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Mac vs Windows


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I'd like to point out something: People are saying that Mac users are constantly defending Macs and promoting them. But in my ICT A Level class I'm the only one with a Mac and it's never the case of me talking about it loads to other people, defending it or promoting it, it's the case of people slagging it off for no reason. I think a lot of the time you will think that a Mac user is promoting it because they simply mention their Mac; which is not as common, therefore it's picked up on more.


Like Takeo's website, someone mentioned it said "Made with Mac" or whatever; you'll notice that more than a website that says, "Best viewed with Firefox". A lot of the times it seems like they're promoting; when in actual fact you just notice it more.


An understanding man with a good mind. keep on to it, jolly fella. Now away with this stiny 'british' accent I acquired by watching to much BBC and playing Rareware games, and back to jolly ol' english. And there, I did it again.

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I don't have a problem with people liking macs over PCs, but I don't like them acting all high and mighty about it. (the Apple ads for example)


I use my pc mainly for gaming and I think very few of the games I own are mac compatible, so unless Apple somehow convince all the games companies to code for a system which has a relatively small market share I won't be switching any time soon. Funny how the Apple ads never seem to mention games though isn't it

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I'd like to point out something: People are saying that Mac users are constantly defending Macs and promoting them. But in my ICT A Level class I'm the only one with a Mac and it's never the case of me talking about it loads to other people, defending it or promoting it, it's the case of people slagging it off for no reason. I think a lot of the time you will think that a Mac user is promoting it because they simply mention their Mac; which is not as common, therefore it's picked up on more.


Like Takeo's website, someone mentioned it said "Made with Mac" or whatever; you'll notice that more than a website that says, "Best viewed with Firefox". A lot of the times it seems like they're promoting; when in actual fact you just notice it more.


Well to be fair most people talk about their Computer whereas Mac users for some reason feel the need to specify Mac. You don't catch Linux users saying "On my Linux" do you?


Linux? anyone?


Ok, i'll go sit in the corner with my stable, easy-to-use, cheap, morally rightious, and generally better operating system. You guys can duke it out for a little longer.


Last time i used Linux it was none of those things. It crashed as much as Windows XP, took a while to configure and didn't work with any of my Wireless cards so i had to buy a new one (bought Vista instead)


How much has changed in 3 months?

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Guest Stefkov

The good ol' paper and pen for me. Some really high spec pen's you can get nowadays, and the paper. Beautifully designed, it's almost a crime to write on one.

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The good ol' paper and pen for me. Some really high spec pen's you can get nowadays, and the paper. Beautifully designed, it's almost a crime to write on one.


Reminds me of that 2DTV sketch where Bill Gates was at the launch of "Microsoft Notebook and Pen 2003" and the pen crashed :laughing:

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I'm gald the scary Jasper avatar has finally gone! ^_^


So you like it? It's my latest creation and is downloadable in full glory back at the art board!


But on topic: honestly, wich company advertises it's bad side? yes, macs get less games, and the problem there is market gain. There are barely any developers on Mac because there's little market share and because of that it's market share won't grow. But remember: professionaly seen, a mac is a good solution nonetheless. Also, those great games originaly exclusiveto mac are studios that Microsoft bought and made the games Xbox360 topgames. i'm thinking 'H A L O' here.

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Well to be fair most people talk about their Computer whereas Mac users for some reason feel the need to specify Mac. You don't catch Linux users saying "On my Linux" do you?

No, a lot of people talk about their 'PC'. We can't say that because we don't have a PC. So we say 'Mac' instead.

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I've read through this whole read, had some laughs, been annoyed (with both parties here btw).


My opinion, i have no problem with Macs themselves, as in the actual computers. My mate bought a MacBook (and became and Apple fag edfending Apple etc), i played around with it a little once, it wasn't a bad little peice of kit, i considered one at on point, untill i vomited over the price. Came back, vomited again, closed the window.

But for me, Windows PCs are more useful to me than macs, it's an interface im used to seing (though i picked up mac's quite quick, it's all about clicking everything etc, seing what it does), i like PC Gaming, and the Majority of games are not supported on Macs, and what's the problem with having to take 2-3 minutes out of your life to install the latest update for windows? If it makes it better, then fine, OSX isn't already "perfect" y'know.


What i do hate about Macs is the community, that's what's ruined them for me, it seems someone buys a mac, and all of a sudden is part of some "community" or club, and then they pop up, plugging macs at every possible opportunity, which then leads Windows users to retaliate, and thus starts the OS war on all forums.


Right, they're both good OSs and that, but it's when people become sucked in, and like they have to defend their own side with their life that ruins the whole thing.



Oh but i would also like to point out that the Mitchell and Web Mac vs Windows ads piss me off to the max. "The naughty tep for people messing with photos and videos, and the internet".

I'm sorry, 3 things:

Microsoft Picture Viewer (Ok ok i know)

Windows Movie Maker

Internet Explorer.

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Oh but i would also like to point out that the Mitchell and Web Mac vs Windows ads piss me off to the max. "The naughty tep for people messing with photos and videos, and the internet".

I'm sorry, 3 things:

Microsoft Picture Viewer (Ok ok i know)

Windows Movie Maker

Internet Explorer.


I think that ad is more based on the overall attitude and theme of windows vs mac, mac's have a more creative environment and lots of great software and lots of nice little bells and whistles that don't need to be there but are fun. Windows is functional. I only know of one person who has a PC that uses IE and thats Jordan, everyone else uses Firefox and opera, pretty much every mac user uses safari.


but that ad is just pretty funny-"The naughty step is always serious" lol

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Oh well yeah i can easily agree on that, if you want sometyhing do do great graphics editing, videos, sound, that kind of thing, go for mac. It's just when ikt acts like windows can't do those things, it's just that amc does those better.

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I own both a PC and a Mac, although I would always choose a PC for my personal use (games, homework etc), I am in no way saying the Mac is rubbish.


IT is perfect for publishing (mum's job) with such programs as Quark Express. And I love the keyboard we have, its so cool. It depends on your use I guess, but I agree that its really annoying when someone slags off the Mac for no reason.

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I took a huge risk over a year ago and switched from XP to OS X. I didn't know alot about Mac's, and got my self an ibook. I got frusrated with PC's and windows, constantly crashing, constantly scanning for Spyware, it really was quite stressful at least for me anyway.


I repect people who use XP/Vista, its their choice and perhaps is better suited for them. Personally I use OS X because I find I have increased work flow, whilst video editing, photoshoping, etc. Final Cut Studio, Shake, Appature, are all exculsive to OS X and there regarded as industry standard. These programs are a life saver and integrate together perfectly and this is the main reason why I stand at the Mac camp.


Now if i did want to play games, and perhaps only used my computer for surfing the internet and listening to music then I might consider a PC. But as it stand Im happy with my current setup becuase it suits me perfectly, and im sure which ever camp you stand at its the only you feel happy with.

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I took a huge risk over a year ago and switched from XP to OS X. I didn't know alot about Mac's, and got my self an ibook. I got frusrated with PC's and windows, constantly crashing, constantly scanning for Spyware, it really was quite stressful at least for me anyway.


Saying that, i've put myself fairly heavily in debt to get my mac, but i haven't regretted it for a second, just means i need to work damn hard this summer to pay my overdraft back as much as humanly possible. as it stands i need £1,900 in order to go back to black. Lord know how i'll do it but i will.

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You could sell stuff... like your Mac.


Pffft! no way! i actually need my mac for my studies so that'd be incredibly stupid lol


i could get rid of some games, or maybe my wii, but i hate selling games consoles, no point in it even though it'd get me a couple hundred quid. I'll just struggle as i am, i don't need to pay it back for years but if i do well in my exams this year and next year the year after will be spent in japan-hence need for me to get rid of debt and save some money. I think my Mac is my last big purchase with my student loan money, it was needed as my old laptop kept crashing for no known reason, freezing every few seconds despite having a fresh install of windows xp pro on it. bah, don't really need to worry too much about that with my mac i guess, so it was worth it.

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I made the switch to OSX about 16 months ago and haven't looked back since.


I can do pretty much everything I want to and definately quicker too as the OS is seemingly more integrated into my workflow than it ever was in Windows.


It's mostly used for recording music into garageband (which was included in the price , bargain) and soon as money isn't a problem I will be stepping up to Logic and is probably why this is more suited to me as I never could find a decent Audio package for my old PC or one I was comfortably with anyway.


I never bothered with PC games so don't miss them , the only thing I can't do at the moment is watch my illegal NFL feeds through the sources I know of , maybe that'll change.


The mac suits me perfectly and I have been more than happy with it , but I do try not to become one of the mac zealots who constantly berate Windows as I know that many PC users are equally happy with their set-up.

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I use my pc mainly for gaming and I think very few of the games I own are mac compatible, so unless Apple somehow convince all the games companies to code for a system which has a relatively small market share I won't be switching any time soon.


its called bootcamp/parallels/crossovers (and since you already obviously have a copy of windows you could use bootcamp compleatly free)

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its called bootcamp/parallels/crossovers (and since you already obviously have a copy of windows you could use bootcamp compleatly free)


problem with that is, even though you get a gorgeous computer, you have to deal with the problems that windows has and all that maintenance stuff etc etc. so it'll be like windows normally is, but with the added bonus of having a nice bit of hardware and OS X

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if you just use it for gaming you should be ok


and if you use crossovers (wich dosent support all software but it supports lots of it) you don't even need to use windows


though bootcamp and parallels will run windows at full speed

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A gaming computer needs to be powerful, and regularly upgraded. I don't think there's really a Mac that, in terms of hardware, can be considered a gaming computer. Such a thing, if it were to exist, would sit somewhere between the iMac and the Mac Pro. Gaming machines also need to be upgraded regularly, something which isn't really possible on a Mac. So even with Boot Camp, I don't think Macs are really suitable for gaming.


So the obvious solution is of course to buy a Mac and a PS3/360 :D

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this threads getting anoying


i don't think it has a point anymore there is almost no way to make PC users like macs and theres obviously no way to make Mac users like PCs



I like both of them and glad I have one of each. Although the Windoze PC is the family computer.

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