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That just sounds really farfetched. Having Cap's whole origin in the Hulk movie? Huh? And when he wakes up, what then? He's hardly a threat to Hulk...


I'm over it. I want to know if Iron Man gets to fight Hulk in the film! As RDJ is in the new Hulk film as Stark, so i'd assume so.

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this isn't about comics, but its too awesome to be not be in here!!


Marvel Studios has made no secret out of the fact that they’re angling for the broadest possible appeal with their superhero movies. When you’re trying to make your movie all things to everyone there will be, inevitably, casualties. In the case of The Incredible Hulk, it’s meant 70 minutes of casualties. As we told you in our story here, there are a full 70 minutes missing from the movie which will make it onto the DVD.


We speculated earlier that those missing 70 minutes might contain the Captain America cameo director Louis Letterier promised (watch him tease it right here). Well consider that confirmed. Speaking to the site Judao, Letterier says: “There’s a point when Bruce Banner gives up on his quest for the cure and decide to kill himself. So he travels far North and reaches the Arctic Circle. You might have seen bits of it in some of the promos.†Sounds like an interesting scene, but having watched the movie on Monday I can tell you there’s nothing even remotely like it in there anywhere. The reason for that? Louis says, “The result was a very dark and strong scene, which Marvel, me and everyone else’s considered to be too hard to young audiences to take, so we’ve cut it.†The Incredible Hulk is after all, a kids movie. It’s practically a Pixar flick, right?


Anyway, in that missing scene was Cap’s meeting with Bruce Banner. Letterier confirms, “…when Bruce arrives at his destination he meets up with Captain America!†So the cameo he’s been running around all week promising us isn’t in the movie, and it sounds like it never was. It’s on the DVD. Letterier also makes a vague promise that they’ll also have it on the internet some time this week. Of course he also told us that it would be in the movie just a few days ago, and that didn’t pan out.


So to sum up: No Captain America in The Incredible Hulk, but it’s completely safe to take your kids to see a movie about a guy who gets mad, turns green, and beats the shit out of anyone and everything around him. Marvel is all about family entertainment.




I agree with Paj, sounds a bit far fetched. I have a further opinion on this, but we'll discuss after you guys have seen Hulk.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New comics are out and about, Marvel had a blinder of wa week this week, new Secret Invasion comics:


Ms Marvel kicking Ass, flying a Hulk/Sentry Skrull into space and letting it float to it's death.


How the Skrulls managed to know so much about the Heroes, and how they transform into them, and one bit of WTFness, did the Skrulls cause M-Day? theres a BIG nod to it in the latest New Avengers (I think it was)


Hmm, Red Hulk vs Green Hulk, fuck yeah


1985 was amazing as well.



All in all, Damn it was good

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Tell me about it....although I havnt picked them up yet.


To compare this week to last ;


Last week I had one comic.


This week












UNCANNY X-MEN #499 DWS $2.99



And next week


BATMAN #678 RIP $2.99



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Guest bluey

i was so outraged to find out that my kids class didnt know who batman was today that i stopped teaching them prepositions and taught them western superhero names instead.


what the hell is the world coming to?!

(they also taught me the japanese words for all the pokemon on one of the kids t-shirts... and i've forgotten them all already ^_^)


sticker found in tokyo

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If you havnt read Ultimates 1 and 2 then read them. Must reads. Ultimates 3 however has pissed all over it.


I read the first issue of Ultimates 3.

Incest had me fucking raging, I was hoping that it would be as good as 1 & 2 but no... they just made it stupid.

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I read the first issue of Ultimates 3.

Incest had me fucking raging, I was hoping that it would be as good as 1 & 2 but no... they just made it stupid.


Incests in all of them....but the rest of it makes it stupid.








Ugh. Jeph Loebs an idiot.


PS. Invincible FTW. How far are you now Dom? Astounding Wolfman TPB1 is out soon, (monthish) if you like Invincible youll love that. Gets off to a quicker/better start too.






Oh my fucking god, Michael Turner passed away.


heres the link


Devastating. One of the most talented creators. Rest in peace. Truely sad. :(

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Damn that's awful news, Turner was awesome at drawing female characters, I found his work as recognisable as Lee's and Ross', especially with Supergirl and Witchblade. Man I can't believe it, 37 is no age :(


And ReZ, Loeb's written some great Superman stories so give the guy a break.

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PS. Invincible FTW. How far are you now Dom? Astounding Wolfman TPB1 is out soon, (monthish) if you like Invincible youll love that. Gets off to a quicker/better start too.



Numbah 4, his relationships quickly dying =[ and i love how the family/world is forced to move on even if they aren't ready, but at the moment,


Is it me or is he getting beat far too easily atm? that beaded beast guy finished him in seconds, and things are starting to hurt him, i know he's fighting his dads villains and therefore they are harder to beat but even so..


I so want to see what Levy does, i mean whats he gonna do =O


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Numbah 4, his relationships quickly dying =[ and i love how the family/world is forced to move on even if they aren't ready, but at the moment,


Is it me or is he getting beat far too easily atm? that beaded beast guy finished him in seconds, and things are starting to hurt him, i know he's fighting his dads villains and therefore they are harder to beat but even so..


I so want to see what Levy does, i mean whats he gonna do =O


Im not saying anything other than the Angstrom Levy storyline is one of my favs. Finale = *GASP!*

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I haven't read any comics for a while, I mostly pick up TPBs, can anyone reccomend me anything new? Invincible... that's meant to be good? Does it come in several trades or can you pick it all up in one volume somewhere?

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I haven't read any comics for a while, I mostly pick up TPBs, can anyone reccomend me anything new? Invincible... that's meant to be good? Does it come in several trades or can you pick it all up in one volume somewhere?


There are 9 trades (ninth came out literally last week) and theres three Ultimate Collections which are big and collect...approx 3 trades each.


It is highly recommendable, and is easily one of my favourite comics. The trades are also fairly cheap.


Apart from that I recommend The Walking Dead (same as Invincible, except trade 8 came out last week) and thats amazing, and very different.


Then Wolfman TPB1 is out soon.


Secret Invasions amazing.


Green Lantern Corps Sinestro Corps War Volume 1 and 2 are now out (and I believe they just released, or are releasing next week) the full story of it. That is a fucking breathtaking story = The best DC stuff Ive ever read, and the finale of the story as a single (albeit double sized issue) was absolutely incredible, and was probably the best single issue of a comic Ive ever read. So they are my main recommendations at the mo.

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Shorty, ignore ReZ, he loves robert kirkman too much ;)


But invincible, it's amazing, i can't wait for numbah five, seriously, it rewards you for reading it through again, as you notice the little things that they put, like an alien in the background in a flashback appearing in the future etc...


But have you considered going old school? to the 1960's? the Xmen of that time are something else

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If I were to pick up ONE Batman series from now on, what would it be? Bear in mind I'm a big fan of old-school him solving mysteries, villains etc...not sure If i'll like any major tie-ins to the various crisii.

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If I were to pick up ONE Batman series from now on, what would it be? Bear in mind I'm a big fan of old-school him solving mysteries, villains etc...not sure If i'll like any major tie-ins to the various crisii.


All the Batman books are getting consistently low reviews since...well since quite a while actually. Dont think Ive seen any of them get above an 8 at the most recently.


Anyway, Id pick up just the normal Batman book, its the one I get. Things are gonna change soon anyway, (Batman RIP) storyline.

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Just got back from Forbidden Planet in London :D very cool, not very well laid out, but very cool. Bought Superman: Last Son (by Geoff Johns and Richard Donner) and Batman: Long Halloween. Also picked up Invincible: Family Matters and Ultimate Spider-Man volume 3. And watched 2 eps of Spectacular Spider-man on the train with my g/f :heh: just one more of season 1 to go, love what they did with the


:D especially the way it started like the movie one then 'morphed' into the traditional one

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Good man!!!! very good man. Wait...family matters...okay, you need to buy volume 2 before you make any decision on it...well unless its a positive one, because volume 2 just really sets the scene and it gives you a much better idea of what the comic is about.


Basically something happens halfway through volume 2, and from that point you will be hooked.


Ult Spidey is amazing, but as its vol 3 Im guessing you know that already.



Also I adore Spectacular Spider-Man. Check Wikipedia, if you wish, as it lists the enemies in Season 2 aswell as the villain being introduced in the s2 finale (:heart: :heart: :heart: ) and even 2 villains for season 3!


Forbidden Planet is nice and big, and amazing on statues and comics. Some of the stuff is overpriced though, but still I love it. Theres a comic shop fairly (5 minute walk) near it aswell, just outside the tube station, with a Spider-Man sign, below a barber shop, stairs go down into it.


Still havnt picked up my comics...I will next week. Ugh...Ill literally have like £60+ worth I imagine....but thats good I guess....good reading.

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Ive stopped buying comics again, really wish id make my mind up one way or the other.


I think i'll continue buying the trades of certain things. Probably Ultimate Spider-Man and Invincible, with everything else i'll just keep track online with whats happening.


Which reminds me, what issue is Secret Invasion up to?

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Ive stopped buying comics again, really wish id make my mind up one way or the other.


I think i'll continue buying the trades of certain things. Probably Ultimate Spider-Man and Invincible, with everything else i'll just keep track online with whats happening.


Which reminds me, what issue is Secret Invasion up to?


Three. Issue four is out....this week, 9th July.


Can't wait. Best event in a long time. Nick Fury is the fucking man. Did you hear there will be an ongoing of his Secret Warriors after SI finishes. God I love it.

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Think I spotted that comic store, lots of tall posters on the wall including Ross' lash, just inside the door? Quite hard to spot? Were in a bit of a hurry so I figured since we were going to FP we could skip the smaller store this once. Oh forgot to mention, also bought one of those awesome classic TMNT figures, Raph (it's from the original comics, so it's the right thread!).

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