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Am I a hero?


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Okay, you don't have to be modest; But be subtle. Don't ask people if you're a hero, just tell the story. He would get the same response - okay, maybe they wouldn't call him 'hero' (it's because he mentioned it, that we call him that), but they would still honor him noànetheless.


Why? It still amounts to the same thing. Am I A Hero? being the title seemed tongue in cheek to me, not really as in "fuck yeah, I'm god, worship me." Either way, it's a moot point; it'd be pretty shitty if everyone was as coy as you'd like them to be.

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Perhaps he was curious of what grants you of such a title.


And, in my opinion, that would be a better title for the topic. 'What makes you a hero?' - and then your story to set an example. Ah well, i'm quiting to discuss here since it seems everyone is fine with it - I'm not going to destroy his mood over here. I was just wondering why there's a need to brag. If you really, really deserve apoprecitiation - you'll get it nonetheless.

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Okay, you don't have to be modest; But be subtle. Don't ask people if you're a hero, just tell the story. He would get the same response - okay, maybe they wouldn't call him 'hero' (it's because he mentioned it, that we call him that), but they would still honor him noànetheless.




Why be subtle? It dosen´t matter if your subtle or not your going to get the same answer anyway....

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Why be subtle? It dosen´t matter if your subtle or not your going to get the same answer anyway....


'Hey Bush, that war in iraq is just stupid - why the hell do you even go it with it, it's personal vengeance anyway'


'A lot of peop)le think that the war in Iraq is a bad decision and that it's your personal vengeance for the first gulf war. Any comments?'


Perception would be the precise answer, though.

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About half an hour ago there was a load of screaming on my landing so I thought I'd see what was going on. Some strange guy was dragging one of our neighbours, a pregnant woman, in to the lift by her hair. So, it's me to the rescue, grabbing him by the neck and getting him up against the wall while the missus calls the old bill. A bit stupid really, considering he was almost as big as me, and looked like one of those dodgy types who could be carrying a knife or gun, but everything worked out OK. I held him till the old bill dragged him away and have a grateful neighbour.

How much of a hero am I?


You did the right thing, mate. I'm proud I'm on a forum with a load of nice people. I'm new here. My name is love, it is. Love FTW!!!!

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Jasper I know what you're saying but I think he said it jokingly. Besides It doesn't really matter if he was modest or not he still saved her and thats what really counts.


You"re probably right. At least you get my point - I said it time after time - he still did a good thing, no matter what. He gets my pat on the back anyway.

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