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Anyone caught this BBC "copy" of Deal Or No Deal?


I can see the similarities with Deal, but it's more refreshing in the sense that there's new people every time as opposed to the same old boxes [and one person replacing the former contestant].


Donny Osmond gets me moist and I love the way his accent says identity when he poses the master question. The only pisstake is the massive pause they have.





What is it about?


Deal or no Deal have been on TV over here too, and I think it sucks. I'm tired of these random luck and money prize shows.

  Tales said:
What is it about?


Deal or no Deal have been on TV over here too, and I think it sucks. I'm tired of these random luck and money prize shows.


You have 12 people, dubbed Strangers. And 12 "Identities" which range from their former/current job to something they once did, today had the example of getting 4 A's at A level. The contestant has to match the Stranger to the Identity to climb up the "money ladder". Some are obvious, for example there was a Drag Queen, one of the Stranger's was in full drag. Some have subtle clues.


You get 3 "lifelines". Mistaken Identity is basically your first mistake means fuck all. Tridentity basically narrows your choice for one Identity to 3 Strangers. Then Ask The Experts, 3 people who offer their advice/opinions on who your current Identity is.


A show like that is going to start tomorrow here, called "Who is who". You're supposed to find out what their jobs are, like waitress or belly dancer, by looking at them(I guess they do other things too). I'm going to watch it, it looks like a lot more fun.

  Tales said:
A show like that is going to start tomorrow here, called "Who is who". You're supposed to find out what their jobs are, like waitress or belly dancer, by looking at them(I guess they do other things too). I'm going to watch it, it looks like a lot more fun.


That's probably the same program/concept under a different company, sounds exactly the same.


This program is awesome. A million times better than the crap that is Deal or No Deal. I love when Donny says "Is That Your Identity?". The pause is unnecessarily long though.


I haven't seen this, might keep an eye out for it though. I used to love Deal or No Deal, but it just got way too repetitive. Plus all the chanting and "think positive thoughts" got way too cheesy.


I havent watched a whole show, but it is a good concept. If only it was a 20-30mins show. I have gone off TV show's which drag on like Deal or No Deal and Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, so don't tend to bother with them much nowadays. Donny Osmond's voice is slightly annoying too!


I actually think this is the best gameshow I've seen in ages. The Japanese photographer I found hilarious as it looked like he was about to throw something at the contestant.

  hobbzinio said:
So you like it cos somebody from Japan was on it? LOL you guys take obsession with all things Japanese to the next level...


This show is shit, just like every other quiz show on TV at the minute.


Deal or No Deal > This mess


Yeah because that's exactly what I said. :confused: I said it was a Japanese photographer and he looked like he was about to throw something at a contestant. Get your facts right.


I hate golf. I always have. I imported Mario Golf Toadstool Tour on a whim and I'm glad I did because it's fucking awesome. However normal golf just bores me silly.


Why have they removed Identity to make way for this golf shizzle.

I hate golf. I always have. I imported Mario Golf Toadstool Tour on a whim and I'm glad I did because it's fucking awesome. However normal golf just bores me silly.


Why have they removed Identity to make way for this golf shizzle.


Because golf is great. Well actually I love playing it but it bores me stiff to watch it.


  hobbzinio said:
So you like it cos somebody from Japan was on it? LOL you guys take obsession with all things Japanese to the next level...


That reminded me of the retard (can't remember who) who said that DarkCloud thought he was cool 'cos he was with a japanese person.

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