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Thanks for playing kav, Zechs and Godrick. Massive echo from someone's mic, I think it was you Zechs...


HR37 now.


That's odd, as me and Kav play all the time and never get that... but who knows! Level 37 is awesome. I'm still level 28 or 29. So close to joining the big league!

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I certainly do have to thank everyone for the games we have on this. Monster Hunter has quickly become one of my all time favourite games and I must say, it's mainly thanks to the community with you guys. Thank you!


I reckon I might well make HR40 tomorrow, only 900 from HR39 so a decent session should see me through!

Can't wait until you're HR31 Zechs, that should take no time to get to either.

I certainly do have to thank everyone for the games we have on this. Monster Hunter has quickly become one of my all time favourite games and I must say, it's mainly thanks to the community with you guys. Thank you!


I reckon I might well make HR40 tomorrow, only 900 from HR39 so a decent session should see me through!

Can't wait until you're HR31 Zechs, that should take no time to get to either.


This is what i've been saying for years and its great to see other people finally experiencing what I did when the first MH game arrived on the PS2. For me it truely is the ultimate online game, especially when you think that most games now push competitive game types, while this demands you work as a team.


I finally got a Lagi sapphire yesterday! I've been after one for AGES now, think i've killed about 15 Lagi+ in the last 2 days to finally get one. It was so annoying though because everyone who I was questing with was getting them. The tables turned though because my mates were after a Fearsome Maw and a Uragaan Ruby and I kept getting them while they kept walking away empty handed. :D


Its the age old rule of MH games, never go after a certain item or you will spend an eternity trying to get it. :)


Hows this for sods law. I was playing with randoms this morning, just doing a few quests before I got ready for work and they wanted to do Lagi+. We did the quest and in the rewards I got 3 sapphires and 2 plates!!! I couldn't believe it. Everyone in the quest got a great haul aswell, so everyone was happy.


You see, I didn't want the sapphires and BAM I got them. :D

Hows this for sods law. I was playing with randoms this morning, just doing a few quests before I got ready for work and they wanted to do Lagi+. We did the quest and in the rewards I got 3 sapphires and 2 plates!!! I couldn't believe it. Everyone in the quest got a great haul aswell, so everyone was happy.


You see, I didn't want the sapphires and BAM I got them. :D


Haha, that is absolutely brilliant! I'm looking forward to hunting this weekend.

Greetings fellas, remember me? No? Damn it.


Hey, good to see you again Hellfire! I'm not on here that much these days, but dang, I miss your passionate posts. You know, in a manly way.

Posted (edited)

Need help guys, this is for the people who completed the offline story mode. Got some trouble, sorry for the (possible) spoilers i refuses to put the text in a spoiler tag:nono:


Im at the last boss in the game: ceadeus, but evrytime i get him all the way to the end of area 2 im getting the message ""You Failed To Route The Elder Dragon" and quest is failed... What causes this problem? is he not damaged enough? or do i need to swim super fast after him or is that not required?

Edited by marcel

You just need to do enough damage to him then he will bust through the wall and you can go after him. If you can try getting the Fake Feylne mask for your Cha-Cha. He will constantly throw bombs at Ceadeus and should help you do the damage you require.

Posted (edited)

if anyone is playing tonight or tomorrow afternoon and is rank 39 or above, will you please be able to help me with my urgent quest to kill rathian and rathalos at same time? ive tried with randoms but they keep dying and its annoying now XD.




Thanks for playing kav, Zechs and Godrick. Massive echo from someone's mic, I think it was you Zechs...


HR37 now.


was good playing with you guys had fun. if you ever need help on anything just give us a shout XD

Edited by Doncartel
Automerged Doublepost
The HR needed for participation is lower, 35.


I have the same quest to complete as well. Actually have done it once before with strangers, went fine.


Edit: HR40. Put up a recru city for the urgent and...got guys with HR39, HR53 and HR75. Went somewhat faster. For the rest, joined some randoms and had fun times grinding Jhen, which has to be one of my favourite fights in the game. Even ventured to attack his leg in the second phase, first time doing that :D


finally did that urgent quest thanks to Deathjam for helping me on that one, rathalos is so annoying on hard mode especially wen hes in the same place of rathian, but thanks to some good team work its was easy and fun.

Not looking forward to fighting Uragaan and diablos on hard though ¬_¬


Diablos is the one monster that I really don't like fighting! Although at the same time I do like fighting it... if you know what I mean?

Although I'm yet to fight Deviljho and Alatreon.

Posted (edited)
Diablos is the one monster that I really don't like fighting! Although at the same time I do like fighting it... if you know what I mean?

Although I'm yet to fight Deviljho and Alatreon.


I have been owned by 'jho a few times when he interrupts fights, but then that doesn't count does it. OH and man do I hate Barioth. I hate him SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much. Traps are a must. Everyone should take two to make that boss fight as painless as possible.


Also, I really dont understand why people enjoy that Jhen Mohran boss battle. Personally I find it mildly interesting at best, but just a bit too long.

Edited by Deathjam
Diablos is the one monster that I really don't like fighting! Although at the same time I do like fighting it... if you know what I mean?

Although I'm yet to fight Deviljho and Alatreon.


Alatreon is a nightmare when you first fight him and you wonder if you will ever beat him. Once you learn his attacks and get a decent team together he's a pushover. Ive killed him 17 times and im now sporting his armour.


Also, I really dont understand why people enjoy that Jhen Mohran boss battle. Personally I find it mildly interesting at best, but just a bit too long.


Jhen is more enjoyable if you attack his back and legs with your weapon.

Alatreon... he's a pushover. Ive killed him 17 times and im now sporting his armour...


To be fair though HoT, you are God on this game! Haha


I'm looking forward to doing some higher rank quests, I've been helping people rank up recently and I've not done too much 4 star and above questing yet... I'm itching to get some "+" armor sets and upgrade my weapons further.

To be fair though HoT, you are God on this game! Haha


I'm looking forward to doing some higher rank quests, I've been helping people rank up recently and I've not done too much 4 star and above questing yet... I'm itching to get some "+" armor sets and upgrade my weapons further.


Having Rathian+ with HG earplugs is awesome for two reasons


1. The extra HP means that when you eat, you can focus on getting stamina and attack/defence. Getting one shot is a thing of the past (depends who you're fighting of course)


2. The main reason, HG earplugs. My god are they awesome. Monster Roars freezing you in place? Nah can't hear a thing. Keep attacking and knock the boss over. Works very well with my switch axe allowing me to get in more hits and paralyze the sucker.


Just made my first hammer, and man are they fun to use. Knocked out a great baggi that Godrick and I caught in a trap. Twas hilarious seeing him thrash about like crazy, then just stop all of a sudden. More people need to use this weapon too!


I haven't watched a ZP video in ages, but that's because I've just stopped watching nerd-comedy videos.


The guy isn't a critic, he's an internet clown. They're not reviews, they're comedy flash videos that belong on Newgrounds.

Posted (edited)
I haven't watched a ZP video in ages, but that's because I've just stopped watching nerd-comedy videos.


The guy isn't a critic, he's an internet clown. They're not reviews, they're comedy flash videos that belong on Newgrounds.


TO be honest, I still love his reviews, he has the balls to say whats wrong with a game unlike 99.9% of gaming reviewers who never mention the flaws within the game which does come to my point of his review of MH3.


It's perhaps the worst one he has ever done. No it's not because I love MH3, I have loved many games and still find his reviews to be spot on with the faults and I have a good laugh. But this time...he didn't even get to the great Jaggi, it's like he was playing Mario Bros, gets halfway through 1-1 and then stops.


Too see him more talking about the cover, the title and the opening cutscene obviously shows he only played it for like 45 minutes.


Like I said, I love most of his reviews, even the ones I love that he reviews, but for once I am upset that he did really bugger all with this one.


(I mean he could have mentioned how all the monsters are weak only to fight the first boss and the difficulty hits the roof)


EDIT: To be honest, I am surprised he even reviewed this game, I really thought he would have done RDR or Alan Wake

Edited by killer kirby
Monster Hunter Tri be £22.85 at ShopTo.net


That's a crazy price for the game. Totally worth a purchase at that price if folk haven't bothered picking it up yet. Didn't see a discount for this quite so soon.

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