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N-Europe chat discussion (plus full IRC guide.)


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(I wasn't on about the anal thing O_o)


Ok, even if we ignore everything else... this is probably why you got banned:


<|FresH|> Any1 w4nT 2 play ulIm8 fRi5by?


Tottaly random.


* |FresH| is cool


Clearly stateing the obvous.


<|FresH|> Fresh = phenomena


It's true.


Purely because of the fact it's irritating as shit.


It's kinda like those people that are all "zomg i'm so random lolz watch me do this random thing".


And the fact you were apparently impersonating Jordan.

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(I wasn't on about the anal thing O_o)


Ok, even if we ignore everything else... this is probably why you got banned:




Purely because of the fact it's irritating as shit.


It's kinda like those people that are all "zomg i'm so random lolz watch me do this random thing".


And the fact you were apparently impersonating Jordan.


If we were banning people for being annoying shits you would have been gone long ago mate. Now lets not get personal. :wink:


What happened to the person who became Letty? and the person who became me? and Conzor? Nothing? Thought not.

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Ah yes, but I think the other irritatingness just made it the last straw kinda thing or something :p


[19:34:18] <{|Blackbird|}> wasn't he banned for impersonating Jordan?

[19:34:31] <Allyn> He was banned for being an irritating little shit, that was just a part of his irritating antics :P

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Ah yes, but I think the other irritatingness just made it the last straw kinda thing or something :p


Ah now that's what I've been looking for. Nice to see that Allyn, ex member of the forums and has no clue who I am, has the right to ban people. Fantasic work again by the N-Europe staff.

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"* Parts: Thefish ([email protected])

<{|Blackbird|}> two down, 31 to go..

<Jordan_NE> i swear all Fish does is eat."


How nice of Jordan. :indeed:

I'm not a greed fuck, actually, I have other pressing issues to use my time. If this was Thursday or before, I was revising. If it was anything after, I was probably playing Rome TW...

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#cube-europe has nothing to do with the current NE.


I don't think a lot of the people on there have visited these forums since the N-E days. Why do you think they even care whether you're a well-know personality here. They banned you for being "an irritating little shit" while you were in #cube-europe.

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#cube-europe has nothing to do with the current NE.


I don't think a lot of the people on there have visited these forums since the N-E days. Why do you think they even care whether you're a well-know personality here. They banned you for being "an irritating little shit" while you were in #cube-europe.


Cube-Europe, ex name of N-Europe, has nothing to do with N-Europe despite the recent changes to the MPT directed us in there. Ok. my care level has decresed dramatically.

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Cube-Europe, ex name of N-Europe, has nothing to do with N-Europe despite the recent changes to the MPT directed us in there. Ok. my care level has decresed dramatically.


To be fair, you where being a bit of a spammer. I think you should be allowed back in, albeit with a warning: behave, or you go again.

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To be fair, you where being a bit of a spammer. I think you should be allowed back in, albeit with a warning: behave, or you go again.


I'm still royaly confused about how cube-europe can have nothing to do with N-Europe, I assumed all the rules from N-Euope applied to it.


I think what may have confused me is this, this and this. But of course N-Europe have NOTHING to do with cube-Europe so i must be imagining all this.

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May I suggest you make it very clear that the C-E chat room is nothing to do with N-E, other than that they are both frequented by the same people.

Also make it clear that any spam or stupid stuff gets you a ban, as Fresh found out.

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I'm still royaly confused about how cube-europe can have nothing to do with N-Europe, I assumed all the rules from N-Euope applied to it.


I think what may have confused me is this, this and this. But of course N-Europe have NOTHING to do with cube-Europe so i must be imagining all this.


You're right, it really doesn't have anything to do with these forums.


Even if the same rules did apply, I think you'd get banned from here just for randomly posting shit like 'Is it just me or is it fresher' out of nowhere.

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You're right, it really doesn't have anything to do with these forums.


Even if the same rules did apply, I think you'd get banned from here just for randomly posting shit like 'Is it just me or is it fresher' out of nowhere.



Old MPT thread, just take a look. Now stop preaching this shit from your high horse, Prick.

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I'm still royaly confused about how cube-europe can have nothing to do with N-Europe, I assumed all the rules from N-Euope applied to it.


I think what may have confused me is this, this and this. But of course N-Europe have NOTHING to do with cube-Europe so i must be imagining all this.


Its all linked, but the forums and chatroom are different entities. Similar to the forum and the site. Different rules, different people behind it but just under one general N-E umbrella.

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;469988]Its all linked' date=' but the forums and chatroom are different entities. Similar to the forum and the site. Different rules, different people behind it but just under one general N-E umbrella.[/quote']


Can we have that slapped on top of the threads linking to the IRC?

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Can we have that slapped on top of the threads linking to the IRC?


I thought it was obvious, as the staff in the chat have different names, as do those on the site?


Regardless, I'll make it clearer later. Am running late for work.

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Cube-Europe, ex name of N-Europe, has nothing to do with N-Europe despite the recent changes to the MPT directed us in there.


And there we've got mistake number 1: not reading the FAQ. I quote:

Welcome to #cube-europe. This channel was founded by Schpickles and g9icy to give the many Cube-Europe.com readers and forum users somewhere to have "live chat" easily. If you are new to irc in general, or maybe just to this channel, could you please take a few moments to read this FAQ, and take note of the general conventions of the irc channel.


Schpickles and g9icy were never part of the Cube-Europe or N-Europe staff (although Schpickles did write a few columns). The irc-channel #cube-europe was made as a meeting place, not as an official channel in addition to the site and/or boards. Access to the room is a privilege, not a right.


Cube-Europe.com and N-Europe are using the channel, yes. But does that make the channel 'official'? No, it doesn't. I can link to google.com, does that make that my property? Again, no it doesn't.



The irc-channel is and will always remain not-affiliated with the powers that be in here. There may, or may not, be people who've got saying in both.



PS. Hi to all who remember me...

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To be honest, the bottom of Shorty's guide DOES say that the channel has its own rules and faq, with a link to them. I see nowhere that actually states that the channel is a part of or an extension of these forums, besides it having a name that these forums used to share. In fact, I couldn't see anything in those 3 links you post that said that it did. I think it might be because, the channel actually ISN'T an extension of these forums. There's two options, bear the brunt of the channel ops, or make a new one explicitly for these forums, which I think should have been done anyway.

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Ah yes the inevitable dramabomb at the end of every newbie rush :) (Hi to anyone that remembers me :P).


Two things to say:


1. IRC is a privilege, not a right. Ops may ban you as they see fit.


2. g9icy, one of the founders, actually dislikes Nintendo in general (well actually he just hates a lot of things :P). We still love him though.


Edit: The reason I put number 2 up there is to show how little the boards have to do with IRC, even back when the names were the same!

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How totally confusing, however I do see your point(s) (seemed to be the same point just repeated).


So your saying there is some mystical land in which some veterans gather and discuss issues. In a sort-of gentleman's club manner?

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No, we're saying that you can't expect the N-Europe staff to have any saying in #cube-europe (nor vice versa) and trying to take away the idea that #cube-europe is for N-Europe visitors.


I guess 60% of the people in #cube-europe are no longer visitors around here. We're just people who got in a few years ago and stuck around.

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No, we're saying that you can't expect the N-Europe staff to have any saying in #cube-europe (nor vice versa) and trying to take away the idea that #cube-europe is for N-Europe visitors.


I guess 60% of the people in #cube-europe are no longer visitors around here. We're just people who got in a few years ago and stuck around.


Umm, so it's closer to elitist inner circle than I pictured.

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To clarify what everyone's said, the #cube-europe chat room is a detached entity. Why? Well simply because we are not in control of it. I am not an op there, none of the other admins or mods are ops there. It was created by two people who are not, and never were, n64-europe/cube-europe/revo-europe/n-europe staff.


However it has always been linked to by this site and shared most of its members. The people in there now like Tuvai (Zeik), Roadkill, Blackbird, fordprefect, Allyn were all once very regular forum members.


Since we have no control over it, what can we do? You can complain all you like but I have no authority to go tell the operators to be nice to you. As I stated in the first post of this thread, the chat room has its own rules and FAQ that they want you to abide by, and those rules are not equal to our rules.


This may seem hectic but there's some good people in that room and some good memories for a lot of us. We tried starting a new room multiple times and it never stuck, plus we have the L bot and an established 'staff' in #cube-europe. I'll admit, some of the ops are a little elitist, but that's not my fault, and calling them on it isn't going to solve anything.


Fresh, to be honest the way you're getting angry and sarcastic here, and having a go at people is not going to help your case. Nobody is going to want to unban you if you carry on in this manner. Try to appreciate that you were a bit annoying and you got on the bad side of an op, if you're as interested in getting back in the room as you seem to be, show that you can be rational about it.

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