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Understand what you want from Wii..


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Looking around the forums here (and elsewhere) it seems that many Wii owners are twisting about their consoles. In relation to many of us on here who know this is farcial (like Hero, Fierce, Jammy,Gaggle) I feel we should all try the following to feel better: peace:


Make a mental or physical list of existing and non-existing games you want on the Wii..


Now put a mark next to them as OLD or NEW. New cannot be a sequel. New has to be something not made before.


Now when you do this you'll have lots of OLD/typical games on the Wii with NEW/exciting games that you have never played before (but you came up with).


With these NEW games comes the real factor of the Wii.


You see that list you've made? Evident that we all want a mixture of OLD and NEW isn't it? But it took you seconds to think of or write those old games down. But it probably took you a while to think of NEW games. This is exactly what developers are facing right now. The OLD games may come but the NEW games will take longer. And surely the NEW games in your mind are FAR more exciting!! Oh and if your list was mostly populated by old titles buy a 360! if not..You're in the right place...It's just "good things come to those who wait"!:yay:


Put your lists up people...Could be the start of something beautiful :)

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When I think about most of the games to be released in the future, they're usually always the Nintendo games which you'll never find on other systems, the first party titles.


I'd like to see more new stuff coming from Nintendo, and it is coming. I think WiiSports and Brain Training are only the start. If I was to rewind back a year or two and ask myself what titles I'd want, a brain training type game and Wiisports would never have entered my head once! That's the beauty of Nintendo, they're unpredictable. You literally cannot imagine what their next new franchise will be.

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When I think about most of the games to be released in the future, they're usually always the Nintendo games which you'll never find on other systems, the first party titles.


That exactly why I buy and love Nintendo consoles/games. I have said many times over the years that despite many developers making great games Nintendo always seem to have the best games.


I have braved through all of the Nintendo eras and despite the N64 and the Cube lacking 3rd party support I didnt really care aslong as I had my 1st party titles.


So,what do I want from the Wii in the future? Plain and simple, just more 1st Nintendo games!

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For Brand new games you see it is very difficult to know whether they will turn out to be good or not. This is why with sequels to great games people expect an improvement and therefore hype them.


We can all use our imagination but all most of us can thing of is a Wii Rts and Wii sword fighting game etc.


Also I wouln't really say buy a 360 if you just want new and different. Many fans just want new and improved sequels to their favourite nintendo games. Mario strikers for example is my favourite wii game and it barely uses motion sensing.


Games like Phoenix wright and truama centre were shockingly great and were brand new ideas. These games have turned the ds into a fantastic hit.


With the wii i think so far wiisports has been the only REAL success using the wiimote.

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Right, I'm going to do this as I'm bored and waiting for dinner ^_^. Firstly a few points of notes - The 'old / new' thing is what looks new or old to me. Super Mario Galaxy, although a long running franchise, will be classed as 'new' seeing as the gameplay looks new to me.

Also, if I didn't play a previous game then it will be new, an example of this being Battalion Wars 2, it is 'new' to me. Anyway, here we go:


Super Smash Bros Brawl - Old


Super Mario Galaxy - New


Metroid Prime 3 - Old (New controls though)


Disaster: Day of Crisis - New (I think)


No More Heroes - New / Old


Battalion Wars 2 - New


Super Paper Mario - Old


Project H.A.M.M.E.R - Old


Dragon Quest Swords - New


Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles - Old


Resident Evil: UC - Old


Dewy's Adventure - New


Kirby Wii - Old


Animal Crossing Wii - New


Wii health Pack - New


Mario / Sonic Olympics - New


MySims - New


Nights 2 - Old


Guitar Hero III - Old


Zack and wiki - New


Opoona - Old


Soul Caliber LEgends - Old




There are plenty more but I wanted to keep the list pretty specific. I'm expecting E3 to be the real place to see this list grow.

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Right now, the only 'new' game I want is this Vision Red thing. For those who know what I'm talking about, I think we can say with almost 100% certainty that it doesn't exist, but it still sounded good.


I have no idea what you're talking about. And what's this about "new" games?

*Looks at Oblivion, Ride Racer, PES, FFXIII, MGS4,SCIV,Virtua Fighter 6(?),Tekken 6,GTAIV"

Seems to me all consoles have their share of sequels.

It's like "Oh noes, Nintendo is always making Zelda and Mario" and then they don't complain about the millions of sequels of Ratchet and Clank, Jack and Daxter, PES, Collin McRae, etc... that come out few months one after another. Except for Mario Party of course, they should lay low a while with that one.


What I want is fun. As simple as that. And so far it has delivered more than any other console, considering the amount of time.

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I have no idea what you're talking about. And what's this about "new" games?

*Looks at Oblivion, Ride Racer, PES, FFXIII, MGS4,SCIV,Virtua Fighter 6(?),Tekken 6,GTAIV"

Seems to me all consoles have their share of sequels.

It's like "Oh noes, Nintendo is always making Zelda and Mario" and then they don't complain about the millions of sequels of Ratchet and Clank, Jack and Daxter, PES, Collin McRae, etc... that come out few months one after another. Except for Mario Party of course, they should lay low a while with that one.


What I want is fun. As simple as that. And so far it has delivered more than any other console, considering the amount of time.


Remember that guy that made a load of crap up a few months. About seeing a zelda game that said' a love to die for' or something like that. He also claimed he saw a new game called vision red though i forget what it was about.

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Remember that guy that made a load of crap up a few months. About seeing a zelda game that said' a love to die for' or something like that. He also claimed he saw a new game called vision red though i forget what it was about.


I tend to ignore that kind of stuff and if I read my brain eliminates it so I still don't remember lol.

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I have no idea what you're talking about.


A little while ago some rumours popped up primarily about metroid prime 3 (how it would have online functionality but not online multiplayer, etc.) Presumably leaked from a press conference, if I recall correctly. I think we can pretty much safely say that it was all fake. Nonetheless, there was more than just talk about mp3. It also said something about some new games to be released in 2008, among which there was Vision Red. Described as an RPG from nintendo reminiscent of the setting and characters of ff7, I just had to love it, despite knowing that it most probably did not exist. Can you like a non-existant game? I guess I can.

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A little while ago some rumours popped up primarily about metroid prime 3 (how it would have online functionality but not online multiplayer, etc.) Presumably leaked from a press conference, if I recall correctly. I think we can pretty much safely say that it was all fake. Nonetheless, there was more than just talk about mp3. It also said something about some new games to be released in 2008, among which there was Vision Red. Described as an RPG from nintendo reminiscent of the setting and characters of ff7, I just had to love it, despite knowing that it most probably did not exist. Can you like a non-existant game? I guess I can.


The Wii is going to get a kick ass RPG in some way or form either way. The thing is selling too good in Japan not to get a huge influx of RPG's.


I'm hoping we'll see a brand new franchise for an RPG become huge on the Wii. The whole RPG thing is getting stale with like only having 2 big franchises, and tons of semi successful ones. Someone other then Sqaure-Enix need to come out and make an incredible RPG which will reinvent the genre.

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I'm hoping we'll see a brand new franchise for an RPG become huge on the Wii. The whole RPG thing is getting stale with like only having 2 big franchises, and tons of semi successful ones. Someone other then Sqaure-Enix need to come out and make an incredible RPG which will reinvent the genre.


I completely agree with that. I've always been a huge (console-)RPG fan, but lately I've become increasingly less interested, returning again to the old classics that made me love the genre rather than trying out the new games. I need something fresh, and preferably on the wii.

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Wow! This thread has turned into something far deeper than I ever could have anticipated. Thanks everyone!

Reading the imput was interesting. I suggest you all take a glance at everyone's points! Initially you can see the love for Nintendo based franchises. This is obviously going to happen due to the nature of the forums yet I was suprised at how loyal we all still are to Nintendo franchises. It kind of backs up what some developers say - Nintendo consoles main top sellers are Nintendo only games. But I think this speaks volumes about the quality of the software. It's not a bad thing if the games are good. And they usually are. I particularly liked Fierce's note about the suprise/unpredictability element Nintendo bring. (Which Nintendo themselves always wax lyrical about) The thread then changes to the varying games the Wii is going to bring. Which is when the thread changes. The contrast in language begins to center around excitement and mystery. I also completely agree about the RPG discussion. Remember though, the Wii needs that mixture of OLD and NEW. The old is just as important as the new. Without the elements in old games, developers can never successfully produce NEW experiences. Look at Brain training, old elements like Soduko add longevity to the product. And OLD elements such as the TV remote inspired the Wiimote design. Keep posting people. It's always a pleasure to read what people want from their existance as a console owner. We've all bought into the future of gaming afterall. :)

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The Wii taps into the one thing that we as Nintendo fans know about. Hope.


Its about possibility and the chance to change things for the future, its a forward thinking philosophy. This always makes me laugh though because how often have we all "hoped" for Nintendo, hoped for them to do well or to produce "that" game just how we want it in our hearts to be? The Wii makes it feel as if it all might just happen this time.


Honestly speaking though, I seem to be far more interested in games with a more original feel. And this has got me a lot more excited about the 3rd party games like Z&W. But then you have games like Opoona which just look crazy and it begs me to get it just for the crazy universe theyve created.


1st party stuff is bread and butter to me. Its good but at the same time predictable. I have trouble getting really excited about SMG for instance and I know Metroid is going to be good but maybe thats it? Maybe I already know what I'm getting so I'm slightly meh about them.

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In reply to Jamba, a Finnish game reviewing god wrote recently in his blog how now, when there are demos, magazines, websites, and tons of ways to look at the game and see what it's like before you buy it, before it's even released, people are just accustomed to that. Before he started Finland's most succesful gaming magazine, nothing of the sort was available and you just bought games with the little information, for example what genre it is, and you could really be surprised at how good the game is. Like he did with X-Com: Apocalypse and UFO: Unknown (the "two Best Games in the World") in his time.


Recently, inspired by that, I've begun to buy stuff partly instinctively. That is to say, I don't read through all the game reviews I find to learn everything I can about the game. If it's been received well, or just seems like something I'd really enjoy, I buy it. I can always return it or trade it later if it turns out to be crap. Which brings me to another point: There's always someone who wants a game you consider bad. Find trading sites or threads on forums and use them! You both save money!

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@ YanRou


Good post. Totally agree with buying random games with little media influence. If i had enough time then I think I would churn a lot more games and take them back if they were really bad. Prob is that I dont even have the cash for that really.


Only thing I dont like about coming on this forum tho is finding out too much about a game.

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