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  The Villan said:
Wild Guess No. 44,312: Dungeons & Dragons.


Hehe, not too far off. OK, another clue: There have been at least 8 games in the series, as well as a few games in a spinoff series. The name of the series is _____ and ______


The name of this particular game is ______ and ______ IV: Clouds of ______


Correct again!



Zechs Merquise: 31

theguyfromspark: 23

Hellfire: 13

darksnowman: 12

steggy: 11

Coolness Bears: 10

Happenstance: 9

/nando/: 9

4q2: 8

Patch: 8

immy: 7

Jonnas: 7

EchoDesiato: 7

Shino: 7

Mcj Metroid: 7

Tales: 6

peterl0: 6

Gentleben: 6

Jamba: 5

The Villan: 5

welsh_gamer: 5

Brass_Monkey: 4

Deathborn: 3

YanRuo: 2

Ollie: 2

Zell: 2

Tetzcatilipoca: 2

thirtynine: 2

rapunzel: 2

Mundi: 1

Petey_Piranah: 1

Daft: 1

Emasher: 1

tapedeck: 1

Sheikah: 1

Oditri: 1


I'm gonna offer some cropped images this time - they should be easy enough... though maybe obscure, so lets think retro! :heh:


1: Winterwonderland.jpg

An easy one to begin with!


2: FairgroundAdventure.jpg

Slightly harder...


3: WaterfallWit.jpg

A toughie to finish things.



Zechs Merquise: 31

theguyfromspark: 23

Hellfire: 13

darksnowman: 13

steggy: 11

Coolness Bears: 10

Happenstance: 9

/nando/: 9

Patch: 9

4q2: 8

immy: 7

Jonnas: 7

EchoDesiato: 7

Shino: 7

Mcj Metroid: 7

Tales: 6

peterl0: 6

Gentleben: 6

Jamba: 5

The Villan: 5

welsh_gamer: 5

Deathborn: 5

Brass_Monkey: 4

YanRuo: 2

Ollie: 2

Zell: 2

Tetzcatilipoca: 2

thirtynine: 2

rapunzel: 2

Mundi: 1

Petey_Piranah: 1

Daft: 1

Emasher: 1

tapedeck: 1

Sheikah: 1

Oditri: 1


Nice one guys, my pics were testing how well you know your quality games! :P I updated the scoreboard with a point for myself for getting Rapunzels, a point for our good man Patch and two points for Deathborn.


Mine were DKC: Snow barrel blast, DKC 2: Target Terror and DKC 3: the boss of Cottontop Cove, whose name escapes me at the moment!


Good pics DS.


Here are a few more cropped ones:


1. [ATTACH]1567[/ATTACH]


2. [ATTACH]1568[/ATTACH]


3. [ATTACH]1569[/ATTACH]


Perfect Dark is correct. I suppose there's no-one else you could mistake for Elvis!


Chronotrigger - not quite. You're on the right lines though.

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