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Aye, he is a bit obsessive sometimes.




Some facial hair is nice. I'm not a fan of just a tash alone just sometimes when it's kept short with a nice beard it's quite hot. Also it can... How do I put this... feel quite nice if you get what I mean.


lol I told my friend to rub his beard in his bosses' face, literally. Its an amusing mental image.


And yeah depends. Personally I want some "designer stubble" as they calls it, but can never grow it. I end up just getting the Shaggy (from Scooby Doo) look. :/

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Try google images mcj that's what I did. We're just seeing if we have the same taste in blokes which we blatantly do.


Think I realised i had the samer taste more or less as fresh but a vastly different taste to triforce and takeo.


What do i enter lol? Sorry i feel as if I feel asleep for the last 30 minutes.(and I did)

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I can tell when a bloke is good looking or not. Just as women can. Most fellas can it's justthey think they cant say it for fear of sounding gay.


Yup, it's wierd that, saying a guy is obviously good looking doesn't make someone gay. People are just too scared of being called it.


Edit: What about that guy that flys, from what I remember he's not bad looking? The one called "Peter Petrelli" or something??

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Don't do, if you did I think it would force me to break into your house and hump you. it's already hard to resist as it is.


I don't think you'd need to break in.


Unless burglary is one of your role-play fantasies.

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Yup, it's wierd that, saying a guy is obviously good looking doesn't make someone gay. People are just too scared of being called it.


I'd say not all blokes are like that, depends how open minded they are (obviously)


I'mnot gay, but Strettle is good looking...


Hmmm, too much hair I'd say.

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I can tell when a bloke is good looking or not. Just as women can. Most fellas can it's justthey think they cant say it for fear of sounding gay.


most guys know i'm sure but most guys would not admit just out a fear of their mates suspecting they are gay.


I after all Can tell when a women is good looking.

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I'm not going to answer whether I'd let him hump me, but if I wasn't up for it... I don't he'd be able to force it on me ;)


Ahh see Conzer, forwards are more my type. Leamy, Horan etc...


Fresh, you know who Strettle is?


(god I feel like crying, we could so do with him fit now :( )

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