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Dragon Quest IV, V, VI: The Zenithia Trilogy


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My figures arrived today! Since I got characters from DQV I'll spoiler it (although I don't think they are huge spoilers).


Hero and Sabrecat


Nera x2




I'm a little concerned about a mysterious black bag which came with one of the figures, and I have no idea what's in it and why it only came with 1 figure.

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Can you get one of Deborah from DQ V? I thought you'd posted pics and thats why you'd spoilered it. :heh:


In DQ 4 I made a run down the mines after Estark. He promptly wiped me out. My DS was in the red so I was against the clock basically, just thought I'd see if I could get it done before the thing ran out of power. I'll be having another go and properly exploring the mines on my way which should get me some more exp. I'm thinking I might need to switch Maya out for someone else now. Her spells were uneffective against Estark which really put a dampner on things for me as she's been really useful thus far. Sap worked after Estark woke up, but he recovered from it pretty quick.


Tactics shall maybe need a rethink!

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I'm very tempted to get hold of the fourth one on the DS. Was in Gamestation today and saw it was on their 2 for £20 deal, and there are some fantastic games on it such as Final Fantasy 3 and 4, Ninja Gaiden DS, and Castlevania Dawn of Sorrows. Very tempted to pick it up. Would make for some excellent companionship for Chrono Trigger. Anyone willing to give me a short overview of what this is like seeing as I've never played a proper DQ title (Joker doesn't count).

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^ Both of them. If I can get the money together, I'll be getting this, the two FF titles, DOS and Ninja Gaiden as well as something else to bring it up to 6. Just need to have a better look at the titles. Perhaps I'll find FF Tactics A2 on the deal as well and that would seal it. Would make for one hell of a DS purchase seeing as lately I've been thinking of selling mine (although now I have Chrono Trigger has come these feelings have subsided).

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Yeah I had a look at em on when you linked originally, Ike. I didn't recognise some of the characters, tbh. :heh:


Ganepark, how do you like your RPGs? Do they have to be all fancy and "modern" or do you find that you can appreciate an old classic? DQ 4 is a remake of a Nes game, so you need to keep in mind that there will be none of the bells and whistles you might be used to with more recent RPGs. However what you will find is a game with bags of charm, a fast pace in battle (no need to grind either if you use good tactics!) and a varied world to involve yourself in. I find its fun to just explore and mess about in it and see what you come across.


Played a wee bit more last night after watching 24. I decided that I'm gonna be pig headed and stick with the brute force tactics that have served me well until now. Estark will be beaten with no finesse, mark my words. So, I had a proper gander round the mines where he is being awakened, then made my exit and explored the only place that was still gray on my map. I found a little pirate village (Dunplunderin, I think... but I was tired) and there I learned of the liquid metal sword. Dunno how to find it as of yet. Also heard about the sands of time and some other item that will dry the ocean, not to mention them pirates being obsessed with Davey Jones Locker. Lol.


Lockjaw's Locker. :wink:

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I like both modern and classic RPGs (if I didn't, I wouldn't be playing through Chrono Trigger and loving every second). Nice to hear it's got more of a fast paced battle system and that it's not necessary to grind. Have decided I'll pick it up with a few other things on Gamestation's 2 for £20 deal as they have some great DS titles on it. It'll compliment Chrono Trigger and give me something to play once that's finished first time through.

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Well its a whole different kettle of old skool compared to Chrono Trigger. As long as you remember DQ 4 is a Nes game and give it a fair go then you should enjoy!




I had an extended stint with DQ 4 last night. From Dunplunderin I zoomed back to the Mamon Mines and went to have a bash at Estark again. I hadn't particularly levelled up since last time (some people were up one level, others hadn't levelled at all) but this time I trounced him. :hehe: He did this move which would have removed all status augments to my party... the thing is, I have no one in my party who can cast any, so he was wasting his time with that! With Maya I just cast sap on him and then used Puff (I love that spell!) which didn't hit him every time, but when it did it was useful. Otherwise Alena and Ragnar were doing the hitting and the Hero was healing. Alena ended up finishing Estark off with a critical.


So I grabbed the gas thingy and got out of there. Psaro the Manslayer said something about having to dash off to Rosehill, not sure if I was meant to follow him but I didn't. I zoomed to the Oz-like Riverton where I was able to get the flying machine! With the flying machine at my disposal we headed for the X on the map as I've just been waiting for a chance to finally get to it. We found a great tree, Yggdrassil. I left Ragnar out of the party and took care of things atop the great tree (Zenithian Sword + broken winged angel) and then floated off to the area right in the middle of the map.


I did some minor investigating on that island- found a town and the bugle- then I found the tower. :grin: I'm not gonna pass up the chance to climb a tower so up I went and ended up in Zenithia! I spoke to everyone but didn't find my angelic mother. I was hoping she would have been there, but not that I could see. :( I did get a little dragon into my party which I'm looking forward to using! After speaking to the Dragon God I jumped down to the planet again, did a quick battle to see what the little dragon would do, saved it and went to bed.


Dunno where to head next actually. Maybe go a jaunt to Rosehill just to see if anything is happening. I need to reclimb the tower as there were a few branching paths that I missed out on exploring... and I do like my loot. Plus it'll be a good chance for my teeny dragon to prove his worth!




IGN UK have their review up for DQ V. 8.9/ 10.



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Around and about lvl 30, Shadow. Dunno if thats over levelled or not- I've done a fair bit of walking around exploring, so I'm bound to have picked up some extra experience that way. I'd say if you have no problems actually getting to Estark then you should be strong enough to take him down. Just be careful and keep yourself alive. He never healed himself when I battled him, so that knowledge may come in useful.

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Well, if you want some tidbits (You don't need to do them) Go to Rosehill and find out what's happend, and then go to the town that Ragnar went to on the first chapter (Not the castle place but the town next to the cave when you get out)

Go to sleep there.


If you don't to do all of that, that's ok, just go back Zenithia and find a hole around the clouds, an Angel should be right next to it. He mentions that it's the way to get into the underground of the fiends (The place where all the mountains were covering and you could not rach when you were on the land)


Sry if that doesn't make sense :heh:

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Is that to witness a dream sequence, killer kirby? I saw that a while ago when I was just out and about. I dropped into Burland or Strathbaile and they were talking about having strange dreams, I needed to rest anyway, so it was a win win situation. That was how I knew to play the flute to access Rose's room in the first place. :heh: I went back over to Rosehill last night but she was no longer there. Her slime said that she'd been slimenapped. Maybe theres a new dream to see now...? I'll check it out later.


That second paragraph is just what I needed to hear. I was going around the overworld last night but didn't know where to go next, so seeing as I'm gonna climb the tower again to make sure I got all the loot, it'll be no problem to go back to Zenithia and look for that hole in the clouds. :hehe:




Prelvis Esley told me of a couple that went exploring in a cave for treasure. Any ideas about that? I reckon if I find em, they will want to move to my developing village. Also, anyone remember seeing a waterfall anywhere? Thats where the pirates of Dunplunderin reckon their treasure is hidden.

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Went back to Estark again after getting my guys up adnother level or 2. Started of doing well and got lots of attacks into him, but then he done a 190 on my poor Maya and killed her in one hit, then had Meena try to use Zing, but then she got hit twice and died before the Hero could heal. Had Meena being the healer then the Hero and Alena attacking, but used the Hero to heal it was needed. I think I could beat him if I tried again though, I messed up slightly and had some bad luck.

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Don't think he ever dealt as much as 190 to me. :o Can you remember what move it was and if it was a critical hit? Seeing as you have Meena in your gang, don't forget to use any protective magic she has and do what I did with Maya and cast sap. Hang in there- make it a good old war of attrition if you need to! :p

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Beat Estrak on my way to Uni. Meena got knocked out almost right away, though it felt easier without her. I kept using the move where you get surrounded by the purple move by the Hero so Estrak would waste a move getting rid of the status effects. Then Alena got a few criticals in him while he was sapped and I beat him :)


But now I need to play some Chrono Trigger.

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1 week left until DQV :)


Too right! :grin:


I went and stayed in that inn again. I had a new dream and got to see what happened to Rose now she ain't in the tower in Rosehill. I kinda feel sympathetic towards Psaro ye olde Manslayer now. :(


Here's where I've got to (the final boss battle) but I'm gonna spoiler it this time. In short I died a slow death, only getting properly beat to a pulp at what I'd hope were the closing stages of the fight.


So as killer kirby suggested, I got back up to Zenithia and jumped down through a hole in the clouds, allowing me to delve into that cave thats surrounded by mountains. I had no problems with going down through the cave and eventually ending up in the place with the four barriers. When I saved down there it said I was in Endor.


Anyway, I wiped out the barriers with no bother whatsoever. I still healed and saved between each one, just in case. Then with the castles protection down, I headed in to pay Psaro a visit.


Question: the first room. Can you do anything with those three baddies that are tottering about? Do they serve a purpose other than being easy kills...?


The castle itself was a doddle. I think I fully explored it as it didn't seem too complicated at all. Just when I thought there was gonna be some elevator puzzles or something, I was at the exit. :p So I ran up that volcano (or was it just a mountain?), played on the bugle and engaged in battle with a green version of Estark, who is apparently Psaro.


My party has been Hero, Alena, Maya and Sparkie and thats what I went in with. It worked well enough until the stage before he sprouted two heads. I was starting to run out of MP to cast omniheal and I found that Maya and Alena were using healing items pretty much exclusively, rather than attacking- Maya with some stone that replenished a little health to everyone, and Alena with a staff. Sorry that I can't remember the names of the items... and I'm literally just off the game!


Sparkie bit the dust and I brought in Ragnar who looked after himself for a while seeing as I'd equipped him with a sword that gives him a little HP back. I hung in there somehow, just whittling away and healing the party until Psaro grew a second head. I had a feeling I was fooked when I saw that happen... and I was.


It ended up being Torneko on his own (lol!) and then it was game over.


I might get back into the castle and level up the guys til they are in the late thirties... and maybe even forty! Depends on how fast they level up, I don't fancy turning this into a grind all of a sudden!


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Defeating Psaro was indeed annoying, with the amount of different forms he had, it makes a lot of other bosses in other RPG's look like a sissy :heh:

The battle to me after I got some more lvl ups was more of a battle to try and keep my MP going (He was still tough though) you do need that horn to bring the wagon with you for this bit, because even after all the level ups I still needed to bring in some other members into the fight.


So....make sure that your whole party has Magic bottles in their invortory. As well as you should make sure that you have a Ydrassial Leaf.

Have the main character learn a spell known as Omniheal as it fully heals the whole party. And also have Kiryl have learnt Kazing as that brings the a member back to life 100% and also fully healed.



That's all I can really say about it to fight the boss, good luck anyway ^_^

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Hmm, I forgot to call my wagon before the final boss, but luckily I was OK. I think I was around Level 38, which is not much of a grind (the EXP is reasonably generous in the castle). Some tips:



[spoiler=]Yes, it's quite a simple castle, but don't miss the hole in the back wall, hidden by a statue.



Final Boss:

[spoiler=]My line-up was:


Hero - used for attacking (with the Zenithian Sword) and healing.


Ragnar - attacking with the Miracle Sword.


Alena - I decided to use a physical attacker instead of the Dragon Quest VIII method of having No.3 as magic attack. It worked out fine, but in hindsight, I might have chosen someone who could cast Insulate, which I suspect is more important than Kabuff in this fight.


I also suspect Borya's ice spells are more effective than Maya's fire spells, but I can't remember what else he can cast. If you pick someone whose only real use is to cast Insulate, you might want to give them the Sage's Stone to use every turn (apart from when they cast Insulate, obviously).


Kiryl - No.4 is your healer. I chose Kiryl for Kabuff and Kazing. I also had him use the Sage's Stone most turns, but Psaro's fire attacks forced me to use Hero's Omniheal. If one of your healers can cast Insulate as well, you're onto a winner.


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Ten10, see about getting yourself a mod rod. :wink:


For me, the credits have rolled. I did level up but I think I could have done it at the levels I was at anyway, seeing as I knew what to expect. My Hero was at lvl 39 for it this time, and to be honest, I could have gone a bit longer against Psaro.


Who was that that the Hero embraced right at the end, amongst the flowers? I have two people in mind for who it could be...



Time Taken Till Ending: 029:18

Battles: 1297

Monsters Defeated{ 3681

Total Gold Taken from Battles: 198662G

Victories: 1288

Times Wiped Out: 5

Times Fled: 3

Maximum Damage in One Hit: 351

Clear Level: 39 Lv


Title: Spirited Sport


I'm not sure when I'll dig into the post game. I might leave it til after DQ 5 as I could do with these few days downtime between RPGs. Having said that, Chrono Trigger is waiting for attention. :p


PS Grazza is a noob for not knowing to use the bugle. The guy at Heavens Haven even reminds you to do it!

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For me, the credits have rolled. I did level up but I think I could have done it at the levels I was at anyway, seeing as I knew what to expect. My Hero was at lvl 39 for it this time, and to be honest, I could have gone a bit longer against Psaro.




Who was that that the Hero embraced right at the end, amongst the flowers? I have two people in mind for who it could be...


I think it was Jessica Alba.


PS Grazza is a noob for not knowing to use the bugle. The guy at Heavens Haven even reminds you to do it!


Gargh, it's insult after insult with you! I did know, I just forgot. ;)

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