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darkcloud's going round in circles now.


Breaking up with someone is worse than a break to a girl, because then to them the string is cut, being on a break keep that connection in their mind. End Of.


It is also easiest to hurt those who love you.


Kurtle's got it right. =3


See, I'm currently sort of on a break myself. Even though we sort of broke up, we still meet and do things together. The reason for the break is because I need to figure out what I want (difficult situation, long story that I've told before in the Meaningless thread).

Now I could've just gone and completely broke up with him, but then I would probably never see him again, which is just something I can't do. So a break seems best. The outcome is uncertain, and it might take ages for me to figure out what I want (seriously, it might be years because of school), yet he still decides he wants to wait. I told him he could go and meet other girls, but he refused.


Things aren't always just black and white and there isn't always a simple answer to the problem. A break can give you time to figure out what it is you want, where you want your future to be and stuff. And if you both really care enough for each other, then you will want to wait through it.

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That sounds to me like pretty much being broken up, I guess now it comes down to extent of how much of a break the break is. Goron, hasn't had much explanation as to why, you gave your guy a decent explanation. Where does goron stand? Can he go meet other people? Does he have to wait until she makes up her mind? Your situation is different from what I understand, don't you live at opposite ends of the world? If she'd broken up with goron, what are the real chances of never seeing her again? I'd say slim, besides, there's nothing to say when you're broken up that you can't actually remain friends, is there?

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Eenuh, that's not a break, that's breaking up with the possibility of getting back together.. If he's decided he's going to wait in hope you do that's his choice, you didn't set that rule for him.



darkcloud's going round in circles now.


Breaking up with someone is worse than a break to a girl, because then to them the string is cut, being on a break keep that connection in their mind. End Of.


It is also easiest to hurt those who love you.


Euurgghhh I went back in a circle cause you obviously didn't understand what I was saying by asking something I had already said earlier and you obviously remember... :-/

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It is also easiest to hurt those who love you.


Exactly. If you break up then sure they will be hurt, but at least they have the chance/option to get over it. If you are on a break then they are just stuck in the middle and have no way to stop the pain.


Not good! Also, i've really enjoyed some of the comments people have left, especially Moogleviper's one that i kinda agree with (well put indeed :) ).


Glad I could be of assistance.

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That sounds to me like pretty much being broken up, I guess now it comes down to extent of how much of a break the break is. Goron, hasn't had much explanation as to why, you gave your guy a decent explanation. Where does goron stand? Can he go meet other people? Does he have to wait until she makes up her mind? Your situation is different from what I understand, don't you live at opposite ends of the world? If she'd broken up with goron, what are the real chances of never seeing her again? I'd say slim, besides, there's nothing to say when you're broken up that you can't actually remain friends, is there?

I'd say that the difference is that by breaking up you're running away from the relationship when it gets complicated, when on a break, the overall aim is to stay together if possible.

By the way, if someone really loves someone else, then they're not gonna even think about meeting other people.


Anyway Anil, if you do truly get past this, it will only make your relationship stronger. Me and Jo's break lasted about 2 months, and though for a couple of weeks I still felt unstable, we talked things over again and now I feel we're better than ever.


If you can get through something like this with someone, and you do come out in the end with even more of a full trust for them, then that shows true love.

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She broke up with me today :(


I ended up shouting at her for ages at the bus stop, and she kept saying sorry, and then I kissed her...and we made out for 20mins, and then she told me that she still had some feelings for me.


Wtf. Girls are dumb. She said she just wants to be friends but i reckon i can charm her over.

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Wow, strange timing, I was just looking for this thread and a post appeared!


Sounds like that's a pretty confusing situation to be in. Did she give you any reason as to why she broke up with you? In fact, through all of this, have she given you a reason for any of what she's done?

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Wow, strange timing, I was just looking for this thread and a post appeared!


Sounds like that's a pretty confusing situation to be in. Did she give you any reason as to why she broke up with you? In fact, through all of this, have she given you a reason for any of what she's done?


No she's never given me a proper reason. She usually just comes out with 'I think it's for the best'.


Today things we weird though. I got to the bus stop before her, and when she came we didn't talk to each other. Also, for the first time in months she came in with her down. Now, this might not sound like a big deal but while we were going out i used to tell her i thought she looked beautiful with it down, but she still wore it up to school as it would 'frizz'. I think she's trying to get to me...


Then, at school, I heard a rumour that some guy (who she's friends with, but i don't like) is apparantly going to ask her out. Now, he spent last saturday with her, and she told me yesterday that it was on Saturday that she realised that she didn't love me. Sound fishy?


I couldn't even talk to her at the end of school either because she got off the bus really quickly (usually i get off before her because she takes her time, but today she literally ran off it...).


God why are girls like this? It's so bloody annoying!

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Forget it then, as far as I'm concerned she's treated you like a bitch, and if you start off like this it's not going to stop.

You have two choices, you can try your darndest to get back with her, and live a half lie, which is fine if you can live with that fact. The other option is Flink's suggestion, just move on and forget about her, you're young, and it was only 2 months, forget about her and find someone better, which you will, because not every girl is like that. There are some good ones out there.

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