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Little King's Story


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Thanks very much for that, Retro, I really do appreciate it.


I still haven't tackled the 2nd king, but there are two things that have greatly impressed me about this game. One is the fan art hidden in the overworld. I wish some forthcoming games would do this (and accept submissions from Europe/North America). I'd submit some!


The other thing is the writing. This is a complete lesson in politics for kids. It's dynamite! I love the way your aides urge you to conquer and slaughter, justifying it because they claim a rival king has insulted you etc. Any youngster who plays this thoughtful game will be a bit wiser towards the modern world.

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I only just realised again today that I had 2 guardians left to defeat!

I beat the blue dragon last time I played it, and of course after defeating it (or around that time), something in the game tells you 'that was the last guardian'...


However, scanning through my letters today I found I hadn't 'accepted' the Witch and Orge guardians, so I quickly did those quests... and can now upgrade my soldiers (though I've got this far not needing to, so I'll save up a bit more money first).


Also had the hospital built today (a result of the school donations I think it was)... though I can't seem to find it!


Last time I played I also bought the 'ghost armor'... thinking it might be a health upgrade for me. However, it just stood against the wall behind the thrown, so I thought 'oh, maybe I get to equip it later in the game'.

That was until today when to my surprise I found it sat on a bench in the town square in the middle of the night, haha! Good old Cody!... Love him!


Also picked up the 5th flying machine part.


Built the bridge from the TV kingdom, over into mine (which took about 5mins! as I'd only got one builder with me at the time).

I really like it now that I've reached a point in the game where the whole kingdom's coming together.

Like last time I played I opened up the windy path between the town and the Jolly Kingdom!


Lastly (after doing a few letter side quests) I headed towards the 6th Kingdom...

However whilst I assumed the giant bird cage on the map would likely be a battle of some kind, I hadn't anticipated the dragon!... and of course you can't get back up the slope, and without a miner to quickly clear the exit and because of the confined path, I was taking heavy damage, so decided to pause and leave it there for the day, and come back better equiped!


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How's everyone getting along with this.


I beat the first three kings and have chosen the Egg King as the next one (I'm not sure if you can choose). I thought the pinball boss was a tad unappealling, as the graphics weren't sharp enough to see the play area properly (just being in HD would have helped tremendously). However, I do love pinball, so I took plenty of miners and bashed him losing only one man.


To be honest, the Egg King has been a real low point for me. The riddles are OK, but I'm not very good at associating music with the correct area, voices with characters etc.


He asks something like "Who is the biggest problem with this kingdom?", and so I attacked myself because I am the warmonger after all. That wasn't correct, so I attacked Howser instead (after all, he's urging me to do all this), but that wasn't correct either and I haven't played it since.



In all honesty, I'm finding this game frustrating and tedious, with very poor graphics. However, it is also addictive and astoundingly written. Didn't think there'd be references to spooning in it!

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King Shishakebaboo was the games only real low (low, low, low, low) point for me, everything else has been great.

However I did get an airborn letter from him a while ago which I found pretty funny!


With King Eggan, I didn't have any problem associating the music question, but I thought the voice one was a bit rediculous (considering I hadn't even met a few of the characters, let alone distinguish between some of them)... still really enjoyed that boss battle.


OK, so I'm on my way to the 6th King... the dragon wasn't difficult at all, I just went about it wrong yesterday.

Found another flying saucer, did a few more letter quests, and got some giga miners (or whatever they're called!).


Question... what's up with the Magicians area of the town? No spoilers please, but is there a trick to it?

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Man, how awesome is the intro the King Long Sauvage!... (not Long Sausage)



Great stuff!!

Just beat him, easy really, I only took about 12 people into battle with me to keep the numbers small on that mountain!


Slutty Hot Princess GET!


And just found part 6 of the flying machine.

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Hmm... we seem to have lost some posts!


Anyways... had a good play session of this again today!


Beat Jumbo!

That laser beam he fires that reduces your villagers class is a bit of a bitch! I quickly learnt to try and avoid that! And the battle gets pretty tough near the end with the Steam rollers, Giant Pencil, and Onii you have to stop feeding him! etc...


Seriously what AWESOME music!! (when it goes up tempo around 30+ seconds in) :D


Broadcast Yourself


But sadly I lost my first ever citizen, Suika, a lumberjack who's been with me since the start :(... ah well, I guess it's only right I get to experience every aspect of this great game before it's finished, so I attended my first funeral today, a touching experience!


- Completed the Enemy handbook

- Have one more UFO to find to complete that book... will do that tomorrow

- Beat the Rabbit, actually found him the hardest

- Beat the Two Pigletts on my second go (should have had them on the first)

Couldn't believe they were called Boo and Bii :laughing:

- Beat the Rabbit, Pigletts and Bear on my first go.

- Have got up to Advanced Pro on Table Tennis... Howsers a bitch!

- Finally connected up the entire Kingdom by building the bridges to the New Island from the beach which I can finally access!

- Got my Magician :)


Regarding the other Princess books...


- Seem to be missing 1 or 2 foods... have no idea where they could be!

- And the singing one!!! I've only found 3 songs since I got that book... no one seems to ever be singing! and there are 30 to collect!!!! Does EVERY villager have to be happy for people to be singing or something? :wtf

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Regarding the other Princess books...


- Seem to be missing 1 or 2 foods... have no idea where they could be!

- And the singing one!!! I've only found 3 songs since I got that book... no one seems to ever be singing! and there are 30 to collect!!!! Does EVERY villager have to be happy for people to be singing or something? :wtf


You should find the missing foods eventually, I seem remember having trouble tracking 2 as well, so they could be the same ones you're having problems with.


The songbook is a major pain in the arse. On my first playthrough I only got 14 or 15 before getting bored and giving up. It was only those missing songs, 2 paintings and a couple of bits of equipment that I missed.


On my latest run (which got interrupted by Fragile Dreams), I had got up to 18 so I may think about trying for them all this time. I don't think they're related to happiness but I may be wrong, but some are very well hidden and you'll most likely only ever be able to get a couple each night.


Now that Fragile Dreams is complete I really should get around to finishing up this playthrough.

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Yeah the song book just seems like it's gonna take forever! But I think I want to try and get a 100% playthrough... though I'll see how it goes!


Another question... I'm avoiding collecting the final flying machine piece atm because I'm not sure if completing the machine will trigger flying off in it?... it probably doesn't, but just wanted to check I can I still wander around after completing it?

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Todays progress...


- Completed the Flying Machine

- Completed the Food book

- Completed the Animal book

- Completed the Scenic Book... Apricot ftw!!

- Now have 98 pictures

- Found probably 5 more songs... yep, the song book is gonna take so many 'in game days' to complete at this rate!

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OK so I've completed all the Princesses Books :yay:

Found all 100 paintings :D

Beaten World Pro on Table Tennis :)

and won all three animal races!


What else do I have left to do?...


I have 52/58 treasures, but I can't understand where these treasure would be?!


and I'm still puzzled by King Shiska' letter from up high... a secret hole, south of the whirling valley (or something), where three rocks point...

The whilrling valley is the passageway between the Kingdom and the Jolly Kingdom right? It's pretty difficult to determine what south of there is!

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Have 3 flying machine pieces to go.


I took out that UFO over my village but didn't get a treasure piece of anything really whats up with that! That damn UFO killed a hardened solider that has been with me since the start. :(


How do I attend his funeral?

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What a fantastic game!! :D


The ending was great!!


I kind of saw it coming, with the whole you being in the stage part, but at one point I was worried it was going to all be a dream! Thankfully that wasn't the case, and it led to a beautiful, intriguing moment!


Think I would have liked a little more closure, but then maybe not, I guess it's quite nice it being left open like that, quite magical... and it does leave room for a sequel whether that's ever likely to happen or not?!


I picked Verde as my Princess!

Natural choice, and glad I got the chance to do that in the game, I'd been wanting the two of them to hook up since the start! Lovely!! :love:

Just wish I knew what happened to her!


I thought once completed you wouldn't be able to go back and collect anything else, but there's no real end of the game, you just start back before the flying machine section!


Anyways, managed to complete it 100% beforehand... 7 Full Books, 100 paintings, 58/58 treasures and World Pro Table Tennis! :D


Truely a magnificent game!! :yay:

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1) Did ANYONE manage to work out what Shishkebaboo's 'letter from the air' meant... about the 'hidden hole where 3 rocks meet'?


I'm wondering if those 3 rocks were then replaced by the 3 scarecrows in Sunflower Plains, by the devs, who then forgot to update the letter, because I can't find anything else anywhere!

And oddly, it can't be anything hugely important because I got 100% without it!...?


2) What was the little statue guy in the small Turnip field at the back of the beautiful woods all about?...





The Rat Kings Intro was epic!!


Broadcast Yourself


Flowing cape FTW






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Just to get closure on those two questions, and to show them my appreciation for the game, I emailed Marvelous Entertainment... who forwarded it on to XSEED...




Marvelous forwarded your e-mail inquiry to us so let me try to address what we can.


First off, glad to hear that you loved the game so much. The development team in Japan poured their hearts and souls into the project, and we were fortunate enough to be a part of it.


To address your other questions, the development cycle for Little King's Story was a long and tumultuous one, pretty much like any other high-quality videogame out there these days. During this development process the team is always forced to cut back on features that they had originally intended in order to finish the project, and looks like your keen observations found two instances of that.


Thanks for your support of the title, and I'll keep my fingers crossed for a sequel as well but the final decision will lie with Marvelous Entertainment.

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