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Monster Hunter Tri


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To be fair Maase is great! Makes me laugh anyway.


Their shoukd be a random option, doesn't make sense not to; I personally wouldn't use it as I hate it; but I understand people really want it so they should incluide it.


This game sounds amazing, and I'm sure we'll all have loads of fun on it. Are we looking at an xmas 09 release?


Also, any news on this using wiispeak? Surely EVERY game should use that now?

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To be fair Maase is great! Makes me laugh anyway.


Their shoukd be a random option, doesn't make sense not to; I personally wouldn't use it as I hate it; but I understand people really want it so they should incluide it.


This game sounds amazing, and I'm sure we'll all have loads of fun on it. Are we looking at an xmas 09 release?


Also, any news on this using wiispeak? Surely EVERY game should use that now?


Theres was rumours/news on Neogaf or Gonintendo ( sorry cant remember which ) that the text system from MH on the PS2 is still intact. If this turns out to be true then at least keyboard support will be in the game.


As for a release date im not sure, if if does get a release over here then the end of next year is a fair guess. Capcom were asked about a US release and they gave this reply.


“We’ve made no announcements at this time [Monster Hunter 3 in North America]. The major MH announcement made for the West at TGS was that Freedom Unite was coming to the US next year.†- Christian Svensson, Corporate Officer/VP of Strategic Planning & Business Development


If Monster Hunter 3 does come to the states, it’s going to be awhile. I think that decision may be based on how Freedom Unite does when it hits here.


Heres some impressions from someone over at G-faqs.


Pretty much everyone was picking Lagi, the sea dragon, and they then give you 15 minutes to go toe-to-toe. The damage wasn't set to high and so few people got 3 deaths, but I didn't see any teams kill it either.


Controls are fine, actually. Even with the Classic controller news I reckon I'll probably stick with the remote, at least to start with. Unlike what you may have read in other threads you only swing (or flick upward, really) the remote when drawing your weapon, and the + button puts it away again. After that A Button is attack, and you change the type of swing or create combos simply by tilting the controller to the left or right when pressing A. There is no wild remote swinging or anything like that, and to be honest if this is what they ended up doing with the "wonderful control system" that drew Capcom to the Wii then I can't see why they bothered - although I'm more than happy they didn't go the whole hog.


The game is just Monster Hunter, through and through. I only noticed a few minor system and item changes - the biggest being when selecting an item a little icon appears above your character's head showing what you currently have selected, meaning you can keep your eyes on the action. Yes, that's the biggest change. The change of camera control from movement hand to attack hand messed me up a little as I love to adjust the camera when attacking, but this can't be helped as when swimming going up or down is performed by pointing the camera in the direction you want to go, so you need to be able to move character and camera at the same time.


Oxygen is handled by a very forgiving, long lasting bar which can also be refilled underwater using a new "Oxygen Tablet" item. The swimming was fine, although as it said in the translated interview you need to get accustomed to the depth issues, and it is going to be tough to do massive or sustained damage underwater, at least to start with. Perhaps the greatest feeling in the demo was when you first run toward the water, though, and rather than just stop at the edge instead you dive in ^-^


Lagi himself, unfortunately, chose to stay underwater for the entire time we fought him and so I didn't get any land combat. Lagi is based on the Black Dragon, when on land he has the forward double bite attack with pretty much identical animation, after that all his attacks are alterations or totally new. He's an electric based enemy, too, charging the water with electricty and spitting thunderballs when on land. Damage to his chest and cutting off his tail where both confirmed in the demo. He seems pretty cool, and is very different when on land and underwater.


I used a SnS, looks like its combos have been switched around a little but as I said, I didn't get much onland fighting. Most people used the GS, which I think might be fun as you need to tilt the controller after each attack to maintain the infinite combo. It also has a new combo of just pressing the A three times, ending in a chargable overhead slash.


Yes, so the new movements look nice, but in the video footage Reia is acting pretty much exactly as she used to, the new bird enemy has the Kukku "hopping mad" angry animation and then seeing Ragi pull some black dragon moves, hummmm. There is little evidence for the massive overhaul that has been suggested, but at only 33% I'm pretty amazed they put a demo out at all. With no release date annouced yet they'll be pushing it to get it out before the next TGS ^-^


I thought Lagi would fight just like Fatalis just by its movements in the videos, looks like I was right :) Im glad they havent changed the attack patterns much when it comes to the old monsters, means seasoned hunters like myself can charge straight into battle and know when to dodge/block/attack. I do hope that they slightly change Rathlos so that he stops sodding off to various areas, he gets very annoying to fight.

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To be fair Maase is great! Makes me laugh anyway.


Their shoukd be a random option, doesn't make sense not to; I personally wouldn't use it as I hate it; but I understand people really want it so they should incluide it.


This game sounds amazing, and I'm sure we'll all have loads of fun on it. Are we looking at an xmas 09 release?


Also, any news on this using wiispeak? Surely EVERY game should use that now?


I don't know if that was an insult or a compliment, but i say anyways:

Thanks, bro \m/

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I'm pretty sure one of the major reasons Capcom moved Monster Hunter to Wii was to try and get the game mega popular in the west.....or was that square enix with Dragon Quest?!?!


Well, capcom said that due to rising development costs tehy decided to make MH3 for the Wii instead of PS3 to help lower the costs...

Dragon quest had a spin-off on Wii, but the main series has moved to DS which is receiving remakes and spin-offs.


or was that atlus with Shin Megami Tensei 4/Persona games?


Right, they didn't but they should.

I believe that SMT4 is heading to PS2 still.....but I could be wrong.

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Well, capcom said that due to rising development costs tehy decided to make MH3 for the Wii instead of PS3 to help lower the costs...

Dragon quest had a spin-off on Wii, but the main series has moved to DS which is receiving remakes and spin-offs.



I believe that SMT4 is heading to PS2 still.....but I could be wrong.


Yeah, i didn't mean swords, I meant what s-e said about moving Dragon Quest 9 to DS, that they want to raise the profile of the series and thus put it on the biggest console.


Either way, I'm glad both games are heading to Nintendos consoles.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Eurogamer hands on.




Did anyone read the preview in this months ONM? It was so bad and it hardly told you anything. As a huge MH fan I was offended :)


It said that you kill monsters and then spend your money on new weapons and equipment, this isnt the case at all. You get just about all of your weapons etc from the carvings on monsters, sure you can buy a few items but they are very basic and you wont get far at all. Also they said you can swap your equipment etc with friends, again this isnt really the case. You can swap aload of tripe with mates but anything decent cant be swapped, this stops people that have just started become too powerful early on in the game.


This game had better get a release over here, Capcom have yet to say anything concrete about it coming over to us western devils.

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Did anyone read the preview in this months ONM? It was so bad and it hardly told you anything. As a huge MH fan I was offended :)


It said that you kill monsters and then spend your money on new weapons and equipment, this isnt the case at all. You get just about all of your weapons etc from the carvings on monsters, sure you can buy a few items but they are very basic and you wont get far at all. Also they said you can swap your equipment etc with friends, again this isnt really the case. You can swap aload of tripe with mates but anything decent cant be swapped, this stops people that have just started become too powerful early on in the game.



I know. Their preview of The Conduit in the same issue was equally laughable. Basically, they said they don't understand why it's been hyped to "silly levels", especially considering High Voltage Software's previous games. Talk about completely missing the beat. They also made out the only reason people are interested in it is because it looks good.


I've cancelled my subscription anyway; I just don't get anything out of the magazine anymore - even their reviews are questionable.


Having said that, my last issue will be the next, and I am looking forward to a possible first review of CoD Wii... I must know about the online!

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Hero, are you going to import it, or just hope it gets released over here?


If its only a Japanese release then im not going to bother. I tried playing Monster Hunter Freedom on the PSP when it first came out in Japan and I spent more time looking on the internet than playing the game :)


If it gets a US release depending on how the online works then yeah I will probably import that version.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good News Everyone! From Gamefront.


PAL-Termine von Capcom


10.11.08 - Capcom hat neue Erscheinungstermine für Europa bekanntgegeben.


- 12.11.08: Super Street Fighter II Turbo Pinball FX (Xbox 360)

- Winter 2008: Flock (Xbox 360, PS3)

- Winter 2008: Neopets Puzzle Adventure (Wii, NDS)

- Februar/März 2009: Street Fighter IV (Xbox 360, PS3)

- 13.03.09: Resident Evil 5 (Xbox 360, PS3)

- Winter 2009: Bionic Commando (Xbox 360, PS3)

- Winter 2009: Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop (Wii) [wohl nicht in Dtld.]

- Frühjahr 2009: Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (PSP)

- TBA: Dark Void (Xbox 360, PS3)

- TBA: Age of Booty (Xbox 360, PS3)

- TBA: Capcom Puzzle World (PSP)

- TBA: Monster Hunter 3 (Wii)


Now we can't be dissapointed.

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Good News Everyone! From Gamefront.




Now we can't be dissapointed.


Really? Really?! Just because an awesome looking game is currently slated to be available at some point doesn't mean it will be awesome (ignore that though, MH3 will be awesome), and it doesn't mean that the game will be released.


Examples, The Capcom 5 one was cancelled and one sucked. Sin and Punishment, it was slated for a US release but never was(until VC).


I'm not trying to sound pesimistic, but to say you can't be disappointed is lying to yourself.

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Really? Really?! Just because an awesome looking game is currently slated to be available at some point doesn't mean it will be awesome (ignore that though, MH3 will be awesome), and it doesn't mean that the game will be released.


Examples, The Capcom 5 one was cancelled and one sucked. Sin and Punishment, it was slated for a US release but never was(until VC).


I'm not trying to sound pesimistic, but to say you can't be disappointed is lying to yourself.


Really Really.


That was all ages ago when there was still a load of games not getting a release outside of Japan, now just about every game is and if they say a game will get an outside of Japan release, it'll get one. It's hardly lying to yourself if you know what's going on and what you should expect.

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No Capcom 5 game sucked! You take that back! PN03 is under appreciated!


Okay I'm sorry, it was fun and good graphically, but more repetition than Assassins Creed.


Really Really.


That was all ages ago when there was still a load of games not getting a release outside of Japan, now just about every game is and if they say a game will get an outside of Japan release, it'll get one. It's hardly lying to yourself if you know what's going on and what you should expect.


You kinda missed what I meant, I don't doubt the aweomeness of MH3 or the fact that it will release, but there is an old saying "Shit Happens". To say that "you can't be disappointed" as if it's entirely impossible for something to happen to stop the release or break the game.


Ok......I'm just acting like jerk though I think. I'll stop and go play some TF2 instead.

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Good News Everyone! From Gamefront.




Now we can't be dissapointed.


Exactly the opposite, now that we have a "Release confirmed", if we actually don't get it, not only i'l be disappointed as i'l kill you :mad:

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  • 1 month later...

Ive just read this on GoNintendo. OUT-FREAKING-STANDING!


As far as I know, this is a feature that was in the previous Monster Hunter game, but will supposedly be expanded upon for the release of Monster Hunter 3. Word has it that the Monster Hunter 3 feature will allow you to record some of your battles. After that, you can upload these videos to Capcom servers. From there on out, other people can play the battles, and view them from multiple angles. Thanks to GoldenGun for the heads up!

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