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I like Bagely's art. I tend to dislike it more outwith the Ultimate title/s, strangely.




Just reread Batman: Thrillkiller tpb. I love it...a swinging sixties take on the mythos, only without the campness and hilarity of the actual 60's show. Highly recommended.

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Just bought and read the first issue of The Punisher (The one written by Garth Ennis) and wow I loved it!

Violence at it´s finest, it´s stuff like this that increases my love for Garth Ennis.


Was a bit disappointed I didn´t find the second issue of The Boys...

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  • 4 weeks later...

So I just got done reading Moon Knight (Which is finally getting better, and its now a pretty good/very good read) and it had a guy with red glasses in (ala the Marvel 2009 event teaser)




Anyway, he looked pretty similar. He was just talking to someone that Moonie put in prison, saying "I can get you out of here within the week if you do something for me" and that was it.


Could be the start of an amount of appearances by him possibly, the lead up to this? Its certainly interesting. I cant think of any other red glasses candidates (Its not Matt Murdock or Scott Summers)

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can i be a right cheeky bastard and ask to borrow some cool books off you guys? i really want to read some more comics but can't afford the splash out :(


Id'a been more than happy to lend you my Invincible but its the Ultimate Collection which is a massive hard back (ie epic postage)


Ill see if Ive got anything amazing, and light I could lend you.


(Its unfortunate, as Id recommend Inv the most)

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This high school guy, develops super powers, and has to juggle his education and life, with super hero commitments.


Thats basically it, but its filled with excellent writing, beautiful artwork and colours, and more twists and fucking brilliant storylines and intertwining arcs than you can shake a stick at.


Ive literally got like 10+ people into it now. Leant it to my friend at work (never read a comic in her life, and was a bit apprehensive) but she loved it and text me at the first big "twist" and she was like "OMG OMG OMG!"


Its....just quality. Shorty and DomJCG are mid-reading it currently.

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argh, if only I could afford it it sounds mint.


Also: need more Moore. As much as exists, if permissible.


also: I know this is probably the single geekiest request in the whole wide world, but does anyone know either of two things:


1. the format of a comic script, sans art work?

2. Where i can find an artist?


I want to try putting something together myself. I think I have a pretty good idea in my head but I don't know how to execute such a thing.

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1. the format of a comic script, sans art work?

2. Where i can find an artist?


Im not sure how succesful it would be if you weren't going to pay someone, as it can be a fairly big commitment, but I would probably try Deviant Art or maybe some kind of amateur comic creators forum.


As for the format of comic book scripts, it is pretty open, Ive seen stuff from Bendis, Kirkman and others and they are somewhat different.


Kirkmans was like a standard movie script, but each scene and panel was written in extreme detail, plotting exactly what he wanted the scene to look like visually, expressions on faces, composition and also general notes and things like the kind of tone hes going for. Its pretty intense.


I would say it depends on the vision you have and the artist, but I think it would be pretty open to you as to how to lay it out, as long as someone else can interpret it. :)

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Yeah, compare the immediate-ly pre and post war storytelling styles to current. Now it's much more slow and movie like. Back then, each panel could tell a big part of the story, with the speech bubbled telling you exactly what was going on. (Makes it a bit rubbishy, let's be honest)

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yeah obviously I couldn't pay anyone, but It'd be an interesting experiment. You got those scripts in electronic form, Rez? wouldn't mind a gander if possible.


Its in my Walking Dead special edition #1 which isssssss....


*Looks for it*


Found it. Just gotta scan it in, gimme 10 minutes. Also Ive found a few things that'd be ideal to send (but Im on holiday till Tuesday) Ill pm you when I get back (on Monday) to arrange send. (Irredeemable Antman, vol 1 and 2 digest side - very good, and funny, and Invincible Universe primer, which is issue 1 of Inv, Brit and Wolf-man all good, and give you a taste of those things)


ReZ everything you've said is a bit tl;dr for me


You what-what?


Okay here they are. Shoot me a PM with your email address if these are a little small for you.







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I know only one can answer this, unless shortys got 8 and 9 out...and rez, i purchased the first 1 and then the rest in 2's so like 1, 2-3, 4-5 etc seems easier that way rather than the whole collection things

So the first major villians dead. Boo sucks to be Levy etc, but he was gonna rape debbie so alls well


cept i don't think he's dead. stuff just points to him not being dead, the speeches made, marks reactions to it etc "i think...i think i killed him..."


Also, i dislike the whole these can kill you arcs thing thats gonna happen, it's like, nolan had a back up plan encase things went wrong, which was unlikely seeing he was ready to kill mark..


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I know only one can answer this, unless shortys got 8 and 9 out...and rez, i purchased the first 1 and then the rest in 2's so like 1, 2-3, 4-5 etc seems easier that way rather than the whole collection things

So the first major villians dead. Boo sucks to be Levy etc, but he was gonna rape debbie so alls well


cept i don't think he's dead. stuff just points to him not being dead, the speeches made, marks reactions to it etc "i think...i think i killed him..."


Also, i dislike the whole these can kill you arcs thing thats gonna happen, it's like, nolan had a back up plan encase things went wrong, which was unlikely seeing he was ready to kill mark..


I adored that storyline.


But I wouldn't say I know if hes dead or not..I mean he hasnt been in it again, and its just speculation. I do think Invincible killed him though...you can't really mistake that.



I read the issue of Marvel Team Up that occurs during this storyline last week. Its so awesome. :bowdown:


It's so freaking impossible to catch up to the marvel universe it's not funny. NOT FUNNY.


I must admit I do agree. Things change alllll the time. Its not one event its another blah blah. Thankfully they've said there wont be anything on the scale of SI/Civil War for a long while now.


PS Dom do you like your sig? :(


Haha, no worries if you don't because Ill use it! :heh:

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I adored that storyline.


But I wouldn't say I know if hes dead or not..I mean he hasnt been in it again, and its just speculation. I do think Invincible killed him though...you can't really mistake that.



I read the issue of Marvel Team Up that occurs during this storyline last week. Its so awesome. :bowdown:




I must admit I do agree. Things change alllll the time. Its not one event its another blah blah. Thankfully they've said there wont be anything on the scale of SI/Civil War for a long while now.


PS Dom do you like your sig? :(


Haha, no worries if you don't because Ill use it! :heh:


lol i do like it but it kept coming up with invalid url or bad upload so i gave up till i could put some time to figuring out why it did those things, it never said too big, but invalid url...

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I adored that storyline.


But I wouldn't say I know if hes dead or not..I mean he hasnt been in it again, and its just speculation. I do think Invincible killed him though...you can't really mistake that.



I read the issue of Marvel Team Up that occurs during this storyline last week. Its so awesome. :bowdown:




I must admit I do agree. Things change alllll the time. Its not one event its another blah blah. Thankfully they've said there wont be anything on the scale of SI/Civil War for a long while now.


PS Dom do you like your sig? :(


Haha, no worries if you don't because Ill use it! :heh:


Have you read up to the most current issue Rez?

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O_O tl;dr is an internet abbreviation like lol. How do you not know this one? :heh: for shame. it means 'too long; didn't read'


Anyway I'll forward the script to that guy along with your email addy :)


Haha, wow, yeah how didn't I know that. Lol.


Well its not actually my script...Dan Dare asked me to scan it on. But considering you know someone that my artist something I might have a think about writing something, as its...well what I want to do in life (dream job wise...Im realistic and realise the chance of actually doing so is pretty much 0%...especially due to not doing anything about it)


Have you read up to the most current issue Rez?


Yeah...Issue 51.


I think I know what you're implying.




Hmmm, try these links





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Think I might start rating the comics or TPBs I read weekly in this thread, hopefully give us more to chat about, obviously there will be spoilers so watch out:


Amazing Spider-Man 569

This was me attempting to jump back into ASM but im still not happy about it. Not sure if i'll carry on. Still though it was nice to see Romita Jr back on the comic, always enjoyed his art.


I guess it'll be interesting to see whats happening with this new version of Venom but im not particularly hopeful.




New Avengers 44

Interesting enough companion to Secret Invasion, explains a bit more on how the skrulls came up with how to impersonate the heroes.




Ultimate Spider-Man 125

Im quite enjoying this arc as it is linked to the Ultimate Spider-Man game that came out. Seeing a bit more of what happened back then to both Spider-Man and Venom




Ultimate X-Men 97

Stupidly jumped back into this comic from a lot of time away in the middle of the arc aswell so was a bit confusing. Especially seeing Xavier with Wolverines powers!

Still once I got my barings it seemed good.


Although apparently I missed a lot because last time I was reading, Beast was dead!




Still got to read Wolverine 68 so i'll rate that when I get a chance

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Ultimate Spider-Man 125

Im quite enjoying this arc as it is linked to the Ultimate Spider-Man game that came out. Seeing a bit more of what happened back then to both Spider-Man and Venom




X-mens definitely benefitted from Kirkmans departure (I know! Kirkman bad words from me, shocking!)


Ult Spidey was good...it seems to be gradually getting slightly better recently, from being a bit down. Beetles design rocks!


Oh and the latest Walking Dead was absolutely brilliant.

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