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Darkspine S

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I'm not accepting graphics which are worse than a Cube game, when it's going to come out several years later, and on a more powerful system.
Fair enough, but I'm really not expecting that based on what I've seen and what their focus is.


I'll expect something between DoR1/PS2 smackdown and DoR2 (big graphical difference between them); but let's see what they manage till launch, keep in mind that if they don't do it this year because of too much focus on controls, they can do it next year.


DoR1 wasn't DoR2 graphically, they were able to focus on graphics on DoR2 because they had the engine there, up and running.


Smackdown games come out in November, that gives them 7 months (with other platforms being developed aswell) I'd say they have a tight schedule.

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For the control scheme, I reckon that motions like overhead suplexes and throws will be mapped into categories, like Signature, Submission etc. on previous interations of the series. Whilst this seems limiting (I suppose it is really), it gives out a good starting block for the rest of the series to build on, and hopefully shouldn't be too limiting in its own right.

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it looks okay but I don't think it will be a deep game. got a feeling there will be a lack of moves.

It will be as deep as the other ones, except the wimote makes it more fun (if executed well). Seriously, what's with these stupid trends lately? OH no, it's not deep! It has waggle!

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Thats not exactly so. The D-pad will most likely be mapped to Taunt activations and the A and B buttons would be sensible for run and climbing control.


Taunts are done by holding the c button and doing guestures. Such as how they did the guesture based dx taunt.


But anyway Caris to do a grap they push presumaby the a button + guesture.

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lol, yes there was. The Smackdown games are still shallow as fuck, with plenty of control problems.


ugh that's such typical nintendo fan crap.I get tired of hearing it. Any fool could tell you that the smackdown games are better.

They have always had more content than the games on nintendo consoles. DOR had the most dodgy controls ever(never played the second only first)

Sure they had better graphics but er thats it and i really think it's time to forget about no mercy. it was great and better than cmackdown in it's day but not now


Oh lord I hope not. The collision detection made that game horrible.:nono:


plus the fact that for some glitchy reason if the match went on for so long and you would have to give your oppenet the special move about 15 times(he just keeps getting up)



and also you are on the floor for wayyyyy too long

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First Hands-on:

The lights dim. The audience quietens to an excited hush. In stomps the first combatant, 90 percent macho posturing and 10 percent dewy perspiration. He looks to the crowd and waves the patented John Cena taunt - a hand fluttering in front of his face signifying that “you can’t see me.†Only this isn’t John Cena, the 280lb current holder of the WWE Championship. It’s a 100lb game developer from Japan. Welcome to WWE on Wii.


For many gamers the announcement of the SmackDown! franchise’s arrival on a Nintendo console couldn’t come soon enough. Developer Yuke’s’ GameCube outings, while solid enough, always felt like a lower-tier, pre-show, warm-up act, as opposed to the real-deal WWE Superstars. So the decision to unleash their A-list content on a Nintendo console is to be applauded. However, the Wii is no ordinary Nintendo console, perhaps explaining why we found ourselves watching two Yuke’s employees pulling all manner of hammy theatrics to help demonstrate the game.




Although carrying the SmackDown! vs Raw 2008 name, the Wii version is a very different beast from its next-gen siblings. The magic words of the franchise as a whole this year are “putting control back into the player’s hands.†On consoles not blessed with motion sensor witchcraft, this means limiting the HUD and tightening up wrestler animation to better match control input. Snore. Isn’t this meant to be wrestling, the ADD-addled child of the sporting world? Glistening macho behemoths don’t care about HUDs and animation response times; they care about bellowing and unleashing punches to your face.


It’s a sport based on mugging, and the Wii does nothing better. Precise controls aren’t set in stone, but the choice to pursue a full-blooded fist-flinging scheme, as opposed to anal analog stick tweakings, has been made. In the early version we saw, you direct your mobile muscular mound with the analog stick and command attacks with remote flails. A simple punch is simply a case of pushing the remote out in front of you à la Wii Sports Boxing.


As in Boxing, arm movements aren’t mapped directly into the game. Moving a fist in 3D space is a little beyond the Wii, but to its credit the game reacted quickly to the demonstrator’s movements, giving a good sense of flow. A variety of slaps were available, from simple jaw chocks to drawn-out backhanders to the face, although these seemed to respond to random flailing more effectively than deliberate movement.


Grapples are brought about with a button press. Both players subsequently enter into a mad remote/nunchuk shake-off in an attempt to overpower their foe. Rapid shaking is the bane of most Wii titles, and while there’s plenty of it here, winning the grapple and performing outlandish moves is a more than just reward for the unnecessary lactic acid build-up.




Slipping from a grapple into a choking lift presented the most malicious move of the game. Players raise the remote to heave their opponent into the air by their throat, giving them the opportunity to parade them around the ring like a helpless 280lb baby. When you get bored, or gravity begins to take its toll on your arm’s blood flow, flicking the remote down summons an almighty choke slam - the perfect theatrical finisher to a ludicrous chain of gesturing events.


A more obvious example of putting control back into players’ hands arose during a scuffle next to the turnbuckles. After Triple H knocked John Cena into the corner, he leapt up on to the ropes to deliver a series of pounds straight to Cena’s noggin. With the camera fixed in place to give the best view of the proceedings, the player controlling Triple H could then choose how many beats to dish out, taunting his poor colleague with feigned hits before delivering the final brain-damage express with a mighty downward swipe.


But of course the actual fighting is a small part of the WWE experience. For every punch thrown, a word of testosterone-fueled trash talk is spat out, and half the fight time is spent on outlandish taunts. While we would certainly like to hear Ric Flair’s surreal “whoooo-ing†emitting from our remote speaker, it’s the heavy taunt-emphasis that Yuke’s have currently seen to.


With John Cena beaten to the floor, the player commanding Triple H seized the remote and nunchuk and thrust them towards his crotch in the formation of an X. Fans will recognize this as the “DX crotch chop†and lo and behold the digitized Triple H began performing the motion on screen. Just how much actual posturing was necessary to activate the gesture is questionable, but the concept of wrestler-specific taunts is enticing.




This is WWE for everybody. By moving the focus off of button presses, Yuke’s have created a simpler, if slightly watered down, move set. As a result, the Wii version feels more arcade-y than the other next-gen versions. Gone are complicated stamina bars, analog controlled submission battles and all those elements that have alienated newcomers to the series in the past.


As THQ Creative Director Bryan Williams said to us after the demonstration, “the Wii is a pick up and play console, and we want to take advantage of that and make a pick up and play game.†If anything, we’d go one step further and point out that WWE is itself of a similar ilk. There’s something instantly accessible and entertaining about a man being kicked through a ladder, or a 420lb giant being smacked with a metal chair - it’s the perfect “pick up and enjoy†sporting event, and it’s just waiting to be picked up and played on Wii.

Source: http://www.gamesradar.com/gb/wii/game/previews/article.jsp?articleId=20070531143747973034&releaseId=20070601101033640010&sectionId=1001&pageId=20070531151858987082
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ugh that's such typical nintendo fan crap.I get tired of hearing it. Any fool could tell you that the smackdown games are better.

They have always had more content than the games on nintendo consoles. DOR had the most dodgy controls ever(never played the second only first)

Sure they had better graphics but er thats it and i really think it's time to forget about no mercy. it was great and better than cmackdown in it's day but not now




plus the fact that for some glitchy reason if the match went on for so long and you would have to give your oppenet the special move about 15 times(he just keeps getting up)



and also you are on the floor for wayyyyy too long


No man, I've had Smackdown Here comes the pain, Smackdown vs Raw, and Smackdown vs Raw 2007. They're enjoyable games, but very shallow and have their control problems.


Game looks shit btw. I'll stick with the 360 version if I get a Smackdown game.

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