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Vista Thread

Guest Jordan

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Vista is looking good, though - but you'de be better off switching to XP, or sticking to your copy.


Windows Vista RC2 was much, much more stable than XP. The final version is even better.


I haven't had any problems with my hardware, in fact some seem to work better on Vista than XP (TV card is much better quality, my phone actually connects to the PC easily, with no extra software needed). And Aero Glass looks ace.

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Windows Vista RC2 was much, much more stable than XP. The final version is even better.


I haven't had any problems with my hardware, in fact some seem to work better on Vista than XP (TV card is much better quality, my phone actually connects to the PC easily, with no extra software needed). And Aero Glass looks ace.


But what can Vista do that XP couldn't? But you're right on the security and stabilty issues, bbut apart from that XP still has more support than Vista right now. I think the five year wait slowed the windows-industry down. I think it was better if they gradually expanded over XP (like macOS X has been doing for years) instead of one massive blowout. Don't get me wrong, it's nice they did so - but from a business point of few it would have been easier to do the transition from XP to Vista and slowly build up for the next-generation platform Vienna.

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Vista's prettier than XP! TBH, if i had a spare machine that ran XP it'd be on Vista if possible. Seems a lot of people round here have upgraded too-which i found a little surprising ^_^


And being able to see the contents of the window live by hovering over the tab seems really cool.


If I still had an XP machine I would have upgraded straight away as well. It certainly looks a lot nicer than the childish XP.


I have a few questions about Vista.

Does the interface look dark? Every screenshot I see it looks really dark.


Do windows still load in steps? By this I mean where on XP you'd have the outline of a window open, then some of the tool bars would appear, and basically it looked like the windows were being slowly filled in. Not sure if anyone will understand what I mean.


And has anyone had any issues with weird things like in XP e.g Icons not changing to what you're selecting no matter how many times you try to change it, or a folder you can't rename but when someone else tries to do it it works fine, or when you click send file to mail recipient it wont let you view the main Outlook window again?


Is Vista a big step up from XP?

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I upgraded to Vista last month and it is a lot better than using XP. I've had no problems with any of the hardware i've installed on the PC. I actually found that my wireless adaptor linked up and was working a lot quicker than it did when i set it up on XP. Only trouble with Vista is that it is memory hungry and i need to up my RAM a bit to make it a little faster.


Just got to wait and see when the Wi-Fi dongle has a driver update for Vista so i can get back on the DS online

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Just got to wait and see when the Wi-Fi dongle has a driver update for Vista so i can get back on the DS online


Setup.exe right click - properties. Run in compatability for XP. Install the Nintendo WiFi USB Connector then.

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If I still had an XP machine I would have upgraded straight away as well. It certainly looks a lot nicer than the childish XP.


I have a few questions about Vista.

Does the interface look dark? Every screenshot I see it looks really dark.

I believe that the default interface colours are quite dark, but there are a number of preset colour schemes that lighten it up a bit without being too garish.


Do windows still load in steps? By this I mean where on XP you'd have the outline of a window open, then some of the tool bars would appear, and basically it looked like the windows were being slowly filled in. Not sure if anyone will understand what I mean.

I *think* that's called UI painting and it seems to have gone the way of the dinosaur in Vista, along with that horrible window pasting that sometimes happens when an app isn't responding (looks like multiple copies of the window are all over the desktop when you move the window about).


And has anyone had any issues with weird things like in XP e.g Icons not changing to what you're selecting no matter how many times you try to change it, or a folder you can't rename but when someone else tries to do it it works fine, or when you click send file to mail recipient it wont let you view the main Outlook window again?


Not sure about all this, none of it rings a bell though


Is Vista a big step up from XP?

It's difficult to say really as there is a lot going on behind the scenes for developers and as a precursor to later OS versions, however as an upgrade from XP it doesn't feel too different which is both a curse and a blessing. I'd still recommend it over XP to anyone with 1 Gig of ram or more but my personal opinion is that this OS is really just setting the scene (such as the new driver implementation and back end) for the next major OS which is supposed to be a lot more revolutionary for the end user.

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I believe that the default interface colours are quite dark, but there are a number of preset colour schemes that lighten it up a bit without being too garish.


I'm only going off screenshots so i don't really know. I used to think Vista looked really nice, and I still do, but recently it's just looked dark and a bit... meh. Anyone got a screenshot of some other settings with it looking a little nicer?


I *think* that's called UI painting and it seems to have gone the way of the dinosaur in Vista, along with that horrible window pasting that sometimes happens when an app isn't responding (looks like multiple copies of the window are all over the desktop when you move the window about).


Hopefully, it's utterly awful.


Not sure about all this, none of it rings a bell though


They've all happened to me today, that's why i used them as examples. The email thing happens all the time though. So annoying.


It's difficult to say really as there is a lot going on behind the scenes for developers and as a precursor to later OS versions, however as an upgrade from XP it doesn't feel too different which is both a curse and a blessing. I'd still recommend it over XP to anyone with 1 Gig of ram or more but my personal opinion is that this OS is really just setting the scene (such as the new driver implementation and back end) for the next major OS which is supposed to be a lot more revolutionary for the end user.


What does it have over XP? Obviously a nicer interface. But what else? *Actual question not sarcastic comment*

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I got vista a few months back now.

Its MUCH better than XP in every way. I hated XP, I thought it was the worst operating sytem on the planet. It bwas much to buggy, look horrible and well just generally sucked.


Vista on the other hand is great, it takes full advantage of my PC, looks wonderfull and all the little things about it are what makes it great. I have had one big problem, where the vista drivers for my nvidia card failed and my computer just went so slow it was untrue. But vista helped me there to, it went into safe mode and directed me with the exact insruections of what to do to sort the problem out, all on screen.


Its the best operating sytem I've ever used, even though I only have 1GB ram.

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I'm only going off screenshots so i don't really know. I used to think Vista looked really nice, and I still do, but recently it's just looked dark and a bit... meh. Anyone got a screenshot of some other settings with it looking a little nicer?


I (don't have Vista, but that wasn't my point) like the Basic one: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/59/Windows_Vista_Basic.png - without the transparant windows the entire system feels lighter.


Dark is the new color for all systems - Leopard has that darker plastic, too.

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So... in short, we now need to talk about the two in a different thread because comparing them makes it wrong.


The comparison thread might come, im all in favour of it if its kept calm. Would be more in a guide format though rather than a debate

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The main advantages for me, as an end user are:


  • Stability, I've been using it for 5 months and never had a crash.
  • Efficiency, its programed to use all the components of modern computers efficiently, people complain that it uses lots of ram, and its true, but it would be stupid not to take advantage of the ram most computer have today, and that goes for the GPU too.
  • The search function, its actually useful this time! every file on this computer (except the critical ones) are indexed.

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Guest Jordan
Public Vote: Should i let Fields back in this thread so he can edit his post back?



Because he's a fucking idiot.

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Public Vote: Should i let Fields back in this thread so he can edit his post back?


What did his original post say?


The main advantages for me, as an end user are:


  • Stability, I've been using it for 5 months and never had a crash.
  • Efficiency, its programed to use all the components of modern computers efficiently, people complain that it uses lots of ram, and its true, but it would be stupid not to take advantage of the ram most computer have today, and that goes for the GPU too.
  • The search function, its actually useful this time! every file on this computer (except the critical ones) are indexed.


I agree with the RAM thing, I mean recommending 1GB isn't a huge deal in my opinion.

Also XP's god awful search function couldn't really be worse. Does this actually find stuff straight away?

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Does the Vista search thing work in the same way as Spotlight? Looking inside documents in addition to reading meta data, file types and file names? And is it as instant as Spotlight, as opposed to the XP go fetch style mechanic?

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It depends, if you search through the start menu, it might take a few seconds, if you search through the file's folder its instantaneous.


And after a small test, yes it does read what inside document files.

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I love the way Vista tailors itself to you're hardware. Im running on a Turion 64 1.6GHz, 512MB RAM and a 64MB ATi X700 and it runs fine. A little slower than XP and i can't play games on Vista but i gain all the advantages (bar Aero, which i can run but not without loosing a few seconds per program load)


What did his original post say?


Can't remember exactly but it was some "joke" down the lines of "Get a Mac"


For a first post in a new thread it was pretty bloody stupid even for a joke, but he's been PMing me since with complaints. I think i'll leave him out of it tbh, i've not seen him post anything useful in this board so its no real loss

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I love the way Vista tailors itself to you're hardware. Im running on a Turion 64 1.6GHz, 512MB RAM and a 64MB ATi X700 and it runs fine. A little slower than XP and i can't play games on Vista but i gain all the advantages (bar Aero, which i can run but not without loosing a few seconds per program load)




Can't remember exactly but it was some "joke" down the lines of "Get a Mac"


For a first post in a new thread it was pretty bloody stupid even for a joke, but he's been PMing me since with complaints. I think i'll leave him out of it tbh, i've not seen him post anything useful in this board so its no real loss


Agreed, leave it then.

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What wireless adaptor do you guys have?


I have a Netgear WG311T (I think) and for some reason when I use Vista the internet keeps cutting out and I have to reset the adaptor to make it work! I've got that BT Home Hub thing as the router so I dunno if that could be playing a part as well?


It's really annoying as I want to use Vista but get annoyed when the internet cuts out every 30 minutes!

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Guest Jordan
What wireless adaptor do you guys have?


I have a Netgear WG311T (I think) and for some reason when I use Vista the internet keeps cutting out and I have to reset the adaptor to make it work! I've got that BT Home Hub thing as the router so I dunno if that could be playing a part as well?


It's really annoying as I want to use Vista but get annoyed when the internet cuts out every 30 minutes!


Any new drivers out? Thats probably the reason. Vista's pretty damn good at keeping most wireless signals going.

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Guest Stefkov

I got a WGT624 v3. My brothers mac can stay connected to it, however I have the odd days where it stays connected for ages then sometimes it just connects for 10 minutes and decides to stop revieving anything.

I checked for updated software and there was one on the router, maybe its the built in wireless. Might install my dongle, see if that keeps a connection.

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