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The kiss was certainly the most standout part, but everything looked very bold, the lines very thick and the blemishes on Mark's face a bit too... scratchy. This issue was out really fast wasn't it? Compared to Invincible's usual standard I mean.

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The kiss was certainly the most standout part, but everything looked very bold, the lines very thick and the blemishes on Mark's face a bit too... scratchy. This issue was out really fast wasn't it? Compared to Invincible's usual standard I mean.


I think it might have been just 3 weeks. Or 4.

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The usual 4 weeks? At one point Invincible was coming out every couple of months if you were lucky....


to be fair, Conquest has possibly been the best looking arc yet. Frankly, Ottley, Crabtree and FCO must be bending space/ time to produce art this good on such a tight schedule. It's phenomenal.

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Been reading a lot of Batman issues lately after Arkham Asylum has got me back in the mood for them, enjoying it a lot so far, especially the stuff I missed with the Red Hood.


Also got 2 trades on the way. The Killing Joke and Year One, although im not looking forward to Year One as all older style art is crap, shouldnt even be called art really.

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I just finished reading Final Crisis. Thats got to be one of the most confusing and poorly written/planned "events" I have ever read.


I understood the basic story of what was going on but after every issue it was like we had missed one. Now im sure that there were tie ins as with most events but they just seemed to leave out loads of really important information from the main title. Tie ins should always be a choice, not a mandatory read.


There are bits with Superman where he just disapears for 3 or more issues, Batman just appears from nowhere and no explanation, all the stuff at the end aswell with some new badguy who I never saw mentioned once until the last issue.


Now I really enjoyed Infinite Crisis so I know DC can do good events and Blackest Night is going pretty well so far but Final Crisis was just terrible IMO.

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I just finished reading Final Crisis. Thats got to be one of the most confusing and poorly written/planned "events" I have ever read.


I understood the basic story of what was going on but after every issue it was like we had missed one. Now im sure that there were tie ins as with most events but they just seemed to leave out loads of really important information from the main title. Tie ins should always be a choice, not a mandatory read.


There are bits with Superman where he just disapears for 3 or more issues, Batman just appears from nowhere and no explanation, all the stuff at the end aswell with some new badguy who I never saw mentioned once until the last issue.


Now I really enjoyed Infinite Crisis so I know DC can do good events and Blackest Night is going pretty well so far but Final Crisis was just terrible IMO.


That because Batman was going to die in Batman RIP but had to be changed for Final Crisis storyline.

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