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You will get sexists, racists and and homophobic people everywhere. Fortunately, the former isn't a very big problem. Unfortunately, the latter is still a big worldwide problem. As a Christian myself, I understand that some, if not most religious persons are homophobic. Luckily, in my Church, we get white, black, men, women, straight, gay... And everyone is equal.


No transexuals in your church then?

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So, then ultimately, it wasn't your choice?


You will get sexists, racists and and homophobic people everywhere. Fortunately, the former isn't a very big problem. Unfortunately, the latter is still a big worldwide problem. As a Christian myself, I understand that some, if not most religious persons are homophobic. Luckily, in my Church, we get white, black, men, women, straight, gay... And everyone is equal.


And anyways, everyone's a bit bi... no-one's 100percent straight/gay.


I'd prefer if denominations of the same religion just joined together. Catholicism vs. Protestant(ism?) seems a bit pointless. One just seems more uptight and annoying than the other.


(Generalidation true, but still)

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I do think it helps people get on with their daily lives and stuff. I think we need to beleive that life has a point. (God, heaven etc)


I don't believe, not by choice, but just because. I can't. My brain won't accept it. I actually was religious for like 2 years too.


I hate when arseholes suicide bomb and incite hate over a bloody book some fucker wrote in his dark, dingy room in some shithole in jerusalem.

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I've never seen why its so hard for some people to think that we just, well die.

There's no logical reason to think there is anything at all after death, personally I don't think there is.


(not saying I don't agree with people who think there is mind)

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I've never seen why its so hard for some people to think that we just, well die.

There's no logical reason to think there is anything at all after death, personally I don't think there is.


(not saying I don't agree with people who think there is mind)


Please, guys, don't go spamming and turn this into a religious debate...


If you think about it, there's no such thing as nothingness. Nothing does not exist. Science, is, in a way, illogical to that respect.

Religion and Science have always been at each others throats, and sometimes they've got along. As a religious being myself, you don't have to understand my views. Just except them.

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If "nothing" doesn't exist what would you say fills a vacuum?


You're an ignorant person. A vaccum means 'no air'. If I put an alarm clock in a vacuum, then there is not nothingness, is there? Even the tiniest speck of dirt can be in a vacuum, so, mr science guy, a vacuum is not 'nothingness'.

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You know a vacuum is defined as a space empty of matter, NOT "no air". Also the ignorant comment is totally unnecessary. You have no clue about who you are talking to, you have never met me and have no reason to pass judgment upon me. However since you are young you will gain most of this with age.

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You know a vacuum is defined as a space empty of matter, NOT "no air". Also the ignorant comment is totally unnecessary. You have no clue about who you are talking to, you have never met me and have no reason to pass judgment upon me. However since you are young you will gain most of this with age.


I just find the fact that The fish and yourself have always done your best to disagree with me, without a valid explanation.


The fish especially has always found a reason to flame me.


The truth is, is that the vacuum is there. It isn't nothing, it's a vacuum.

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But the thought that there is nothing to experience is the scariest thing ever.


You can't imagine being dead. Therefore it is the single most terrifying thing ever. Unless you've like lived your life, and think you'll go somewhere better.


That's why I wish I beleived in Heaven, becasue then I wouldn't be scared of dying.


But, in my heart of hearts, i know that for me at least, there is no such thing as Heaven/hell. (Or I just refuse to believe there is)

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No I mean there is nothing as in that you experience nothing. There will still be a world for those alive.


Your body just decays and becomes nutrients for some tree to absorb.


Thats my understanding of it.



However, I am unsure what happens to your "soul".


But, since you don't think through your soul, I think it is irrelevant what happens to your soul, since thought is everything.

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Yeah, I'm not actually retarded.


But it's a terrifying thought that we just go. We can't comprehend it. I don't beleive people can really just not care.


I just plain and simply don't think about it. Life is too short to worry about death.

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But the thought that there is nothing to experience is the scariest thing ever.


You can't imagine being dead. Therefore it is the single most terrifying thing ever. Unless you've like lived your life, and think you'll go somewhere better.


That's why I wish I beleived in Heaven, becasue then I wouldn't be scared of dying.


But, in my heart of hearts, i know that for me at least, there is no such thing as Heaven/hell. (Or I just refuse to believe there is)


I know what you mean, only i believe the opposite. I couldn't imagine there not being an afterlife. Sure, sometimes I have doubts, but all religious folks have doubts sometimes though, right?


Oh, and did you hear about that radical Muslim group wants all the Muslim countries to join and become the 'superstate of Islam'. I think that'd be pretty cool, especially if they did the same thing with Christian countries.

Imagine being able to go to Canada or the US without requiring a visa... awesome.

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I just find the fact that The fish and yourself have always done your best to disagree with me, without a valid explanation.


The fish especially has always found a reason to flame me.


The truth is, is that the vacuum is there. It isn't nothing, it's a vacuum.


I can't talk on behalf of the fish, I have nothing against you however sometime you do say the most ridiculous stuff. I only disagree with peoples opinions and comments, not the person them-self. Nothing exists, black is a total absence of colour, it has in it nothing. You cannot define as vacuum as a vacuum. You can't use the word you are trying to describe in the definiation.

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No I mean there is nothing as in that you experience nothing. There will still be a world for those alive.


Your body just decays and becomes nutrients for some tree to absorb.


Thats my understanding of it.



However, I am unsure what happens to your "soul".


But, since you don't think through your soul, I think it is irrelevant what happens to your soul, since thought is everything.


I was previously reading a book, 1984. Awesome, but depressing. One of the htings it look at is the mind. Say if you and I were in the same room, and I said I could float to the ceiling, but you did not believe me because of gravity. If I imagined I rose to the ceiling, and so did you, then it happened. The point is, the human brain is everything. Whether thats true or not, is your personnel opinion.


I can't not think about it, becuase it's sucj a big thing.


I feel like it's just me that thinks about it sometimes.


@ UK, why would you not require a visa? Religion doesnt allow free pass anywhere.


Well, of they all joined to be a 'super state', you wouldn't need a visa. You don't need a visa to travel in your own country, would you?


I can't talk on behalf of the fish, I have nothing against you however sometime you do say the most ridiculous stuff. I only disagree with peoples opinions and comments, not the person them-self. Nothing exists, black is a total absence of colour, it has in it nothing. You cannot define as vacuum as a vacuum. You can't use the word you are trying to describe in the definiation.


Fair enough, The fish is probably like that to anyone who believes in God. I don't believe he bears a personal grudge against me.

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What does that imply/mean.


You're always so cryptic. :heh:


It means only 10% of the human brain is actually used, and human science has no idea what the other 90% does.


Also human brain patterns are just electrical energy, and according to the laws of physics energy cannot just disappear, only change form, so who's to say that when the human brain dies, it's thought patterns don't just convert to a different, as yet undiscovered, type of energy that can manifest itself on another plane of existence.


There you go, a scientific explanation to the afterlife, completely non religious.

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