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How would/did you celebrate your 19th birthday?

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I know some of the guys from the year below us because of a couple of girls I know. One of the girls is going out with one of the guys, and it was his 18th last year, but like the day before mine, so we went out on his birthday(a friday) and had some drinks down greenwich way, then moved onto koko's up london, proceeding to start the celebrations for mine at 12 oclock! Which was on the train, and it took me about 20 minutes before I realised I was 19.

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Fuck all really. 20 is the next "big" birthday. Then 25. Although some people seem to think it's 21. We're not in America, there's nothing special about 21.


Do you know how hard it is to buy a birthday card with "20" on it?


Every shop I go into, its 18,19,21,...hang on!


surely 20 should be a big one? It's the end of the teens.


For birthdays, it's about having a good time. If you're just doing something for the sake of topping someone else, then will you really be having a great time doing that? There's plenty of ideas floating about, Bob's was awesome.


For my 20th, we went to a buffet place, so maybe going out for a meal is a nice idea. Ideally, you could have a birthday "weekend", where you do one thing one day, another thing the next day, so you end up doing loads more. :D


Or even....house party.

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I was living in America, and I went into New York City on my 19th birthday. I was on my own (...) but I actually had a really great time :)

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My birthdays always end up being normal days, except with presents. For my 18th though (seems ages ago already) we went bowling with some friends and had pizza at home.

But yeah, never do anything. Might be because of the lack of friends. >.>;

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We're not in America, there's nothing special about 21.


Not true!!


I think i speak for most of us when i say i'm looking forward to 'driving a minibus'.

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Fuck all really. 20 is the next "big" birthday. Then 25. Although some people seem to think it's 21. We're not in America, there's nothing special about 21.


My mum seems to think 21 is the last big one. I'm not complaining, it just means I get presents from extended family until then. :heh:

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That funland idea sounds amazing. If you don't have a funland I'm sure its the same as a Charlie Chalk's Fun Factory (think that's what they are called) or a Brewsters.

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Nah, this one didnt have a restaurant attached, it was solely a big warehouse full of slides, ball pits, swinging things etc.

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Nah, this one didnt have a restaurant attached, it was solely a big warehouse full of slides, ball pits, swinging things etc.


Got the telephone number handy? :P


As for my nineteenth, a birthday I didn't regard as anything special. I went to the pub with a few friends, came home had some snacks, drank some beer, played some Wii. Then fell asleep on the floor watching Muppets Christmas Carol. Though to be fair my birthday is Christmas Eve, a very awkward date to do anything.

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