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I already did leave.


An admin has a position of responsibility. It isn't right to go looking into someone's personal messages even if they have been banned and especially out of sheer curioisity. That's wrong, even if there are no rules officially stating it is.


If you think an admin isn't responsible then you leave and forget about it, you don't come back and whine about it because that's pointless and a waste of time. The admin has supreme power.

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In my personal opinion, although I myself have no private messages, if I did I wouldnt like them being looked at. Sure you say you wouldnt look at a users PM's who arent banned, but even if they are banned the content of their accounts should simply be deleted if they are not coming back. Its still private after all.


But most people should know if you want to keep something truely private, use other means like instant messengers and just use the PM system to share their emails.

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You say people who have been banned won't ever get back in?


Why am I here? I've been banned before...


EDIT: Also, seeing as this forum is attached to a website with commercial interest, As in owned by a company that probably does have it's own policy, why are you admitting it publicly that you've gone through a banned users PM box :/

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You say people who have been banned won't ever get back in?


Why am I here? I've been banned before...


EDIT: Also, seeing as this forum is attached to a website with commercial interest, As in owned by a company that probably does have it's own policy, why are you admitting it publicly that you've gone through a banned users PM box :/


This is what I'm getting at. I just wasn't smart enough to post it.


Thanks, Twozzok.

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I took that too literal then, my bad. But if The ganondorf or whatever is permanently banned, all the content on his account should of simply been deleted.


Aye, I've always wondered why they "keep" the account. Possibly if you delete the account all posts/thread get removed with it (which wouldn't be a bad thing for TG). Can you totally remove an account?

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Aye, I've always wondered why they "keep" the account. Possibly if you delete the account all posts/thread get removed with it (which wouldn't be a bad thing for TG). Can you totally remove an account?


Hmm thats a good point, every time a member would get banned the entire forum would shift back in posts, which would be kinda troublesome seeing as some people here have posts in the thousands.


I've also noticed on other forums when users get banned you can still view their profile if you find one of their posts prior to the ban, in which you can obtain information like their email which they may want disclosed after being banned.


Oh well, still, I'm very much against the invasion of privacy any one here could encounter when they are banned.

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This is what I'm getting at. I just wasn't smart enough to post it.


Thanks, Twozzok.


Are you the 3rd children back again? How ironic that you're posting in a thread like this. Also, to the fresh imposter, your avatar ccould be seen as offensive.


Also, who was it that was banned yesterday?

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Geez you lot are a big bunch of -


I'll leave that sentence there but lets put it this way.


Everyone was quite willing to criticse, belittle, insult, bully and threaten TG. Let he without sin. *


As far as deleting, all accounts of someone can be erased, we did it with Booker, but it can be useful for us to have records and evidence, and something to compare to in a suspicious circumstance.


And Dynamic IPs throw a spanner in banning IPs (which we do, but it doesn't always work)


and p.s. The4th isn't guy, its an impersonator.




* and as I've said elsewhere before now, it is my belief that if I need to know something nobody has privacy. I would only do it on a need to know basis but I have even looked through friend's phones and stuff if I needed something that I couldn't find by asking them. Looking at TGs was with the intent of seeing if he had correspondance with others and whether he caused trouble, or if any of you lot had contacted him with insulting messages. Granted, looking at some of them may have been for personal interest, but I need something in a place full of people willing to jump down my throat. So to sum up basically, fuck off.

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* and as I've said elsewhere before now, it is my belief that if I need to know something nobody has privacy. I would only do it on a need to know basis but I have even looked through friend's phones and stuff if I needed something that I couldn't find by asking them. Looking at TGs was with the intent of seeing if he had correspondance with others and whether he caused trouble, or if any of you lot had contacted him with insulting messages. Granted, looking at some of them may have been for personal interest, but I need something in a place full of people willing to jump down my throat. So to sum up basically, fuck off.


No, you fuck off. People have a perfectly legitimate complaint here.

Nobody has privacy if you need to know something? Who the hell made you god? Admin on a power trip there.




If you're looking through pm's, whether they are banned members or not, then perm ban me right now because I don't want to be on this forum.

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No, you fuck off. People have a perfectly legitimate complaint here.

Nobody has privacy if you need to know something? Who the hell made you god? Admin on a power trip there.




If you're looking through pm's, whether they are banned members or not, then perm ban me right now because I don't want to be on this forum.


Its not an admin power trip. Its a personal thing, which I do in the real world, like I said.


I have looked through one banned members PMs would people stop being so pissy. I'd say 90% of this forum has done something they shouldn't and you're all up on your high horse. Geez. Get a grip.

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Its not an admin power trip. Its a personal thing, which I do in the real world, like I said.


I have looked through one banned members PMs would people stop being so pissy. I'd say 90% of this forum has done something they shouldn't and you're all up on your high horse. Geez. Get a grip.


It might be a personal thing but I don't know you personally. Your friends might be okay with you rooting through their phones but I'm not. The comparison you're making basically says that if I was sat next to you on a bus then you could take my phone from me and look at my texts because it was a 'personal thing'.


It IS an admin power trip thing because you shouldn't be doing it.


Yes, we all have done things we shouldn't but you are in a position of the highest responsibility here and to admit you've been snooping through someone's pm's is utterly disgusting.


I'd say your completely unapologetic attitude is fueling the fire here too.

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