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I know, but it's just not somewhere you associate with crime is it? Dreaming spires and all that. Whereas places like Nottingham, Hull, Manchester etc. are absolute fucking shitholes in every possible way and you fully expect them to be in lists like this.


Woo, go Oxford. Maybe we can get to number 1 in one league table at least (can't even win the bloody conference). I think it's down to a combination of daffy public school educated students clogging up the city and bastard chavvy thieves from the outlying estates such as Barton (so bad the buses refused to go there) taking advantage of them. Oxford also has a massive crack and heroin problem, so that probably bumps us up quite a bit.

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Hull's a nice place, and deffo getting better. They're pouring money into the new developments. I'm sure Mr Dare will agree that it doesn't really deserve its bad reputation..


I lived in Hull for a year last year and I don't think it deserves the reputation it has. Though I did live in the city centre which I thought was pretty nice as far as city centres go. The only trouble I had in Hull was a 10 year old scally aggressively asking for 20p.

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Liverpool is fucking horrible Shimmin, who are you kidding?


It's actually one of the best cities to live in at the moment along with Newcastle, Portsmouth, Glasgow, Cardiff.


And compared with the other shitholes of this country, our's isn't THAT bad...It's just Norris Green

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It's actually one of the best cities to live in at the moment along with Newcastle, Portsmouth, Glasgow, Cardiff.


And compared with the other shitholes of this country, our's isn't THAT bad...It's just Norris Green


THAT bad . . . in comparison. Its still shit.

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Endsleigh are the major insurerer for students. Look at the list and they are all university cities


Cambridge and oxford are only on there because of the bike thefts and the fact people still bother to get insurance.


These statistics are the crime.

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There's shit parts of Liverpool, but there's shit parts in every city. And on the whole, Liverpool is a fantastic place. After all, it is the European Capital of Culture. The nightlife is brilliant I should add, I was there recently and had a couple of amazing nights out. But we're digressing from the topic.

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