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The 1up Show/1UpYours


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I just listened to the two latest, and ths last one was really full of funboy-ish shit. At first its kinda of funny because they're just slagging of each other but then it comes to some discussions that shows their true colours, and as a nintendo fan, I would like to see someone there that shows all sides not just 2 guys pissing on each other or the Wii. And I don't care if the guy has really weird tastes, he's paid to be an opinion maker not to say "hmmm, I don't really know, I think its shit".

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First of all, None of them are really fanboys, just have differnet tastes in games. And you don't get Luke, He slags of all games, he doesn't seem to like very many games..


He is 1UP's resident and well-known Xbox fanboy, and far from un-biased or mature.


And I don't care if the guy has really weird tastes, he's paid to be an opinion maker not to say "hmmm, I don't really know, I think its shit".


Why he should? Being blunt and stupid works well with his targeted main audience, which is 14-18 years old chavs. And this is just how your market yourself to youngsters these days. Instead of even trying to sound smart or intelligent, you just try to be "funny".

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The thing about the Wii doomsaying is that it's purely conjecture. I'm not saying it couldn't happen, but there doesn't appear to be any reasoning behind it. Before the machine even came out Luke decided he didn't like "waggle", and now he just seems to whine about the console all the time, mainly because the texture's aren't as shiny as his 360's.


He talks about the Wii becoming a "dumping ground" for the games he doesn't want to play, such as licensed titles. I love Shadow of the Colossus, it's one of my favourite games of all time, but is it still fueling PS2 sales? Without the budget titles and licensed games that Luke doesn't want to see on his 360 and PS3, the PlayStation 2 wouldn't be as huge a success as it is. So if Nintendo's console is going to get those titles then surely that's a good thing? They're not displacing other games, it isn't an either/or situation where we have to trade Mario for Hanna Montana. And just because those sorts of games exist doesn't mean I have to buy them; I will enjoy the exclusives that gravitate towards a large userbase, though.


I hope they get N'Gai Croal back on 1UP Yours. He doesn't have to resort to penis jokes every other line, he can rely on his knowledge of the medium, the industry, and his objectivity. I'm not saying that people at 1UP don't know what they're talking about, they do, and you can often see glimpses of that knowledge, but they tend to give in to hyperbole at every opportunity — everything is either "awesome" or "shit" — and whilst the fan-baiting and joking can make an entertaining Podcast, it can also be really exasperating, just like any fanboyism.

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Why he should? Being blunt and stupid works well with his targeted main audience, which is 14-18 years old chavs. And this is just how your market yourself to youngsters these days. Instead of even trying to sound smart or intelligent, you just try to be "funny".


Exactly, thats what I used to get from other kids in the N64 era. I thought we were way over past this.

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And this is just how your market yourself to youngsters these days. Instead of even trying to sound smart or intelligent, you just try to be "funny".

Luke IS funny. I don't agree with him most of the time when he is but he still gets me laughing.

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He is 1UP's resident and well-known Xbox fanboy, and far from un-biased or mature.


Why he should? Being blunt and stupid works well with his targeted main audience, which is 14-18 years old chavs. And this is just how your market yourself to youngsters these days. Instead of even trying to sound smart or intelligent, you just try to be "funny".


Agree with your first point, he is a massive xbox fan boy, and halo to be even more exact.


Also shaun is a sony fanboy without a doubt...


Dunno about your second point , whilst they do make a lot of jokes they do try to discuss important points, but once Luke starts ranting.


Luke does have a point about the Wii, it does need to get that killer app to keep casual interested, likes its Nintendogs and Brain Academy, to keep up its fantastic sales thus far.


The Wii does have the problem that it isn't classed as a next generation console by the media. People like Luke going wow you can wave it around, great with his sarcastic manner don't work.


anyway on the topic of podcasts, I'm resurrecting the idea of the members podcast, which I had a post about a while back, which didn't happen last time.

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To be honest, I hate to say it but, I think Luke is right about the Wii going to fade out.


The Wii will fade out sooner than the 360/PS3 (maybe in about 2009/2010, whist the others will go out for a fair bit longer), but it's definately not seen its potential yet.

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He was totally hating on Microsoft this last episode anyway, he called them STUPID. But seriously, in a few years times, (2-3), the wii will look shit (in terms of graphics)...


And then we will have a Wii2 around the same price but with better graphics.

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He was totally hating on Microsoft this last episode anyway, he called them STUPID. But seriously, in a few years times, (2-3), the wii will look shit (in terms of graphics)...


No it wont. Look at Mario Galaxy, it looks really good. If effort is put into these games they will look decent. Games aren't going to look that much better than Gears of War, and the Wii couldn't really go anywhere but up graphically. So how is it in 3 years time the Wii will look crap?


I'm not talking about sales, i'm talking about us gamers. If Nintendo brought out a Wii 2 so soon i'd be pissed, but then again it is going to be outdate in a couple of years probably :hmm:


Again, it wont, because either it will sell boatloads and Nintendo can bask in glory, or it will drop off and become another Gamecube and Nintendo will have to rethink it for next gen.

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No it wont. Look at Mario Galaxy, it looks really good. If effort is put into these games they will look decent. Games aren't going to look that much better than Gears of War, and the Wii couldn't really go anywhere but up graphically. So how is it in 3 years time the Wii will look crap?


Haha, you know a Wii is just a souped up GC right? Mario Galaxy does look, but thats because of the all the effects to hide some of the raw stuff.

How much better can the Wii graphics get? They're reaching the limit soon, ok, my bad about saying the graphics would be shit, thats an overstatement. They will look bad though compared to PS3 and 360. They can make the Wii graphics looks simple and smooth, but you don't get the massive amount of deatol you can get with the other consoles. The number of people on screen etc...

The Wii will stop somewhere graphically, probaly in mid to end 2008, is where the graphics will be the pinnacle.. They will use DoF and bloom and such to hide the nasties..

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Haha, you know a Wii is just a souped up GC right? Mario Galaxy does look, but thats because of the all the effects to hide some of the raw stuff.

How much better can the Wii graphics get? They're reaching the limit soon, ok, my bad about saying the graphics would be shit, thats an overstatement. They will look bad though compared to PS3 and 360. They can make the Wii graphics looks simple and smooth, but you don't get the massive amount of deatol you can get with the other consoles. The number of people on screen etc...

The Wii will stop somewhere graphically, probaly in mid to end 2008, is where the graphics will be the pinnacle.. They will use DoF and bloom and such to hide the nasties..


If you say the word "graphics" in another post, I'll eat your face. With my fist.


Seriously, we don't care. We're happy people. Aren't we allowed to be happy? Why aren't we allowed to be happy, man? Why? WHY? Did we wrong you in a previous life?

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If you say the word "graphics" in another post, I'll eat your face. With my fist.


Seriously, we don't care. We're happy people. Aren't we allowed to be happy? Why aren't we allowed to be happy, man? Why? WHY? Did we wrong you in a previous life?

If you're not happy with this discussion then why bother joining in? You haven't stated any particular point and aren't defending logically in any way. Everything 1up just said in that post seems pretty much accurate.

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How much better can the Wii graphics get?


We don't know. And neither you do. And we don't either know how much better PS3 / X360 stuff will improve from their current quality. Remember that MGS2 was released during second year of PS2? Graphically PS2 games* didn't really improve much after that. In the other hand, it's impossible to say anything about Wii, because most games are still last gen ports and we don't have specific information about GPU. You must also remember also budget, scheducle and other real world problems that weaken potential of PS3 / X360.


* .And the ironic joke is that PS2 was technically more modern for its time than X360 is.

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If you're not happy with this discussion then why bother joining in? You haven't stated any particular point and aren't defending logically in any way. Everything 1up just said in that post seems pretty much accurate.


That Guy already made a point about the graphical capabilities of the Wii, stating that effort is needed. All 1UP's argument was the regurgitated "souped up xbox/GC" argument.


We never even got the best out of the cube/xbox, so what makes people think we'll get the best out of the Wii/Xbox360/PS3. We won't, and probably never will until the next batch of systems come around. Systems are never pumped right to the max. I just don't understand 1UP's point where he says we're reaching the limit for the Wii. We are four months in, and so far the games for the next year look pretty damn good graphically, too. Who's to say the next year after that doesn't look better?


It may never be graphically superior or as powerful as the competitors, but it can still be pretty damn impressive. Why does everything have to be "powerful" to be impressive?


Besides, I guess we all have different things which impressive us. If a game really is that immersive graphically, then you're a bluddy fool if you point out something like "whoa, that ground looks great." If you don't notice it, then it's subtle. If it's subtle, then you take it in subconsciously. I think many would consider that impressive. :heh:


I just find the whole thing tedious. Nobody was questioning the graphical potential of the 360 3 months into the console's life, and it just seems like a lot of people are jumping on the "Wii is weaker therefore it can't achieve much" bandwagon.

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I'm not saying something has to be powerful to be impressive, as I personally think art direction is possibly the most important aspect for visuals. The truth is that while Wii will have games that look 'nice', it'll always be like 'if only Zelda looked like White Knight Story...etc.' Many nintendo fanboys/fans deny it but it's the truth.

Man I feel like i've discussed/debated about wii's graphics etc. more than anything in a long time.

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The truth is that while Wii will have games that look 'nice', it'll always be like 'if only Zelda looked like White Knight Story...etc.' Many nintendo fanboys/fans deny it but it's the truth.


I have probably been gaming before you were even born, and after the second coming of PC-gaming*, I haven't never really thought that "damn, this game should look better and more like game X". It's practically pointless that doesn't change anything. Each game must be played on its own merits, and longing for greener pastures just distracts your enjoyment of game.


* 1996-1999

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