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I am using window vista voice recognition


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I installed the latest operating system on this PC late last night. I encountered no problems and have just started to use the voice recognition and as you can guess I am using the voice recognition right now and not using my keyboard.


I am surprised at how easy it was to install and how eloquent this piece of software I have encountered no slowdown rate at all and found that this works better on this PC and a lot more faster surprisingly than windows XP.


What are your thoughts and feelings on the latest operating system? and if you are thinking of getting vista is there any questions you like to ask me.


Voice recognition rocks!

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I was most impressed with my ten-second try-out on a friends computer. it works smooth and fine and the animation and eye-candy is certainly a revolution for Windows-users, since they're used to basics for years. Microsoft has gotten the best out of their system now and I hope they c continue going on like this. Maybe they'll become Tiger once. :wink: (I know, it was a Mac reference, I just love to hve the windows-lickers defend themselves over and over again, it's just odd that they jump to defense mode whenever apple is in there).

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I have nothing against apples PCs, however what's so bad about PCs?

Granted that they can be a frustration when you have a virus, but if you have the right software and know what you are doing then windows may not be a frustration.


Anyway I'm enjoying windows vista and see a lot of potential in this operating system.

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I have nothing against apples PCs, however what's so bad about PCs?

Granted that they can be a frustration when you have a virus, but if you have the right software and know what you are doing then windows may not be a frustration.


Anyway I'm enjoying windows vista and see a lot of potential in this operating system.


I could turn this discusssion in an Apple-vs-PC one, but I won't. let's just say they're two different and necessary platforms and it's simple: Apple has the best OS because it has to have the best or die, you know, the underdog strategy. They have innovation and they use their time to tweak the system to their best. Microsoft however is shot with every edition of Windows simply because they are an easy target. PC's aren't that bad (I enjoy working on them now and then, switching back to XP is - for a brief second - a nice change from the usual Apple-enviroment wich, I have to admi,t gets boring after one-and-a-half years).


Vista however, if running on the appropriate hardware (don't try without excessive RAM) looks the lot and works perfectly fine, untill you get a virus, that is, but again, Apple's the underdog and nobody develops virusses for the underdog, so it's not really an argument. But Vista is quite good, I've only heard a few things that are really anoying, so can anyone verify?


Windows protects to much, asking permission for about-anything.

Those anoying information-bubbles are still there, giving you five bubbles when inserting newx hardware ('new hardware found' 'fast device on slow USB-Hub').


Actuaally, those are the two issues I've read about. And they're major, since I hate it when i work with XP and it bubbles up for permissions and information. Annoying.

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I like both, i cant belive the whole Get a Mac thing blew up so much.


I like PC's for games and the depth of them.


But i do think alot more "average" PC users would be far better off with a Mac.


I would say that as well, I am far from an average PC user, and use my PC for many stuff

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I would say that as well, I am far from an average PC user, and use my PC for many stuff


It's kind of rubbish to discard mac as aa 'everyday-user system' for 'everyday tasks' - it's up to many professional things and professional applications mostly enjoy the vivid world of Mac around them. However, I think the systems are mostly equal, whereas Windows is more focused on games and Mac on professional applications. If I have to post one more time about Apple in this thread (okay, I don't have to, but if I have to tell you something again), i'll start a 'Argumented Apple vs. PC thread'. And it will be an arguments, and not opinions thread.


Both systems are capable of the everyday tasks and both systems are capable of doing some great stuff in thee professional industry. Apple's still the number one choice for users in the graphic industry, while windows is the number one choice in the, uhm, accounting industry? Okay, Windows isn't really number one in any and doesn't 'excel' in any. In the end, Apple only excels in the graphic design industry. Whatever.

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Bad Jasper! *slaps on wrist*


Whenever I see you about you are mainly starting apple vs windows fights or about to! *bad!*


I'm not really starting the fight. i'mm not the first fanboy - I dare to admit errors in Mac, too. Too be honest, I've always been the one who said that macs aren't perfect. But when it comes to Vistaa, off course I look in the direction of Mac. I just try to give windows a little credit before the real fanboys rush in. And I've been saying some nice things about Vista too, didn't I?


We seriously need a good discussion thread about it, though.

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Bad Jasper! *slaps on wrist*


Whenever I see you about you are mainly starting apple vs windows fights or about to! *bad!*


Actually I don't remember Jasper starting any fights between mac and windows. Usually he has just said that he likes mac os better than windows. And given explanation why he likes. Not just posting "mac os rulez!"


And I don't believe that windows has fanboys... Or at least I don't want to :heh:



And on topic, voice recognition is nice. I tried it with winxp and it worked quite nicely. I believe I had to download some speech SDK for that from microsoft. Funny, the version 5 doesn't seem to have an app that allows you to use voice commands to control the system.

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i mean vista or windows infact are great entry level platforms. this is taking in account the cost of the machine. i mean i truely want a mac but why would i spend in excess of one grand if i can get better for say 700. tht and also consider the sheer diversity of software you can get and easy upgrading options. it is certainly suited towards people who like to do a lot of things and keep their options open.




(typing from wii ;) )

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I've been using windows vista of the 24 hours now adding finding it a very enjoyable experience.

The voice recognition system learns progressively and the more you use it the more it understands your voice.


Windows Vista certainly offers a lot of potential and in my view will become one of the favourite operating systems.

And as you can guess I'm still using the voice recognition service and finding it very easy to use.


If people are willing to put the time and effort into understanding windows vista they'll benefit from it.

I have encountered very few problems and all of them are resolvable, and if anyone wishes to know my PC specifications so they can see if windows vista will work on their PC let me know. :)

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Might have to try out this voice recognition software :smile:


I could turn this discusssion in an Apple-vs-PC one, but I won't.



No, please dont. Its an pointless debate that ends the same way every time, i dont really want to argue the Windows corner again...

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Vista might look like just a bit of more eye candy, but from an engineer point of view, its a complete overhaul. After years of duck taped APIs, a lot of stuff now makes a lot more sense since they were built from scratch.


For the common user, its safer, with more up-to-date functions and it actually makes use of your high end computer.

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I've had Vista installed for about a month now and it's wonderful. The only problems I've encountered are compatibility issues. But besides that Vista is awesome! And Voice Recognition is really cool. I use it sometimes but I must mumble or something because I can never type a document (or a post) with it.

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Marshmellow, I have had it for a day now and find voice recognition easy to use.

It is good the way it progressively learns the more you use it, try using it a lot more and regularly, because the more you use it the less mistakes it makes.


And once again you can guess I am using voice recognition as we post...


This operating system is the dogs bollocks

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I want Vista, but i need an Upgrade first..


SO the vocie rec' better than that in Xp? Which i could never get to write what i wanted it to, even after donig half the training things.


Also, how come every time there's a thread like this, i always see Jasper arguing?

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Guest Stefkov

XP has voice recognition?

Well I never...


I've been waiting for my copy of Vista for ages. I sent the people the proof of purchase and everything else. They said 4-6 weeks, I sent off the stuff a couple days before the end of the time you could get it...

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Jasper, what's wrong with you? This thread had nothing to do with Apple vs. Microsoft.


If it's about Windows, you might just try to see what place it takes in the big picture of OS-es and see if it is truly as good as they say. That why I brought it up a while ago, without stating that Apple was better, just referring to it and then everyone blew it out of proportion. It ain't the mac-fans that make such a deal out of it, it's all you, guys. If you want to know how good Vista is you gotta see what the competition looks like. And since I never used Ubuntu, it's MacOS X Tiger that got the honor here. But i said that Vista wwas quite nice and on par with the rest now. Ah well. People like you make a big point of it everytime somebody wants to make a reasonable point.

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I just love to hve the windows-lickers defend themselves over and over again, it's just odd that they jump to defense mode whenever apple is in there


That was your first comment.


So how does this voice recognition work? Can you open programs using it or is it just used in text boxes?

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