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Soul Calibur IV


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Whats with the insane boob growage for Setsuka since the last game? And lol @ shot with Ivy's tits.



Every girl in this game seems to have done (huge) breast plastic surgery... I'm in love with big breasts but this is just getting ridiculous.

And every guy seems to have taken some of those body-building hormons.


And, after a green space gnome, an asthmatic cyborg, a generic heroic-fantasy elf girl and a completely out-of-place anime girl now there's the hidden daughter of Ivy and Mitsurigi and a gothic lolita robot.:indeed: Seriously, what's with all those horrible guest characters!!!

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I just wonder how many people will be buying this because it's a Soul Calibur game, and not because it is has the bouncing babylons.


It's almost become a dead-or-alive game. Hope it still requites skill.


Hmm I wonder if Ashlotte is dead or a robot because she is very white skined.


Think it's safe to say that Ashlotte is a robot/android/cyborg/w/e as someone mentioned above me.

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IGN's Yoda Hands-On


It's not a surprise that Soulcalibur IV has an Xbox 360 exclusive character. After all, the last time Namco released a Soulcal title on multiple platforms (PS2, Xbox and Wii), each got its own exclusive fighter. What no one was expecting was for the two exclusive characters to be from the Star Wars universe. PS3 gets Darth Vader and the Xbox 360 gets Yoda. Makes sense -- Yoda matches Microsoft's color scheme.


Yoda doesn't fit into the Soulcalibur universe any better than SC2's Xbox exclusive character Spawn, but he is a more welcome addition. Ever since we marveled at Yoda's fighting prowess in Star Wars: Episode II, there's been a secret hope that we'd one day see Yoda in a fighting game. A Yoda guest appearance in SC4 is better than having LucasArts give birth to Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi 2.


The little green Jedi poses a few unique challenges for developer Project Soul. He wields a lightsaber, a powerful weapon that should have no trouble slicing through a steel sword or a pole arm; he is a master of the Force; and he's less than four feet tall.


To keep from breaking the game, a few concessions had to be made. The lightsaber isn't going to lop off hands or do any more damage than the other weapons wielded in Soulcalibur 4. The weapon is an extension of Yoda in the same way that Maxi's nunchaku are a part of his being.




As for the Force, well, Yoda does have some minor power applications here. He can perform Force pushes, which can aid in ring outs or (more often) to give some spacing. This is balanced by a special energy meter that drains when Yoda uses the Force.


And then there is the height. Yoda is short -- there's no way around it. And that means that if he is standing on the ground, he won't be hit by high attacks. Don't worry though -- Yoda doesn't stay on the ground for long. There are plenty of opportunities to land high attacks when Yoda is airborne. Though he's quick, those who play defensively and with patience will find their opportunities to strike.


Though there are some limitations to the power of his lightsaber and use of the Force, Yoda is still very much the bad ass we witnessed in Episode Two. He moves with incredible speed and has numerous combos that launch him into the air. One move has the wizened Jedi somersaulting and then planting his foot into the opponent's face repeatedly without needing to touch the ground. He's nimble, quick, and a small target.


Yoda is the kind of character that, if played with some expertise, will give your opponents fits. Nothing could be more humiliating then to have Yoda beckon you forward with a taunt only to then have him launch into the air and unleash a fury of lightsaber attacks. If you don't use defense, battles with Yoda come to a quick end.


It isn't all biscuits and gravy with Yoda. He does have some weaknesses to help balance him out. That short stature may cancel out high attacks from enemies, but it also makes Yoda's reach the worst in Soulcal IV. He has no choice but to get up close and personal. Against someone like Kilik, who can extend his range with the bo staff, Yoda can be in for some trouble.


Though he is an exclusive character, Yoda is not an unlockable. He's ready to go from the moment you pop the disc into your 360. And he is subject to all of the same gameplay rules as the other characters. That means the new armor destruction feature is in effect. We were too busy beating the snot out of the AI to see what it might look like when Yoda has armor destroyed, but we're sure it won't happen too often anyway.


Along with Yoda, there is a bonus stage added to the mix. Yoda gets to do battle in an Imperial shuttle bay. Set on a raised walkway, the arena is long, but narrow. To make it just a touch more interesting, there are energy fields that move up and down the path during battle, expanding and retracting the fighting area throughout the contest. To top it off, you get some classic Star Wars theme music playing in the background of this stage.


Yoda may be an odd fit for the Soulcalibur universe, but he's a cool addition nonetheless. He might not be the character you default to for each match, but he's certainly going to be worth mastering over the long haul. This is authentic Yoda. He looks like him, fights like him and even talks like him. We only wish Vader also appeared on 360 so we could stage an epic Jedi battle. Who knows, maybe this will spawn a Soulcalibur vs. the Star Wars universe title in the future.


Be sure to check IGN PS3 on Tuesday for hands-on impressions with the Dark Lord of the Sith himself, Darth Vader.

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IGN's Darth Vader Hand-On


The Soulcalibur series has long held a place in fighting game fans' hearts, offering a rather unique combat system filled with various types of close-range weapons, including swords, spears, axes and daggers. The real surprise came when gamers discovered that the legendary Darth Vader and Yoda would be making an appearance in the PS3 and 360 versions of the game, respectively. Now that lightsabers and Force powers have been added to the mix, a lot of folks are wondering how the new Star Wars characters play, so we went hands-on with each warrior (you can check out Hil's take on Yoda here) as well as play a few rounds with returning favorites.


In case you haven't kept up with the Soulcalibur franchise much, the series follows a group of warriors as they battle over the powerful, evil blade Soul Edge, along with the holy sword Soul Calibur. Gameplay generally revolves around one-on-one fights on a 3D plane, though the majority of character movement plays out on the X axis as each character jockeys for an ideal position. Like its predecessors, Soulcalibur IV is straight-forward and victory comes when you either deplete your opponent's health or knock them out of the arena.


New to Soulcalibur IV, which we've touched on before, is armor damage and Critical Finishes. If you strike a certain section of your opponent enough and they overuse their block, there's a chance you can break a piece of their armor which will actually alter their appearance in-game. Then, given the right conditions, you can execute a Critical Finish with a push of all four face buttons, which inflicts tremendous amounts of damage, as well as dazzles the eyes.




Although Darth Vader was our main concern for our hands-on time, we did spend a few moments checking out returning characters Siegfried and Raphael. Once again, Siegfried brings slow-but-powerful combat to the table, with shattering overhead strikes packing an incredible reach. Like the previous titles, he can change stances in the midst of battle which modifies his move set and makes for some interesting combinations. Raphael, on the other hand, slides across the stage unleashing quick strikes with a rapier. Things felt tight and controls were responsive.


But of course, the real highlight of our play time was getting out first hands-on with the one and only Darth Vader, exclusive to the PS3 version of Soulcalibur IV. We weren't entirely sure how Vader would play, considering his large size yet quick weapon type and even after playing a few rounds with him, it's difficult to make a direct comparison to another character. For the most part his strikes are quick and possess a fair reach, but his actual movements aren't as agile as those of Yoda -- obviously. While his green-skinned counterpart flips about and spirals through the air, Vader seems to rely more on sharp, precise strikes that boast a respectable amount of power, but he stays grounded.


Although we didn't have time to pour over each and every move in his repertoire, he doesn't appear to have as many flashy techniques as the other Soulcalibur characters. But he does have a few eye-catching attacks to his name. One charged attack found Vader pulling his fist back to gather energy and then unleashing it quickly on an opponent. Vader also has his iconic "Emperor Throw" where he hefts his enemy over his head and tosses them to the ground. Furthermore, if you grab your opponent at an angle, Vader will stab them right through the mid-section with his lightsaber.



I find your lack of faith disturbing.


Both Vader and Yoda's Force moves are governed by a Force gauge located below their health bar. Although this refills rather quickly, you'll only be able to pull off a select number of moves before you need to back off and take a breather. The most powerful Force move we could pull off was a pretty snazzy lightsaber throw, where Vader tossed his weapon just in front of himself and it spins horizontally like a circular saw. If you can catch your opponent in this attack, the results can be devastating.


As for Darth Vader's actual character model, we were pleased for the most part. Yoda looks to have way more facial detail than Vader, including wispy strands of hair atop a wrinkled brow, but we admit that Vader's outfit isn't brimming with detail in the first place.


Lastly, a special Star Wars level is also included in the game. Taking place inside the docking bay of what we assume is a Star Destroyer, players can look out into space on either side and see a massive battle taking place, including a great shot of the Death Star and dogfighting TIE Fighters, with other Star Destroyers drifting by in the distance. The level of detail in the stage, like all the other Soulcalibur locales, is extremely impressive. The stage is made even more charming with the presence of the Imperial March playing in the background.


Having seen the game running on both the 360 and PS3, we're a little worried that the PS3 version suffers from significant slowdown as opposed to the extremely smooth 360 build, but it's still early. These problems could very well be addressed in the coming months. Until then, we can't wait to get even more hands-on time with the next iteration of the Soulcalibur series.

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New stupidly out of place character revealed.


Darth Vader apprentice from "The Force Unleashed"... :shakehead :shakehead :shakehead


To be honest I don't think anything can be deemed out of place now they seem to put whoever they want in there and that shown with the last gen...lets just accept it and move on...

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Are you sure about that? That doesn't sound right.


Returning Characters













Seong Mi-na













New Characters


Unnamed male character


Guest Characters

Darth Vader (PlayStation 3 version only)

Starkiller (PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions)

Yoda (Xbox 360 version only)



Bonus Characters

Angol Fear (designed by guest artist Mine Yoshizaki)

Ashlotte (designed by guest artist Oh! great)

Scheherazade (designed by guest artist Yutaka Izubuchi)

Shura (designed by guest artist Hiroya Oku)

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Thats pretty crap then if there are only 2 new SC characters! :heh:


Fingers crossed there are a couple more. It would be nice if the kept some of the unlockable ones secret.


I love the inclusion of the Secret Apprentice. His back-hand lightsaber style is awesome.


I had kind of lost interest in this game but I'm now more excited than ever. They should just go all out with the Star Wars characters, maybe have a crap load as a downloadable pack.

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