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A link To The Future. ZELDA REBOOT?


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Lets be real here, we're talking about the franchise which has used the same repetitive formula since its first game (with a few exceptions), only surpassed in this by Pokemon. Surely, they meant the controller when they said it was going to be a new kind Zelda.

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Lets be real here, we're talking about the franchise which has used the same repetitive formula since its first game (with a few exceptions), only surpassed in this by Pokemon. Surely, they meant the controller when they said it was going to be a new kind Zelda.


I completely disagree. It's a franchise which has managed to stay true to is core while adding different ways of playing every game.

Zelda- well, you know the classic.

Zelda II- RPG elements, sidescrolling, magic, towns,...

AlttP- Paralel worlds travel

OoT- 3d, music, lock-on, horse riding, context sensitivity and time travel

MM- masks, more focus on time control and focus on sidequests

WW-Sailing and controlling the wind

FSA-Cooperation, one item at a time, level based gameplay

TP- transforming into a wolf, sensing smells and spirits, horseback fighting and Midna's context sensitive abilities (and Wii controls for the Wii version)

LA-Nothing really, but it was the first portable zelda

OoA/OoS- changing the environment by controlling time/weather

Minish Cap-changing your size


That's what's great about Zelda, every game feels like a Zelda game, but they're never the same.

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I completely disagree. It's a franchise which has managed to stay true to is core while adding different ways of playing every game.

Zelda- well, you know the classic.

Zelda II- RPG elements, sidescrolling, magic, towns,...

AlttP- Paralel worlds travel

OoT- 3d, music, lock-on, horse riding, context sensitivity and time travel

MM- masks, more focus on time control and focus on sidequests

WW-Sailing and controlling the wind

FSA-Cooperation, one item at a time, level based gameplay

TP- transforming into a wolf, sensing smells and spirits, horseback fighting and Midna's context sensitive abilities (and Wii controls for the Wii version)

LA-Nothing really, but it was the first portable zelda

OoA/OoS- changing the environment by controlling time/weather

Minish Cap-changing your size


That's what's great about Zelda, every game feels like a Zelda game, but they're never the same.


I'm not saying it's bad, all those things you said make for an awesome evolution in each game and give new gameplay elements. By repetitive formula, I mean:


  • Get three pieces of something,
  • Then get 6 pieces of something else (preferably in a dungeon)
  • ????
  • Defeat ultimate boss (preferably Ganon, but not always required)


It does get repetitive, and they've been either unimaginative or scared to change it. So for all of those who expect to see Zelda fighting the Goaul'd for a free Jaffa Hyrule shouldn't keep their hopes up.

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Twilight Princess to me didn't feel like a Zelda game. Don't know why just didn't feel right.


It did to me.


And yeah Shino it has those things, but that's very normal in adventure games. TP at least disguised that a little. And MM and WW weren't quite like that. Not saying there's no room for evolution, but you can't play a game thinking "I'm playing this to get that crystal", you just have to think about what you're doing and in Zelda (and Mario) Nintendo always manages to evolve and change the series, so it doesn't get stale.

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Twilight Princess to me didn't feel like a Zelda game. Don't know why just didn't feel right.




I'm not saying it's bad, all those things you said make for an awesome evolution in each game and give new gameplay elements. By repetitive formula, I mean:


  • Get three pieces of something,
  • Then get 6 pieces of something else (preferably in a dungeon)
  • ????
  • Defeat ultimate boss (preferably Ganon, but not always required)


It does get repetitive, and they've been either unimaginative or scared to change it. So for all of those who expect to see Zelda fighting the Goaul'd for a free Jaffa Hyrule shouldn't keep their hopes up.


If that's repetitive then sign me up. The fact that Zelda games are still adored just as much and getting 9 or 10 out of 10 in reviews after 12+ iterations of repetitive dynamics says a lot.


Anyway it looks like Phantom Hourglass is changing the structure of the quest a bit.


I just hope to god Nintendo don't fuck with the series too much for the next Zelda.

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There will be no pleasing to everyone. There will always be the one who expect too much and will never be satisfied, those who want the game to change a lot, those who want it to stay the same, etc. Basically, people aren't able to enjoy a great game for what it is.

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There will be no pleasing to everyone. There will always be the one who expect too much and will never be satisfied, those who want the game to change a lot, those who want it to stay the same, etc. Basically, people aren't able to enjoy a great game for what it is.


Yeah this is true, I think thats why they gave us TP, it appealed to both the casual gamers who didn't like WW cos of its cartoon looks and the hardcore Zelda fan as it included so much we were familar with.


So with this in mind I think the next Zelda will be very different in gameplay terms...

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the series needs a change. I am not complaining or anything. But i think its getting kinda dull now. ok sure TP was nice but not amazing. I totally disagree with anyone who says its the best in the series. I would love to know why they say this. Yeah the story was very nice, something i didnt expect from a zelda game.It felt like a matured setting. but the overall game felt very bleak to me.

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There will be no pleasing to everyone. There will always be the one who expect too much and will never be satisfied, those who want the game to change a lot, those who want it to stay the same, etc. Basically, people aren't able to enjoy a great game for what it is.

Oh god when ever nintendo releases a zelda game on the console there is always complaints. I'll give an example on the 2 latest games that have been out WW To cartoony(Crappy graphics). TP, Wii version, Link being right handed, automatic sheilding and so on.....

the whole point to this is that no matter how much nintendo tries usually 1/4 or half of nintendo fans will bitch and wine about it saying it's not zelda and so on

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The series needs something new. I dont have any complaints about any of the zedas really. its just Tp wasnt all that great. and if even the big guy himself says its needs changing, then i guess it dose. I for one, didnt feel any connection at all with TP. I felt obligated to complete the adventure.

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If they want a futuristic Zelda they should just make it a Metroid spin off, where it's Samus before she gets her suit and she has to go on an epic quest because her civilization is being destroyed, etc.

naw im pretty


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Of course :P but you have to state really good reasons why it was not good and state why the other games were better then TP ^_^


Believe me after going to different forums I am getting sick of the people saying all these crappy reasons why Zelda was bad game


Trust me, if you'd been around for the past 6 months, there's about 200 posts in the official Zelda topic on these boards as to why I think OOT, MM and WW are better games than TP. We ALL give reasons why we prefer certain games.


If they want a futuristic Zelda they should just make it a Metroid spin off, where it's Samus before she gets her suit and she has to go on an epic quest because her civilization is being destroyed, etc.



.....no . lol

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dont get me wrong Tp is a good game. Its a fun game n all. its just not a good zelda game. yeah exactly, over the last 6 months everyone has been talking about it. what we do/dont like about tp. i have my own reasons also.


For me...its just not zelda. I think its prehaps TOO epic. In a sence thats its TOO epic for zelda. Its Touch 'N' Go through the whole game to be honnest.

You cant catch your breath. One moment its too slow and the next your off on your horse getting to the next temple or whatever. There is no pause.

And in terms of story... its as though they skiped the 2nd act...and everyone knows the second act is always slower than the first act of a story. But in this game thats not the case. The start of the game was the slowest in terms of story telling and the end was much too fast. The pacing is off.

To be honnest, its as thougth this time round it was ''story first and game play second''. we know thats never the case with zelda but it very much feels that way.

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I think what the next Zelda needs is the ability to jump around from planet to planet, kind of as if you had a full galaxy to explore. Something also needs to be done with the pointer. Perhaps it could be used manipulate objects or to collect things like rupees when you point at them.


I think it would also be fun if you could fight large bosses, for example, a huge spider where you use the Wiimote to fling yourself at it's weak point for massive damage.

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when you look at all of the innovations that have had and impact on the gameplay thats been possible with zelda, its all because of the interface.

From the N64 to DS we have see alota coll stuff. I dont wana mention Wii yet... i mean TP isnt the Wii Zelda. Even though it can utilise the Wiimote.

It could be anyones guess as to what they will do with it for Wii.

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