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Question to the mods on petitions


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I'm sorry if my last post was out of line. But I'm not sure about something. Petitions, or in my case a campaign, is fighting to get a game released that many gamers in these forums would like to see. You stated "Besides, this is technically advertising, so i have to lock. Sorry!" but it is not something that is in direct competition with this site. I love your guys place and have been coming here for years for info, and would love any "industy help" i can get. How else am I to find the fans with out a few links. I understand you need to control spammers who post petition links everyday, but if it is a legit campaign like mine, shouldn't it be allowed since it is game related?


I would like permission to do a post for the campaign, or if you would even be willing to do a small news story on it on the main page.


If not thats ok and I respect that, and I'll take any advice you can give me on how to go about this with game sites. If this topic needs to be locked, I understand, and I won't post anymore about our campaign.


My apologies ahead of time if I'm not able to post I'm sorry in this thread.

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It doesn't matter, petitions have never ever worked, unless it's something the general public gets involved with.



Woah, didn't see that, looks like it's the first time it's actually worked. Still, it doesn't give any figures on how many people actually signed the petition.

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What if I randomly generated double the petition signatures calling for the exact opposite of what you were campaigning for? They're both of exactly the same worth as each other because e-petitions aren't worth the paper they're not written on, but mine would have more sigs.


Herein lies the flaw.

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Like wispas.


Did the petition ask for a limited number? Or that they should be revived at over 260% the price it cost in 2003?


Petitions either don't work, or partially work (in that you get what you asked for, then essentially get ass raped by the "terms").

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I don't think they do work. You can claim the wispa thing all you want but 1. they said they're just seeing if it does work, and 2. haven't seen much like this in for a game yet.


Earlier this year two fans stormed the stage at Glastonbury during Iggy Pop's set to hold up a "Bring Back Wispa" banner - a stunt, which took the company by surprise,
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Yeah, I thought that smiley was interesting...



Yes, I know that E-petitions do very little, at least by themselves. Thats why I'm attempting to gather all known petitions, video appeals, and picture projects into one major campaign. No one has tried to pull a full media attack like this. Unlike a signiture petition, that ends when you click the button. This campaign is linked to all the Shenmue fans (thanks to myspace), so they are informed of any new projects, or campaign ideas. Many of the 1800 people are active and join in the projects. In the future we are preparing a buisness portfolio like the one that was sent in for Nights 2, and a mass object mailing to sega of Japan.


Still, I know the odds are against us, but it feels better to try then to just watch quietly as Shenmue fades into the distance.

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Yeah, I thought that smiley was interesting...



Yes, I know that E-petitions do very little, at least by themselves. Thats why I'm attempting to gather all known petitions, video appeals, and picture projects into one major campaign. No one has tried to pull a full media attack like this. Unlike a signiture petition, that ends when you click the button. This campaign is linked to all the Shenmue fans (thanks to myspace), so they are informed of any new projects, or campaign ideas. Many of the 1800 people are active and join in the projects. In the future we are preparing a buisness portfolio like the one that was sent in for Nights 2, and a mass object mailing to sega of Japan.


Still, I know the odds are against us, but it feels better to try then to just watch quietly as Shenmue fades into the distance.


I wouldn't have a problem with it at all - though it doesn't belong in General Chat :)


Even if you got one through, I still wouldn't sign it. I've heard from several sources it really isn't all it's cracked up to be.


The signature is good though : peace:

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99.9999+% of people on there probably don't know what "Sega" is, or what the words "campaign" and "petition" mean. Let alone know anything about the game itself.



Actually, the first 1000 people that got added were people that listed Shenmue in their own profiles. Many of the Fans are very active in the campaign, and are ready for the projects we plan. But there will always be Myspace whores looking for huge friend counts....


But I'm taking it you didn't even look at the page, and are just guessing that I'm half-assing this :( Otherwise you would have seen the pages of Shenmue comments left by everyone...


There are soo many ney-sayers that think this is some little BS hey look at me stunt, and every forum I go to it seems like I have to go thru some Rights of passage before people believe I'm really doing this. I assure you, we are fighting for Shenmue III, and no we don't feel like we are waisting our time. When you are passionate about something, you have to at least try... and if you don't try, then you are not allowed to complain that you didn't get what you want.


Even if you got one through, I still wouldn't sign it. I've heard from several sources it really isn't all it's cracked up to be.


Don't forget, Shenmue was amazing and had new gamplay elements that had never been seen when it was released. Alot of todays games take ques from Shenmue.


Players that are just trying it out today don't think its all its cracked up to be because the game is dated now, and what was exciting then has been seen to much now.

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