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Korean hostage situation


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actually, South Korea has been there since the begining. they had around 2000 troops in iraq. are now involved in reconstruction programs in south of iraq.


other allies include:


Japan, Poland, Austria, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Holland, Georgia, Ukrain, Slovakia, Australia and Thieland(sp?)

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Because Pakistan is a massive place for a start, you try identifying one village from another when all you've got to go on is a shaky picture with hills in the background. Dont think the Pakistan government would be too happy about us launching missiles onto their soil either.

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Question- if we know theser terrorist camps exist in places like pakistan and people from over here go there and we have pictures of them, why dont we blow them up?


Do you want the one line answer or the 4 paragraph point destruction?


Also, your spelling is almost as bad as canand's...


Because Pakistan is a massive place for a start, you try identifying one village from another when all you've got to go on is a shaky picture with hills in the background. Dont think the Pakistan government would be too happy about us launching missiles onto their soil either.


This, by the way, is the one line answer.

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I can tell you a place where terrorist are likely to live


Likelyhood (spelt right?) and certainty are different things. Would you want to be responsible for killing innocent villagers instead of terroists, no. Its a harder job than just "blowing them up".

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In terms of radical fundamentalists, I know more Christians in Luton than Muslims...


I'm considering a GLA strike on Stopsely (sp?) Baptist Church...


Thing is terrorists are unpredictable for instance one ot two of the culprits decended from Liverpool and that has a very small Middle-East Population....Very Very Small...

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All this talk about terrorist camps reminds me of last night. A lad i know 33, when to the middle east late last year for a few month to help out in a prison which held terrorists (he was with the army needless to say). He was telling me some horrid storys and what it was like over there, he even recored the sound of the prison being motored on his phone it was horrible...

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Question- if we know theser terrorist camps exist in places like pakistan and people from over here go there and we have pictures of them, why dont we blow them up?

Because we've got poncy left-wing liberals running the country. Probably an abuse of human rights or something.

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In terms of radical fundamentalists, I know more Christians in Luton than Muslims...


I'm considering a GLA strike on Stopsely (sp?) Baptist Church...


...... erm dear god literally even if I were an atheist I would think your a mentalist sometimes.


As for the Koreans yep they are allies anyway and those poor families atm :/

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...... erm dear god literally even if I were an atheist I would think your a mentalist sometimes.


Go to Stopesly Baptist Church, Batford Christchuch, and St Albans Christchurch's youth groups, and tell me you are not scared. You appear to me to be reasonable, level-headed, and sensible. You're an example that all Christian's aren't the same, and I hold nothing against you personally. Theses people are seriously deluded.


I've been to all 3. They're like the psycho American one's you hear about (although, admittedly, not as bad as the Phelps).


I'm a man of reason, and there is a reason I'm so anti-Christianity. I wouldn't hold the opinions I do if they weren't bat-shit crazy.



Anyway, I don't want to get into a fight or anything about it, I'm trying to stay clear or religious arguments.

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Go to Stopesly Baptist Church, Batford Christchuch, and St Albans Christchurch's youth groups, and tell me you are not scared. You appear to me to be reasonable, level-headed, and sensible. You're an example that all Christian's aren't the same, and I hold nothing against you personally. Theses people are seriously deluded.


I've been to all 3. They're like the psycho American one's you hear about (although, admittedly, not as bad as the Phelps).


I'm a man of reason, and there is a reason I'm so anti-Christianity. I wouldn't hold the opinions I do if they weren't bat-shit crazy.



Anyway, I don't want to get into a fight or anything about it, I'm trying to stay clear or religious arguments.


I've been to Stopsley Baptist Church albeit years ago for school harvest days and rubbish like that. Nothing wrong with the place. My only annoyance with it was the huge amount of cars parked outside when I use to walk passed to college.


As for your initial point about radical christians in Luton, I've never met any, and I've lived here for 19 years.

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So can I: Watford.


Blow it up! All of it! Now!



Please, please, please tell me you're joking. I've began liking you.


Parts of it yes and a certain estate in st albans, the problem is we let in so many immigrants a few are going to be terrorists


And wembley


I dont actually know where terrorist live only jokes but dont you see this is the problem, even their families do not know. They are even in scotland


Actually there was a terror suspect in watford, and im sure he has friends gulp


I mentioned wembley because it has a high percentage of foreigners but no terror suspects.

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I've been to Stopsley Baptist Church albeit years ago for school harvest days and rubbish like that. Nothing wrong with the place.


Go there now, and you'll see what I mean.


Bear in mind I'm not talking about Stopsley Methodist Church, all the people I know who go there are all nice, reasonable, rational people.


The funny thing about Stopsley Baptist Church and the other two I mentioned is that they all hate each other. And I don't use the word hate lightly.


As for your initial point about radical christians in Luton, I've never met any, and I've lived here for 19 years.


I happen to know that most of the ones my age (17) from Stopsely Baptist Church go to Luton 6th Form Collage or St. George's in Harpenden (my school).

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