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Dragon Quest IV, V, VI: The Zenithia Trilogy


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Pfft, I put DQII on par with DQVIII.


Anyway, whatever, I find that VI is my 5th favorite game in the DQ series, but that's like me saying a certain desert was better than another, in the end they all taste so fucking good.


Don't you find that the sand gets between your teeth? (Sorry couldn't let that go :p)

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Pfft, I put DQII on par with DQVIII.


Anyway, whatever, I find that VI is my 5th favorite game in the DQ series, but that's like me saying a certain desert was better than another, in the end they all taste so fucking good.


Hmmm... let's see here, I really can't agree much with what you're saying.


DQVIII is amazing. BUT, it's very formulaic and doesn't really stand out from the crowd of good RPGs in any way. Even so, I did enjoy it, but I know what I'm looking for in it, I'm not fooling myself into thinking it's in any way a mindblowing experience!! As we move towards a future of more memorable interface experiences, I think it (and the whole DQ series) is gonna be left behind unless they start being more bold with the upcoming installments. The series desperately needs to evolve... I like that they keep it simple, but they don't have to keep it so repetitive and it really needs some personality.

So yeah, while it is a tasty desert, I wouldn't really recommend ANY DQ game as essential, out of the ones I've tried so far. They're games for gamers... it's hard to get someone who isn't an avid gamer interested in them.

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My take on it is that a game has a chance to stand out when it's based on a new graphics engine. By this token, DQVIII and IX certainly stand out, with V almost certainly being the pick of the Zenithia Trilogy. The identical game engine makes these remakes feel so similar to each other, there's only room for one highlight. In fact, as I understand it, they are based on the PlayStation engine for DQVII, so that's four games using the same engine, but I shouldn't really comment on VII since I haven't played it.


As for Dragon Quest VIII, it's the best RPG I've played, and if there's a better one, I would love to know what it is. Genuinely, I would love to play something I'd enjoy more.


DQVIII is amazing. BUT, it's very formulaic and doesn't really stand out from the crowd of good RPGs in any way.


Surely the amazing visuals and music are enough to make it stand out? The graphics engine alone was impressive for a Generation 6 game, with fully-modelled towns and villages. You could rotate the camera with the 2nd analogue stick and flip into 1st-person mode to inspect, say, a chandelier on the ceiling or the view from the battlements. In this regard, it felt more like Zelda than a typical RPG.


The series desperately needs to evolve... I like that they keep it simple, but they don't have to keep it so repetitive and it really needs some personality.


DQ IX is the only one (I've played) that is repetitive within the game. As for personality, this is the series that gave us King Trode, Yangus and Puff-Puff! It's unfortunate that IX was a bit bland, but I can't name another RPG series that has the same charm.


Of course, I would like Dragon Quest to improve as well - when I was playing VIII, I drooled at the thought of the next one (which I assumed would be on PS3-like tech), but that's like any other game. A better experience will be made if they manage better graphics, music, towns, villages, characters... etc.


The risk with abandoning the old-fashion aspects that reviewers have come to criticise, is that it might devalue the Dragon Quest gameplay. Take Final Fantasy's ATB (which is just turn-based, but timed) or FFXII's ADB - neither were better than the untimed turn-based of DQ, where you have time to consider your stategy, then watch to see if, with a bit of luck, your choices paid off.

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Hmmm... let's see here, I really can't agree much with what you're saying.


DQVIII is amazing. BUT, it's very formulaic and doesn't really stand out from the crowd of good RPGs in any way. Even so, I did enjoy it, but I know what I'm looking for in it, I'm not fooling myself into thinking it's in any way a mindblowing experience!! As we move towards a future of more memorable interface experiences, I think it (and the whole DQ series) is gonna be left behind unless they start being more bold with the upcoming installments. The series desperately needs to evolve... I like that they keep it simple, but they don't have to keep it so repetitive and it really needs some personality.


Ummm.....You should be saying that to the Final Fantasy series, that's on a rapid decline, while Dragon Quest is on the rise, with DQIX being the best selling game ever in the series. Oh and I should note that Pokemon is also on the rise and that's the same repetitive shit.


In fact, as I understand it, they are based on the PlayStation engine for DQVII, so that's four games using the same engine, but I shouldn't really comment on VII since I haven't played it.


Yep was also done for the remake of DQIV on the PS1. Just like how the DQI+II remake was done using the DQV engine and how DQIII remake was done using the DQVI engine.


And the chances of DWVII coming out on PSN are very low, the best chance is on ebay or just wait for the remake which will prob be on the Wii.

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Out of interest, what JRPGs are there for those who aren't avid gamers?


I would have to say Chrono Trigger. Not only is it by far the best JRPG I've ever played, it's also one of the best games ever made and I've successfully driven 2 occasional gamer friends towards it (people who enjoy games but rarely ever play a "quest" type game like CT, and both of which had never played an RPG) based on the premise alone. And they both completed it. And one's a girl. I think it's uncannily good, really!


Also, Xenogears & Earthbound, to a much lesser extent.


My take on it is that a game has a chance to stand out when it's based on a new graphics engine. By this token, DQVIII and IX certainly stand out, with V almost certainly being the pick of the Zenithia Trilogy. The identical game engine makes these remakes feel so similar to each other, there's only room for one highlight. In fact, as I understand it, they are based on the PlayStation engine for DQVII, so that's four games using the same engine, but I shouldn't really comment on VII since I haven't played it.


I wasn't really focusing on graphics or any aesthetic attributes when I posted. I'll get into that in a bit


As for V being the pick out of the trilogy, so it seems to be, and I have to be honest, it was the only one which captivated me when I tried it out. (found it second hand and bought it yesterday for 18£, btw)


As for Dragon Quest VIII, it's the best RPG I've played, and if there's a better one, I would love to know what it is. Genuinely, I would love to play something I'd enjoy more.


I've played many RPGs that I've preffered to DQVIII.. Baldur's Gate II, Fallout 1/2/3, Elder Scrolls series, Chrono Trigger, Panzer Dragoon Saga, FFIV/FFVI, Xenogears, Mass Effect series, Secret Of Mana, Skies Of Arcadia, Suikoden II, Earthbound/Mother 3, Planescape: Torment, Diablo 2, Pokemon Red/Silver.


That said, I still have plenty of love for DQVIII. I'd rate it alongside the Icewind Dale series, Diablo 1, Baldur's Gate... and I still much preffer it to the Phantasy Star/Lufia/Breath Of Fire/Tales series... or FFX... all of which I still quite like!


Surely the amazing visuals and music are enough to make it stand out? The graphics engine alone was impressive for a Generation 6 game, with fully-modelled towns and villages. You could rotate the camera with the 2nd analogue stick and flip into 1st-person mode to inspect, say, a chandelier on the ceiling or the view from the battlements. In this regard, it felt more like Zelda than a typical RPG.


I don't give a flying fuck about visuals, usually, but yeah, in DQVIII they were endearing enough to make me care about them... but I don't think they stood out from the crowd, really. Yeah, Cel Shading looks cool, but really, how does that really make the game stand out? And as for the music, great though it was, so were the soundtracks in most other RGPs around. Personally, I actually do preffer DQVIII's as it's a bit more classy and fullfilled, according to my tastes... still, these are just "extras"... if the gameplay didn't deliver, nobody would care about them. And over here/in the US, it came out right after Shadow Of The Colossus, so it was bound to seem "lesser" in that respect... but if we're being honest, pretty much any game that generation paled in comparison to SotC.


DQ IX is the only one (I've played) that is repetitive within the game. As for personality, this is the series that gave us King Trode, Yangus and Puff-Puff! It's unfortunate that IX was a bit bland, but I can't name another RPG series that has the same charm.


I disagree. I found DQVIII to be quite repetitive at times. I loved that it stuck to it's roots and that it chose not to complicate the formula, but sometimes it just followed it too closely and it felt, well... old.


And when I say personality, I don't mean it in that way... I like the chars! What I mean is, when I finished the game, it left me with little. I was just happy to conclude it and have enjoyed it, but it didn't really arouse much of a response in me. I watched as it's story played out and was never negatively impressed by it, but it just didn't surprise me at any point whatsoever... it's a bit of a tired script with little emotional draw, imo.


Of course, I would like Dragon Quest to improve as well - when I was playing VIII, I drooled at the thought of the next one (which I assumed would be on PS3-like tech), but that's like any other game. A better experience will be made if they manage better graphics, music, towns, villages, characters... etc.


The risk with abandoning the old-fashion aspects that reviewers have come to criticise, is that it might devalue the Dragon Quest gameplay. Take Final Fantasy's ATB (which is just turn-based, but timed) or FFXII's ADB - neither were better than the untimed turn-based of DQ, where you have time to consider your stategy, then watch to see if, with a bit of luck, your choices paid off.


I don't think the problem in DQ resides in the graphics/music/characters... it's just a general lack of scope and ambition. They just churn out these cliched fantasy stories and keep them hovering over the same old gameplay... and whilst it's true that they do execute it to perfection, I think it needs a bit of a jolt. Right now, it feels like it was imagined by an unambitious and uninspired late 20's sales clerk.


I seriosuly do not see any difference between ATB and Turn based battles, to be honest. I slighlty preffer ATB because it forces you to act and it somewhat levels the playing field as well as increasing the realness of it... but it's hardly anything that'd make that much of a difference. The problem is deeper than that. RPGs need a reinvention, not just a tweaking of the same mechanics.


Ummm.....You should be saying that to the Final Fantasy series, that's on a rapid decline, while Dragon Quest is on the rise, with DQIX being the best selling game ever in the series. Oh and I should note that Pokemon is also on the rise and that's the same repetitive shit.


The Final Fantasy series has been in decline ever since VI came out and it climaxed.

I personally think FFVII is one of the worst RPGs I've ever played, no matter how great the story/music is... the gameplay is terrible. VIII shares this problem, imo. I've never tried IX but it seems to be right up my alley and appears to be quite good. X was cool. My first FF. Nothing too great, but quite a solid game. XI... no comment. XII I actually quite liked, don't understand the hate it gets. XII is the worst RPG I've ever played, basically. But this is all beside the point!



You think DQ is on the rise because IX sold well? What the hell does that matter??? You think anybody will remember Pokémon Ruby/Saphire/Diamond/Pearl/Black/White as anything other than "just another game" in years to come, despite how much they sold? Industry innovation and sales are rarely ever related! And DQIX will be forgotten as well!

I like how you call Pokemon "same repetitive shit" (and I do agree) but you can't seem to see just how well that same tag fits the DQ series... except for much better presentation, it's exactly the same as pokemon. Always the same generic type of quest and setting. I personally love it, but you have to admit it's pretty much just rinse and repeat,rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat.

Edited by Oxigen_Waste
Posted the same thing 3 times, oops.
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You think DQ is on the rise because IX sold well? What the hell does that matter??? You think anybody will remember Pokémon Ruby/Saphire/Diamond/Pearl/Black/White as anything other than "just another game" in years to come, despite how much they sold? Industry innovation and sales are rarely ever related! And DQIX will be forgotten as well!

I like how you call Pokemon "same repetitive shit" (and I do agree) but you can't seem to see just how well that same tag fits the DQ series... except for much better presentation, it's exactly the same as pokemon. Always the same generic type of quest and setting. I personally love it, but you have to admit it's pretty much just rinse and repeat,rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat.


You don't get that each Dragon Quest game always brings in something new to the table that not even other genre's bring, only until after. Dragon Quest doesn't need to change, it's still going very strong compared to a lot of other series, but hey, I could say the same about all gaming series that they are the same shit, all have the same core to it and everything else is different and Dragon Quest is as well. I embrace it for the charm and simple yet challenging gameplay. As long as Horii, Toriyama and Sugiyama are on the helm I will continue to enjoy the magic those 3 bring.


But eh, whatever rocks your boat when it comes to RPG, perhaps Dragon Quest ain't the series you should be looking into.

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I wasn't really focusing on graphics or any aesthetic attributes when I posted. I'll get into that in a bit


I thought so, but games built on exactly the same engine tend to play the same too. Both Zenithia Trilogy games I've played have the same menus, spells etc. Unlike VIII onwards, there are no special moves unique to certain weapons, no skill-sets etc.


I've played many RPGs that I've preffered to DQVIII.. Baldur's Gate II, Fallout 1/2/3, Elder Scrolls series, Chrono Trigger, Panzer Dragoon Saga, FFIV/FFVI, Xenogears, Mass Effect series, Secret Of Mana, Skies Of Arcadia, Suikoden II, Earthbound/Mother 3, Planescape: Torment, Diablo 2, Pokemon Red/Silver.


Thanks for listing all those. I'd agree Panzer Dragoon Saga and Skies of Arcadia are top-tier.


Yeah, Cel Shading looks cool, but really, how does that really make the game stand out?


DQVIII's is the best art style I've ever seen that combines realistic proportions with a cartoony aesthetic. The colours seem to be just right - not too washed-out - which is something I've not seen in another game.


And as for the music, great though it was, so were the soundtracks in most other RGPs around. Personally, I actually do preffer DQVIII's as it's a bit more classy and fullfilled, according to my tastes... still, these are just "extras"... if the gameplay didn't deliver, nobody would care about them.


It just struck a chord with me, full orchestra, lots of brass.


And over here/in the US, it came out right after Shadow Of The Colossus, so it was bound to seem "lesser" in that respect... but if we're being honest, pretty much any game that generation paled in comparison to SotC.


No arguments from me that Shadow of the Colossus was top notch, but it was an action game, not an RPG. In that regard, I don't think it dampened DQVIII at all, because as great as SotC was, an RPG wouldn't be the same without all the towns and villages, countless enemies etc.


If there's one series Shadow of the Colossus took the shine off, I'm sorry to say it's probably Zelda. Not that I think Zelda can't fight back, but after SotC's seamless overworld and giant, highly interactive bosses, it'll take some doing.


And when I say personality, I don't mean it in that way... I like the chars! What I mean is, when I finished the game, it left me with little. I was just happy to conclude it and have enjoyed it, but it didn't really arouse much of a response in me. I watched as it's story played out and was never negatively impressed by it, but it just didn't surprise me at any point whatsoever... it's a bit of a tired script with little emotional draw, imo.


Ah, I thought you might have meant the game's personality, not personalities. My bad.


Again, the game struck a chord with me, but we're massively in the realm of subjectivity here. A loyal castle guard who is the only one to survive an attack by an evil sorcerer, forced to travel the land, hoping to one day turn the princess back into a human. Give me that sort of stuff any day. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Some good news for Australia, VI has been rated by the OFLC. Note that they've changed the subtitle for Australia to Realms of Reverie opposed to EU/US title Realms of Revelation. I have to say I think I prefer the AUS title.


Nice to see a bit of movement.


Also the newest issue of Ngamer reviewed VI with a score of 83% (if I'm remembering right).

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I finished the game some weeks ago (US import yay) and yeah, it ended a lot sooner than I thought, took me like about 35 hours to complete it, the original took me like 50-60 hours. Guess it's the benefit of having a lot faster battles compared the SNES version (Snes version animation took a bit of time in the battle) But I have completed the game on the SNES version as well so I knew what and where to go as well, which would have made the game go faster as well. But this game is still truly awesome, plus it gives me pleasure to fight the extra boss in it again since he has always been the hardest boss to defeat in the Dragon Quest series. Still not sure about the animation of the game, I kind of still like the SNES graphics. Oh and the battles are a lot easier compared to the SNES version as well.


Biggest issue for me was the magic menu. Why did they have to fuse the skills and magic into one menu? It made it messier and took a bit of time to find the certain move because of it.


But it was fun still, and I really enjoyed going back into the world of Zenith and the ending is still just as touching as I remember it. Truly loved every moment of it.


Now...bring on Dragon Quest VII remake for the Wii xD

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What don't you like, the price?


Yep, too high for a DS game*. They'll probably drop it before release, plus they seem to be the only retailer that has it up for preorder atm, so they'll probably drop it once others put it up.


I'd still pay that much if I have to though.


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