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N-Europe chat discussion (plus full IRC guide.)


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My thoughts on the matter (not that any of you will care): firstly, the N-E staff should have said on here that the admins on the IRC channel are all old-timers who are much less liberal with the rules compared to on here. They should also have pointed out that it wasn't (according to the old-timers) affiliated with N-E in anyway other than that many users of one use the other.


The admins on the channel should probably have given Fresh a more formal warning. I think that is part of the reason why he is so 'upset'.


Fresh was a bit over the top, and did what could easily appear to have been spamming. It is, however, just part of his style. The fact that the admins on the channel rarely use N-E means they did not know this, and thought he was just being an arse.


I back Flinky's idea of everyone just dropping the subject.

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Seems they have proven my orginal suspicions. Two words, Elitist pricks.




Oh Flinky, Haven't you learnt by now? I'm relentless.


Good to see you actually made a reasonable argument against my point, plus points for you there!


Nah, he isn't getting unbanned. He was irritating on there, he's been irritating in this thread, and considering he still seems to have thought he had a chance of getting back in if he complained enough and then goes on to call us elitist pricks with no real reason as to why (we banned someone for being irritating - how is that elitist? We haven't banned anyone because we think they're "worse" than us. We haven't banned anyone for any non-sensical reason. You got a warning and you were banned, simple as. We haven't banned anyone else, which some people seem to fail to realise) - yeah, that's a really good way to go about things.

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Just give each other a chance, you'll all get along fine, I think.


Aye I suppose i came on a bit strong on the IRC. I just assumed everyone knew my style on there. Meh. I'm sure we could have all got along fine, but thats not me now is it?

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My thoughts on the matter (not that any of you will care): firstly, the N-E staff should have said on here that the admins on the IRC channel are all old-timers who are much less liberal with the rules compared to on here. They should also have pointed out that it wasn't (according to the old-timers) affiliated with N-E in anyway other than that many users of one use the other.


The admins on the channel should probably have given Fresh a more formal warning. I think that is part of the reason why he is so 'upset'.


Fresh was a bit over the top, and did what could easily appear to have been spamming. It is, however, just part of his style. The fact that the admins on the channel rarely use N-E means they did not know this, and thought he was just being an arse.


I back Flinky's idea of everyone just dropping the subject.


A constructive post at last!


The ops are waaaaay less liberal with the rules than here, playing and joking around is done quite often. If it comes across as annoying, however, you'll get kicked or banned ('playing around' does involve kicks sometimes though :P). Plus, you can post porn. So there!


No need for formal warnings on IRC, like I said, it's a privilige. No need for a warning at all actually ;). Just act a bit decent and you'll stay in, even I managed to get by undetected all these years!


And well having spamming as a constant style... spamming has no style, I'm sorry. I guess it all comes down to that fine line.

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Good to see you actually made a reasonable argument against my point, plus points for you there!


Nah, he isn't getting unbanned. He was irritating on there, he's been irritating in this thread, and considering he still seems to have thought he had a chance of getting back in if he complained enough and then goes on to call us elitist pricks with no real reason as to why (we banned someone for being irritating - how is that elitist? We haven't banned anyone because we think they're "worse" than us. We haven't banned anyone for any non-sensical reason. You got a warning and you were banned, simple as. We haven't banned anyone else, which some people seem to fail to realise) - yeah, that's a really good way to go about things.



1) Don't talk down to me, Its insulting and trust me you don't want me to get bitchy.


2) I've seen your type a 1000 times before, deny it as much as you wish. You're elitist.


3) I'm not trying to get unbanned, I couldn't care less. If you notice not once have i asked to be unbanned, do some research.


4) I'm not the only one expressing these opinions.


5) If you are going to exist on this forum after making these new accounts don't ONLY post on the thread. Make and active, decent contribution.

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5) If you are going to exist on this forum after making these new accounts don't ONLY post on the thread. Make and active, decent contribution.


We don't have to do this at all. I have no desire to stick around here, I just had a desire to clean this ridiculous mess up since people seem so goddamn intent upon repeatedly bringing it up in the channel. The irony here is pretty hilarious.


And no, I'm not elitist. I'm very, very liberal. Just my views when it comes to the internet and real life are completely different, and think that an IRC channel is so irrelevant in the context of the entire world that it really doesn't make a difference to anything at all. I don't hate any of the new members who have stuck around, in fact I think some of them are pretty damned sound (sup thefish). I just think you are irritating and happen to be so far up your arse (hey, I'm not talking down to you, I'm being honest, you should be pleased :kiss:) that you are stuck to throwing the same word around in the completely wrong way in the vain attempt of eventually coming to a conclusion that in actual fact is so far-fetched that you no longer have any choice but to stick to it else look like a fool.


I'm ready to bury the hatchet in this thread, on this forum, whatever. I've made my point and if you want to carry on thinking I'm elitist, go ahead, I don't really care. I just want people to stop wasting my time with irrelevant drivel with regards to the running of an IRC channel. Adieu, N-E.

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We don't have to do this at all. I have no desire to stick around here, I just had a desire to clean this ridiculous mess up since people seem so goddamn intent upon repeatedly bringing it up in the channel. The irony here is pretty hilarious.


And no, I'm not elitist. I'm very, very liberal. Just my views when it comes to the internet and real life are completely different, and think that an IRC channel is so irrelevant in the context of the entire world that it really doesn't make a difference to anything at all. I don't hate any of the new members who have stuck around, in fact I think some of them are pretty damned sound (sup thefish). I just think you are irritating and happen to be so far up your arse (hey, I'm not talking down to you, I'm being honest, you should be pleased :kiss:) that you are stuck to throwing the same word around in the completely wrong way in the vain attempt of eventually coming to a conclusion that in actual fact is so far-fetched that you no longer have any choice but to stick to it else look like a fool.


I'm ready to bury the hatchet in this thread, on this forum, whatever. I've made my point and if you want to carry on thinking I'm elitist, go ahead, I don't really care. I just want people to stop wasting my time with irrelevant drivel with regards to the running of an IRC channel. Adieu, N-E.



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My thoughts on the matter (not that any of you will care): firstly, the N-E staff should have said on here that the admins on the IRC channel are all old-timers who are much less liberal with the rules compared to on here. They should also have pointed out that it wasn't (according to the old-timers) affiliated with N-E in anyway other than that many users of one use the other.


*saves this statement for future use when people start moaning we are too strict. Hey! Maybe for the whole "Oh noes you have slighty bigger avatars you evil fiends" thread...*

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;471761"]*saves this statement for future use when people start moaning we are too strict. Hey! Maybe for the whole "Oh noes you have slighty bigger avatars you evil fiends" thread...*


Let's not get too hasty here :o

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Are you going to make a constructive point or just keep repeating what your bretheren have said?


Are you going to stop behaving like a spoilt child that didn't get what he expected?


Basically, you misbehaved, you got banned. End of story. When joining the chan there's a link that's posted with a set of rules. Failure to comply to said rules results in banning.


Do you need further explanation? :P

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Are you going to stop behaving like a spoilt child that didn't get what he expected?


Basically, you misbehaved, you got banned. End of story. When joining the chan there's a link that's posted with a set of rules. Failure to comply to said rules results in banning.


Do you need further explanation? :P


Where are you quoting that from?

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So everyone who was apparently dead here, is alive and well in IRC?


Never liked IRC, mostly because there's no one do moderate the @.


What do you mean exactly? :)


Why would a channel with 'unmoderated' moderators be more fun? In fact, having nazi bastards like Particle_Man running the place is even more fun.


1. Insult Peem

2. Get kicked, possibly banned.

3. ???

4. You're still banned!


It's win-win, seriously.

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From your (now deleted) post :P


Look I'm not here to get unbanned, at all. Yes I admit I came on strong, I assumed you guys knew who I was and what I was like, my bad.


I just thing it was handled unprofessionally. In my opinion you should have opened a private chat between the two of us and spoken to me there. It's quite simple.

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But then who'd moderate the people moderating the @? :P


Also, why should there be? It's not like each channel is related to the network, so it'd be pointless.


They could be moderated, by the users of the channel. If they got x% of votes, they could kicked, banned or something else. I just think that they usually abuse they're powers.


But in this situation, why not create a new channel, seeing that the actual one no longer follows the forum community.

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They could be moderated, by the users of the channel. If they got x% of votes, they could kicked, banned or something else. I just think that they usually abuse they're powers.


But in this situation, why not create a new channel,seeing that the actual one no longer follows the forum community.


This isn't Quake ;) You're welcome to make a new channel of course.



I just thing it was handled unprofessionally. In my opinion you should have opened a private chat between the two of us and spoken to me there. It's quite simple.


They aren't paid, nor professionals. In fact, everyone still wonders daily who was dumb enough to give them those @'s.



vv I thought you'd never call me that outside of the bedroom >: (

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What do you mean exactly? :)


Why would a channel with 'unmoderated' moderators be more fun? In fact, having nazi bastards like Particle_Man running the place is even more fun.


1. Insult Peem

2. Get kicked, possibly banned.

3. ???

4. You're still banned!


It's win-win, seriously.


I love you too honey-bunny :heart::)

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