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Am I crap at Wii Sports Tennis or its supposed to be like that?


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I have recently bought a Wii and was playing a bit with Wii sports... mostly Wii tennis. The game, more or less does respond to what I want to but the game does not really do what I WANT to do.


For example:


Backhand: I am find it impossible to send the ball to my LEFT side of the court when hitting with backhand (I'm right handed).


Any ideas?

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It is explained in the instructions I think, for a backhand shot to be sent left you need to hit it later. To hit it right you need to hit it earlier. The same goes for forehand shots. The later you hit it, the further into the opposite direction it will go.


You'll get used to it, I love Wii Tennis. Try unlocking all the training modes for practise, it'll help a lot.

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For example:


Backhand: I am find it impossible to send the ball to my LEFT side of the court when hitting with backhand (I'm right handed).


Any ideas?


That's because it is pretty much impossible...

Tips (reverse if left-handed): when playing backhand, the later you hit it, the further left it goes. When playing forehand, the later you hit it the further right it goes.

Alternatively, the earlier you hit it then playing backhand, the further right it goes. When playing forehand, the earlier you hit it, the further left it goes.

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It is possible but it's quite hard. If you hit a ball early, it will send it diagonally in the direction you hit it in. The later you hit it, the more straight it will go.


The latest possible will even send it diagonally in the other direction I think. You usually don't want that though.

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..this is basically just what everyone has said, but with a little diagram..


(for right forehand/ left backhand)


\ | /

1 2 3


1. Hit the ball early

2. In Between

3. Hit the ball late


(for left forehand/ right backhand)


\ | /

3 2 1


1. Hit the ball early

2. In Between

3. Hit the ball late


..ok.. the diagrams probably weren't necessary.. but I'm trying to cool myself down after what just happened at Anfield

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Tbh, it's a pretty poorly designed game, instead of judging the way the ball goes by the angle of your raquet (wiimote), the do it based on when you hit it. Sucks tbh. Haven't touched Wii sports for months. They would have done better to pack the Wii in with Zelda instead.

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..I do think it is pretty enjoyable.. but I agree with you about how the ball should go according to the way you hit it with the Wii Remote instead of by timing..


I just hope we get a proper tennis game (Virtua Tennis please Sega) where this is the case.. and you get control over where the player goes (whether it be possibly by way of the nunchuck, or by maybe by moving your arm away out in a certain direction with just the remote could tell the player where to go, if you get me)

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Tbh, it's a pretty poorly designed game, instead of judging the way the ball goes by the angle of your raquet (wiimote), the do it based on when you hit it. Sucks tbh. Haven't touched Wii sports for months. They would have done better to pack the Wii in with Zelda instead.


i dont love it but it is a good idea. Zelda wouln't appeal to everyone don't forget. ya i find it impossible to play tennis too. I stick with the bowling

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Tbh, it's a pretty poorly designed game, instead of judging the way the ball goes by the angle of your raquet (wiimote), the do it based on when you hit it. Sucks tbh. Haven't touched Wii sports for months. They would have done better to pack the Wii in with Zelda instead.


What a terrible post. Anyone who wastes 10 minutes learning how to play will get hooked, I play this game basically everyday just for kicks. You realise that there's a limit for motion sensing technology without cameras, so this is the best way to make Tennis work. Not to mention that the place where your ball contacts the tennis racket makes a difference in real tennis, not unlike in the game.

And Zelda being packed in? That's so stupid, I don't even need to say anymore.

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Yeah it’s meant to be like that and when you get used to it usually in a couple of minutes then it is a lot of fun, especially in multiplayer against someone at the same skill level. Just go into the training mode and there is one about ball placement which tells you how to aim properly.

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Yeah... that would have been really good advertise for non-gamer. It would also been really easy game to demo random people. Sometimes people use little common sense would go long way before posting things like that.


I of course don't give a shit how well Nintendo do in the console race, I just want the games, end of story. I don't think it would be too difficult to have some Wii consoles packed in with Wii Sports and some packed in with Zelda. I am not that "casual" demographic, so they've let me down with Wii sports.


Also: I know, it's meant to be like that, but in my opinion thats a mistake in design choice. I don't like it that way and I don't like the game. My mum and sister like playing it sometimes though. I'm not one for shallow minigames. The bowling is ok.


And Zelda being packed in? That's so stupid, I don't even need to say anymore.


Right, of course it is. Nintendo didn't do it, and so it's stupid. Right. So packing in Mario 64 with the N64 wasn't stupid? Why not? What's different? Zelda is a long epic, game. So it Mario 64. Yet I don't hear you going on about how that was a stupid move by Nintendo. Stop being Nintendo's whipping boy and hailing them as almighty.

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Tbh, it's a pretty poorly designed game, instead of judging the way the ball goes by the angle of your raquet (wiimote), the do it based on when you hit it. Sucks tbh. Haven't touched Wii sports for months. They would have done better to pack the Wii in with Zelda instead.


na, lots of non-gamers got a wii for wii sports. They wouldn't really care about zelda.

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I don't think it would be too difficult to have some Wii consoles packed in with Wii Sports and some packed in with Zelda.


Difficult? Not at all. Smart? Not at all. Wii Sports was basically slapped there because its expenses were already taken account on general development budget. Packing it with Wii didn't cost practically anything. Zelda, in the other hand, had 3½ years long development cycle, and giving it free in Wii's package would make Nintendo just lose money.


Mario 64 was packed with N64? Not that I remember.


It was bundled with N64 later on console's lifetime, but not in the beginning. Before Wii, SNES was last console that had bundled game from day one.

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I never said for free, it could be for some sort of small discount for the replacement of Wii Sports. Either way, I can't say I care very much, seeing as my Wii is already broken and I don't get to play anything on it anyway.


Not that there's much to play anyway...

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It's turning out like the gamecube's first year. Killer app at launch (smash bros/TP) waits a year for Mario (sunshine/galaxy) along with metroid (1/3). But it seems increasingly likely that Galaxy won't turn up till 2008.

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Zelda:TP, Wii Play, Wii Sports, Rayman, Red Steel, Excite Truck and Sonic

These are all good games, at least I like them, that are already out, and it's been a little more than 3 months. Are other consoles that different? From the way I see it, it's better than any console, before, I never had so many games I enjoyed in so little time, not to mention VC and the games that are coming out. It's just your stupid high expectations and the desire to criticizes that makes you not enjoy things.

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It's turning out like the gamecube's first year.


Nintendo released 9 games during Cube's first year*. If current scheducle stays, Nintendo has released 23 titles (and one pack-in) for Wii during its first year. I think that there is quite big difference there.


* Started from 14th of September 2001 when console was released in Japan.

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I don't buy games unless they're AAA, or I have some fondness for that particular IP. Hence, I won't be forking out 40quid for Excite Truck, a game that doesn't even have a 4 player mode, and takes about 3 hours to complete. The only game on there I actually like is Zelda. Red Steel was fun for a while in multiplayer, but really, the idea of motion sensing is starting to lose it's novelty. It's time for the good games to start rolling out, like there were for the cube:


Rogue Squadron

Luigis Mansion



Resident Evil

Smash Bros.


All these games were out within 4 months of the Cube launch, and they're all better than any Wii launch title, apart from maybe Zelda.


Nintendo released 9 games during Cube's first year*. If current scheducle stays, Nintendo has released 23 titles (and one pack-in) for Wii during its first year. I think that there is quite big difference there.


* Started from 14th of September 2001 when console was released in Japan.


What the fuck? This is the Wii's second year. It's march already. It'd be nice for a decent game to take the idea of selling my Wii off my mind.

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Zelda:TP, Wii Play, Wii Sports, Rayman, Red Steel, Excite Truck and Sonic

These are all good games, at least I like them, that are already out, and it's been a little more than 3 months. Are other consoles that different? From the way I see it, it's better than any console, before, I never had so many games I enjoyed in so little time, not to mention VC and the games that are coming out. It's just your stupid high expectations and the desire to criticizes that makes you not enjoy things.


I have stupid high expectations? I expected there to be at least three games I would buy in the first 3 months, and I have only bought one. Like Bard, I only by triple A games and franchises I like. Give me a good reason to buy any of those games you've mentioned (apart from Zelda). I would only consider wii play for the extra controller, but then again, there aren't any good multiplayer games out yet. Let's face it, at the moment Wii has one game.

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What the fuck? This is the Wii's second year. It's march already.


I don't know if you are acting dense, or if you really are that stupid, because I meant LITERAL YEAR, 'tard. By any sane man's logic, that console could be year old, it must have been out for 12 months. Wii has out in Europe and Japan for less than four months.

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