts and I just can't see me doing it. This isn't even that hard a combo in terms of ST4...


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Yesterday I played in the afternoon, around 4-5PM, fortunately this time I got better matches. Barely any lag, really happy about that. It also meant I got really test my skills online and I did a whole lot better than the day before.

My defensive game is also a lot better now, so my game is a more controlled instead of going all out on the offense. Still, need to spend a lot more time honing my skills.


As for the trials, I've started with Chun Li's trials, as she's my main character at the moment. Im on the very last one one hard, hope i make it through soon. My thumbs start to hurt! Haha

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Just treated myself to this bad boy, I think I need to raise my game a bit now. I sometimes miss combo-ing into Ultra's and other silly mistakes with the PS3 pad. I was gonna get a stick but not really willing to fork out the £250 for the TE. Maybe in time.....



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Hi guys,


There is a nice free online SF4 tournament with prizes over at ReflexGT.com:


Street Fighter IV (Xbox 360) 1v1

1st: XBL 2100 MS Points

2nd: XBL 800 MS Points


There are more tournaments for the ones interested:

FIFA 09 (Xbox 360) 1v1

1st: XBL 12+1 Month Card

2nd: XBL 2100 MS Points


Guitar Hero World Tour (Xbox 360) 1v1

1st: XBL 2100 MS Points

2nd: XBL 800 MS Points


Halo 3 (Xbox 360) 2v2

1st: 2x XBL 12+1 Month Card

2nd: 2x XBL 2100 MS Points


Halo Wars (Xbox 360) 1v1

1st: XBL 2100 MS Points

2nd: XBL 800 MS Points


Street Fighter IV (Xbox 360) 1v1

1st: XBL 2100 MS Points

2nd: XBL 800 MS Points


Btw, prizes are sponsored by the organizers (gamers) themselfs. They did it cause the thought there was a lack of free online tournaments with prizes on the interwebz...

Good luck guys. ;)

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