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How very Dazzer of her [star Sapphire].


I'm sure it's been asked before multiple times, but can anyone give me some suggestions on where to leap into the X-Men comics again. Preferably something with a long run, I've already done all the Whedon/Astonishing arc. I prefer the classic team but would be willing to give other angles a try.


I'd heartily recommend the Grant Morrison run, to which Astonishing is almost a sequel. (only in some of the reference and tone, it's obviously stand-alone as well)


It revitalised the entire franchise and set in on the course it's been on over the last decade, and is an absolutely fantastic read. Collected over 3 Ultimate Collections, all called New X-Men, all by Grant Morrison. I think they're being rereleased about now too, or soon at least.




For something more overlooked, but incredibly well-regarded, is Mike Carey's run on X-Men, which eventually leads into another event, Messiah Complex. This is collected in Supernovas, Blinded by the Light (out of print I think, I had to -acquire- it, but you CAN skip it if you really want, it's short/prologue-y stuff/you'll get the gist) and Messiah CompleX. The latter was an important event for the X-Men. I can't tell how the whole lot would read to an out-of-the-loop reader though, except that Supernovas is terrific fun, well-written and great art. Doesn't need to be read with anything else either.




Also Ultimate X-Men is great too. The entire Mark Millar run 1-30something is exceptional, and it remains fairly good for a while after he leaves too.


I wouldn't recommend hopping onto the current series atm, it's in a state of change and there's tonnes going on that'd require a lot of background knowledge not only of X-Men, but the Marvel universe on the whole.

Edited by Paj!
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maaan, Schism just made me wish Uncanny had been this good. So much personality and family to it that I'm already looking forward to the new #1 from Aaron. Top stuff. The issue really set up a nice event too - though I'm still totally at a loss as to what the Schism will be over, exactly. It's something Cyclops does, not the event itself.

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I need to read but don't want to *acquire* until Im back home using my own internets. / I might buy it. / Probably won't though.


Yeah that shit was pretty good.


I enjoyed it at the time, but it felt a bit overlong, and he might feel a bit lost unless he reads Deadly Genesis beforehand.

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/I hadn't read Deadly Genesis, so its all gravy.


Yeah but did you know who Vulcan was beforehad?


/ I have a feeling I never read the very start of Shi'Ar empire. Maybe I missed the obvious introductory issue/s. (I knew who everyone was already though)

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Totally agree with you on the Inking on Guarding the Globe, the two styles are like night and day.


I see Ransom is on War of the Green Lanterns: Aftermath #2 as well as on the second issue of one of the 52


wonder who is doing issue 6

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Just when Wonder Woman was about to look slick they take there trousers away again.


And back again?



Hera, Queen of the Gods, does not take her vengeance lightly – and if Wonder Woman is so foolish as to stand in the way of her whim, then Wonder Woman is her enemy. But it’s Hera’s daughter Diana should truly fear – the goddess of discord is coming to Paradise Island, and murder always follows in her wake!


Tom Brevoort: DC is ‘the Charlie Sheen of comics’


[Reader question:] Unless you guys are going to announce something amazing within the next few moths, DC epicly won this year. Though, I always buy anything involving Spider-Man, so you will get more business there.


[Tom Brevoort:] Yes, they’ve epicly won their way down to being 25% of the market. if they keep winning at this rate, they’ll be out of business before long. They’re the Charlie Sheens of comics, winning their way to extinction.


–Marvel Senior Vice President of Publishing Tom Brevoort on the Distinguished Competition, via his Formspring account. So that would make Marvel…Ashton Kutcher?


Okay, so that was a pretty solid smack from Brevoort Marvel’s crosstown (or round-the-block, as the case may be) rivals. But in other Formspring responses he’s a bit less catty and more comprehensive in his diagnosis of DC’s perceived problems. In one response, he advises DC to “stop trying to become what they think Marvel is†and play to their company’s and characters’ unique strengths, because “their interpretation of how our universe operates and how we plan out storylines and deal with our creative talent is so off-the-mark it’s laughable sometimes….[they should stop] trying to be a bad Marvel clone–because they’re not even getting bad Marvel right.â€


In another response, he discusses DC’s recent $2.99 pricing initiative: “they got virtually no uptick on their sales, but cut a quarter of their profit margin away.†Brevoort argues that the audience for (his example) Booster Gold will buy Booster Gold comics regardless of cost, but cutting that cost won’t make a new audience for Booster Gold materialize either out of the non-comics-reading populace or from fans of other properties.


But to hear Brevoort tell it, he’s still pulling for the other publisher. “I want them to thrive and prosper,†he tells one questioner, positing a world where Marvel routinely beats a “a vibrant, healthy, competitive DC†as his ideal. This, he says, is why he thought “their reboot was a necessary step and a smart move overallâ€â€¦but he adds the caveat that “I don’t think they’ve gone about putting it together in the smartest way possible.†Clearly, some of his initial support for/defense of/optimism about the DC relaunch has dimmed. Hence, perhaps, the talk of tiger blood…

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A) Got Peeps on Dynamo 5 today! Hope you enjoy Peeps, I really love it.




I swear the last two years the coverage of news from cons has been fucking atrocious! It used to be updated on the fly from the conferences!


Image New Solicitations are INSANELY good IMHO.

Edited by ReZourceman
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I bought some kind of shitty book today. It's really crap... there's 5 of them but apparently they aren't strong enough to deal with crap on their own so they have to work together. It's really poor writing.



lolz I like it really. Nearly finished. It's good but it's not Invincible :p

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