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One thing I find annoying about Crysis is that I shoot enemies a gazillion times from far away and it hits them, but they don't freaking die! And the hit zones seem to be a little off. Asides from that I'm loving it. Most publishers say "this FPS will give you the choice between stealth or action", but they don't. This one actually does. The freedom of choice is really cool.

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In the PC version of Kane & Lynch Dead men is it possible to play co-op via lan in it?


I don't think so, in a review of PC Gamer, they said that you need to use a 360 gamepad to get co-op to work. Also, I think it's split-screen only. They said it wasn't that good either, it only got 60% :/

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when does assasin's arrive on the pc? i need that game :)


February. Shopto.net are selling it for £20




Wasn't expecting that, thought it was out next week? Bloody hell, i ain't ordered my new keyboard and mouse yet...


Roll on tomorrow!!!!!!!

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Oohoo, know it may seem feeble. But i just played CSS and HL2 on my new PC. With everything on high. Smooth as a baby's arse :D

I'm in love.


Hahaha when you finally hit it on max, it's so much fun. I remember struggling to get a good frame rate on medium/low settings, those were hard days :P


But I kinda take it for granted that I can run Source games on full settings now for some reason.

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Untill you can run it at a really high resolution with 16X CSAA, very high texture settings and full HDR... you can't say its max settings.


God i wish i could run Crysis that well..

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The final game was apparently pretty good, but the demo was so bad it put a lot of people off. Kinda like UT3 i suppose (im still undecided about the final game, im not sure Warfare is really and improvement over Onslaught and the UI sucks)

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I've been playing UT3 quite a bit, and the single-player is pretty cool. And it gets better the more you play. However, it just feels so out of place in a UT game. Epic should have just stuck with UT2k4's 'sports' style. Multi-player is awesome though, and I can't wait for user made mods/maps. The patch should be out soon too, it's already being beta tested. ^^


Also, whilst I am getting Crysis after Christmas, I'm still interested in seeing what the aliens look like in the last few levels of the game. Anyone got any screenshots? The devs said that they were going to be really scary, but I've heard no mention of this, yet.

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So i tried the ET: QW Demo, i can see why nobody's interested after that. God it just plays terribly, i'd rather only be able to play the old Enemy Territory (wolfenstein) for the rest of my life than play this game.


Also, i'm about to check out the hellgate london demo.#


EDIT: not too bad, can't decide if i'll get the game or not though. Might have to re-play it.

Seriously interested in picking up The Witcher though.

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