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Soul Calibur IV


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At first I wanted Vader more but as cool as it would be to fight as Vader I think Yoda would be more fun. Plus facial animations and backward grammar he has. I think they should make them timed exclusive to each version because I really don't want to pay extra for a character that is in another version...although I would.

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Re Mundi's Link


Oh for gods sake you cant play both characters in any port of the game, I love Star Wars and Soul Calibur and was very pleased when I 1st heard this news (hense my very enthusiastic post before ;) ) but not to have both characters playable in both ports is a very dumb move on Namcos part (its not like this will help shift more units). Still at least as Ill be getting this for PS3 (my flatmate got one) ill be alble to play Vader I think he'll be more playable that Yoda (he's such a wee thing, lol) however if he plays like Yoda fighting Count Douku in attack of the clones I could be wrong.

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IS this confirmed for online yet? 2008 has two awesome fighters lined up for the HD consoles (This and Tekken 6), and if only Tekken 6 is online, then I know which one I'm getting :P.


So er, anyone know? Never played a SC before but now would be a good time to start.

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Excellent, I'd rather have Yoda, and I only have a 360 anyway.


I don't understand why people are complaining really, Link was cool in SC2 imo, and I played as Heihachi at my friends house and he seemed to work too. And I'm not even a Star Wars fan.

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IS this confirmed for online yet? 2008 has two awesome fighters lined up for the HD consoles (This and Tekken 6), and if only Tekken 6 is online, then I know which one I'm getting :P.


So er, anyone know? Never played a SC before but now would be a good time to start.


I can't freaking believe you've never played as link in SC2 :o...You should get that first, since this games seems to be akin to them. If you love Zelda (which you do ^^) you will love the selection of swords that come from the Zelda universe Biggoron's sword etc.

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When I first saw the trailer, I just thought both characters would be available in both versions. It's a bit...shitty that one version only gets Vader, and the other gets Yoda. With Link, it was different, as he was an exclusive Nintendo character. Kinda like HeiHachi(sp?) from Tekken on the PS2.


Maybe it's to put more pressure on people to get the PS3 version? Yoda is cool, but this is Darth Fucking Vader.

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Somehow this actually puts me off buying it. Not specifically because the inclusion of Star Wars characters, but because I get the feeling that there's someone sitting somewhere in a luxuriant marketing office, cackling evilly as he watches the great unwashed fall over themselves just to play as Yoda.

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Soul Calibur is about speed and reactions, both of which Yoda is better at. However Darth Maul wins hands down. I will buy whichever version Darth Maul is in.


Mitsurugi is still the greatest, I don't care if Alien or Predator was announced...actually that would be awesome. Where is my Alien vs Predator fight!?

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My only objection is it seems silly to see a guy with a sword fighting a guy with a lightsabre. I mean, COME ON!


Would rather have seen Final Fantasy characters or something like that. Heck i'd even have settled for Sauron and Gandalf...


EDIT: Necrid was awesome! Hope he returns! Link was plain crap, one of the most useless characters in the game

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