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Gordon Brown: No Election


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Ok, *looks it up*


it means 'without leadership' doesn't it?


Well, that's just communsim


A simple Google would have given you "a state of lawlessness and disorder".


Meaning basically that for whatever reason the Government has failed and the people are running riot. Gangs will quickly build up, there will be widespread looting, the streets won't be safe etc etc.


Nothing to do with, or even similar to communism at all.

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I support Labour and am a New Labour Blairite guy voting wise. Brown secrewed up unfortunatly this weekend. He should have either said no election before the tory conference or challenged cameron to an election. But thats with hindsight and the time he has brought himself he could get it back maybe.


As for anarchy no way in hell its ever ever going to happen in this country unless there was a nuclear war or something. We have so many systems going on economically and socially that it cant happen and would be a disaster if it did the death toll that would occur once centralised systems were all shut down would be mental and basically it would turn into might = right which is something that would again be horrible. If you can point me to a true anarchy system in history thats worked rokhed I will be happy to see it. As lots of bad things happen by the nature of having a government but anarchy is just no good I would say, much like communism has nice ideas (and has to be said some not so nice ones) but turns to shit.


That's because women vote more selfishly than men in general, and politicians know this. I've never voted, and never will until they offer something I want.




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UK please try and act informed. =]


I for one like the conservatives at the moment. My parents vote for them, and we talk about what the party are doing often. I personally love them for the inheritance tax being raised proposal. I think the whole idea is fucking shit.


I don't think Gordon Brown is that bad but would have preferred him to call an election tbh.

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Ummm. No. He has 5 years from 2005 to call an Election.


Indeed, however if you look at recent successes and recent failures, all those who were re-electe called the election much earlier than the full 5 year term allowed. The last two disaster cases were Jim Callahagn (Labour) who virtually led the country to ruin and was left it very late and was thrashed by Thatcher, and later John Major who was soundly beaten by Blair. Both Callahagn and Major ran their full term.


'Communism- the vision that everyone is equal'


Ok, but I'll bet anarchy would fail just like communism did.


It isn't possible to govern ourselves.


Communism is the sickest lie and most epulsive ideology out there. The idea that everyone is equal is the talk of fools.


Nice if we got a PM who did something about the biased laws against men.



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The irony of somebody who talks the most shit out of anybody on this site saying that to me is classic lol. Please, stop trying to involve me in your mid-life crisis buddie. Go get a dog to talk too or something.


Don't be so touchy, I was talking about UK.

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