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I'm furious at Nintendo AS A PUBLISHER...

Dilli Gee

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I know, that's what I was saying (or meant to say, I don't get my point across well sometimes) It's like toast and butter, spread it out and the taste is better for longer.


So then would Q4 hurt Wii sales in the end? They should have gave us one of those killers just before summer and one just after Sonic and use Galaxy and Sonic & Mario at the Olympics as Christmas contenders and Pokemon Battle Revolution as the cash-in. Then the no 'gamers' game argument would have been nullified. Too much, too soon.

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So then would Q4 hurt Wii sales in the end? They should have gave us one of those killers just before summer and one just after Sonic. Too much, too soon.


No cause at that point it's been out a year and alot of games get bought at Christmas time. Also it's the right time of year for them games to come out and sell well. It's the hardcore gamers time to get games then.

I don't understand what you're saying? You wanted the games earlier but then you say "too much, too soon"?

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No cause at that point it's been out a year and alot of games get bought at Christmas time. Also it's the right time of year for them games to come out and sell well. It's the hardcore gamers time to get games then.

I don't understand what you're saying? You wanted the games earlier but then you say "too much, too soon"?


Too much, too soon as in AAA games are too bunched together this season. Look, games were still selling well during Spring and summer and at this time, Wii sales were still on the up. It fair to say Super Paper Mario would have sold better at a time where other AAA titles weren't coming out mere weeks later.

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So then would Q4 hurt Wii sales in the end? They should have gave us one of those killers just before summer and one just after Sonic and use Galaxy and Sonic & Mario at the Olympics as Christmas contenders and Pokemon Battle Revolution as the cash-in. Then the no 'gamers' game argument would have been nullified. Too much, too soon.


They can't just magic them forward in time and rush them, they just need to be sapced out well from when they are ready. I agree avout Super Paper Mario being a little close to other games, but I feel that wouldn't have got as much attention as the others anyway.


In Europe we'll see Metroid and Mario before Christmas, that's plenty. We'll be seeing Battalion Wars, Smash Bros next year which gives me loads to look forward to without even mentioning Mario Kart!

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We're always quick to note this is just Wii's first year...But they offer some shortcomings when compared with others. One example can be demos; it wouldn't hurt to try out a few hotly anticipated games Nintendo, but their still slacking in this department. The ps3 is already offering demos in its magazines! whats Nintendo's excuse? All we get are preview vids, nice, but I still can't actually play the game. Its this conservatism that really annoys me.


That all depends on the way games are developed, most games are developed around story, so the game is basically nearly finished up to the part where the demo is released while Nintendo has said several times that their games are developed in a way that if they actually handed out demos, they would be horrible.

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Too much, too soon as in AAA games are too bunched together this season. Look, games were still selling well during Spring and summer and at this time, Wii sales were still on the up. It fair to say Super Paper Mario would have sold better at a time where other AAA titles weren't coming out mere weeks later.



I think SPM should have come out earlier but I don't think it would have affected the sales of it that much. Nintendo fans buy most Nintendo games regardless of when they come out. They may leave it till a little later to buy but I believe they will buy it eventually

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That all depends on the way games are developed, most games are developed around story, so the game is basically nearly finished up to the part where the demo is released while Nintendo has said several times that their games are developed in a way that if they actually handed out demos, they would be horrible.


Hmm...How about them requesting 3rd party developers? Ala Umbrella Chronicles.

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I think SPM should have come out earlier but I don't think it would have affected the sales of it that much. Nintendo fans buy most Nintendo games regardless of when they come out. They may leave it till a little later to buy but I believe they will buy it eventually


Yes, but that does not everyone will buy these Q4 games in time for christmas hence these titles will still affect 2008 sales.

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That all depends on the way games are developed, most games are developed around story, so the game is basically nearly finished up to the part where the demo is released while Nintendo has said several times that their games are developed in a way that if they actually handed out demos, they would be horrible.


The quality of story in the majority begs to differ with your point. Games are built around mechanics first and foremost, it's the most impotant part of games. Like someone on 1 up Yours has said:


Good gameplay + good story = Great game


Good gameplay + bad story = Good game (alot of times can equil great game ie. Ninja Gaiden)


Bad gameplay + good story = bad game

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In Europe we'll see Metroid and Mario before Christmas, that's plenty. We'll be seeing Battalion Wars, Smash Bros next year which gives me loads to look forward to without even mentioning Mario Kart!


But you just did :p


The next year is a good one for games though. Alot of top quality games, for all platforms.

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But you just did :p


The next year is a good one for games though. Alot of top quality games, for all platforms.



Your positivity is ruining this thread :wink:


Seriously though there are some good time ahead for us all. I think, from this Christmas onwards, we're finally starting to see the true power of next gen in terms visuals and scope and the new gen of the Wii is going to further continue to show more people games aren't just kiddy play things and produce new experiences for us old time gamers

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How are the Wii's sales dropping? Also how many Wiis are selling worldwide in a week? Must be at least 300 000. So that means out of every 10 people buying the system only one of those people is buying Zelda with the purchase of the system. The means Zelda is no longer a killer app and it means the Wii is selling predominantly to people who aren't hardcore gamers. (Although we already knew that last bit, just trying to prove a point)


That's a pretty nieve view, the Wii is selling about 225000 a week worldwide but it's obviously changing all the time. Wii Sales are dropping, cause well, they're less then they used to be, yeah they're still very high but they have decreased over the summer (as summer tends to do to video games).


Zelda is still very much a killer app, in America it sells 1/5 of the amount of hardware sales, but you've got to remember hardcore gamers do have many other games to opt for instead now (Super Paper Mario, Metroid, Mario strikers, Resi Evil 4 etc) and a proportion of them may have bought it for Gamecube, or just don't like Zelda at all.


If Wii Fit isn't coming out in 2007 outside Japan, I do wonder what Nintendo's killer software for the casual market this Christmas is going to be, cause Wii Sports must be getting old by now. Mind you, they're not really competiting with anyone for that market.


Yes it has been selling off of hype and waggle for 11 months. That's what the anti-nintendo people said in the beggining (for DS too) and some people still believe it's true. Well, you believe what you want too if it helps you sleep at night.


Wah? It is, I didn't say it's a bad thing. I know two people at my school who bought it for Wii Sports, and then got Harry Potter and Pirate of the Carribean to go with it. They're Girls, but that is part of the market the Wii is selling too.


It wasn't malicious, just how it is :/.

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The quality of story in the majority begs to differ with your point. Games are built around mechanics first and foremost, it's the most impotant part of games. Like someone on 1 up Yours has said:


Good gameplay + good story = Great game


Good gameplay + bad story = Good game (alot of times can equil great game ie. Ninja Gaiden)


Bad gameplay + good story = bad game


Um... there's seems to be a serious miscommunication problem between us, when did I say anything about that?


And good gameplay+bad story can be a great game A LOT of times-

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Too much, too soon as in AAA games are too bunched together this season. Look, games were still selling well during Spring and summer and at this time, Wii sales were still on the up. It fair to say Super Paper Mario would have sold better at a time where other AAA titles weren't coming out mere weeks later.

It's still 5 weeks between Super Paper Mario and the next AAA game, Metroid (4 weeks until Phantom Hourglass).


I agree the line up has been organised badly, with about 5 months or nothing and then 3 months crammed with game after game, but then it could just be the games weren't ready for earlier releases I guess. No third parties had their games ready for summer (most won't be ready until 2008) and Nintendo didn't seem to have alot for Europe, although in America and Japan it didn't seem as bad, grr.


I'm more concerned that Zack and Wiki, RE:UC, Super Mario Galaxy, Dragon Blade and MArio Sonic Olympics are all scheduled within 3 weeks of each other :/.

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Why??? The people who are buying Wiis to play WiiSports and have it in the living room for the family to play aren't gonna suddenly go 'wow, look at this game with just gun killing things, lets get that instead'. Like Iwata has said numerous occasions the Wii isn't competing with the PS3 and 360. There is a multitude of evidence out there to prove this point.


Wii sales will go at there own pace and will not be affected by the other two consoles




There is more hype forHalo 3 because it is 3 away, whereas Galaxy is more like 10. Also I think people will have the sense, when they see Galaxy with a single character on screen, to know it is not a party game. Nintend needs an advert the points out SMB, SMB 2, SMB3, SMW, Mario 64 and points to Galaxy being the next in this line of games. There is so much recognition out there for Mario platformer, that Galaxy could sell to a wide audience.


But I am not Nostrodamus, I'm just summising : peace:


Yep tha's what i'm saying they will need to show it's the next real deal. but halo has the potential to effect the wii sales.. if only from the hardcore gamers.. hmm i want a new games consoles. oh look the 360 is almost the same price as wii and LOOK HALO 3.. etc


Wii has the highest attach rate for a reason, it still sells lots of software. You have Wii Sports and Dragon Quest swords for example. And you talk like there are no other good games for Wii when there are lots.





i know the wii has some great games but besides zelda there really isn't any other game that makes people buy a wii.. at least from the hardcore crowd... but the casual and non gamer crowd will only buy the wii for what it does.... and that's is the motion sensing... some buy it JUST for wii sports and maybe brain academy.:)

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i know the wii has some great games but besides zelda there really isn't any other game that makes people buy a wii.. at least from the hardcore crowd... but the casual and non gamer crowd will only buy the wii for what it does.... and that's is the motion sensing... some buy it JUST for wii sports and maybe brain academy.:)

What the hell is the hardcore crowd? I hate that term. lol

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man if i have to explain that ONE more time :).


I mean the crowd like US.. You know the experienced gamers I guess.


12-year-old boys who like nothing but FPS games.


i like to think that's casual actually. People who know nothing about games and will probably buy a game based on a well known franchise or the look of a box.

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man if i have to explain that ONE more time :).


I mean the crowd like US.. You know the experienced gamers I guess.




i like to think that's casual actually. People who know nothing about games and will probably buy a game based on a well known franchise or the look of a box.


Those WERE the casual, now casuals are people that like brain trainings an whatnot.

Also, yeah I consider myself "hardcore", but a "hardcore gamer" doesn't need to like only epic games and whatnot, if a game is good and fun, that's "hardcore" enough for me.

It seems that nowadays most people just want epic, huge games and that annoys me.

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Those WERE the casual, now casuals are people that like brain trainings an whatnot.

Also, yeah I consider myself "hardcore", but a "hardcore gamer" doesn't need to like only epic games and whatnot, if a game is good and fun, that's "hardcore" enough for me.

It seems that nowadays most people just want epic, huge games and that annoys me.


well i call them non-gamers rather than casuals... Don't know really.

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I made the ultimate definition of a hardcore gamer on this place a while ago, you should all use that from now on to avoid confusion.


I've never understood while people are offended by the term, I mean I could just refer to all of us on this forum as geeks instead if that helps?

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