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The 1up Show/1UpYours


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yeah watched it before not a bad show, havnt listened to the podcast yet.


For fans of Denis Dyack of Silicon Knights fame, he was on the most recent EGM Live podcast which includes a lot of the peeps off 1up show.


He touches on a lot of things, the nature of games previews, also does say that they can still work with Nintendo if they so choose, plus he touches on the possibilty of an Eternal Darkness 2 (which was also actually confirmed in an IGN blog a while back), but considering that Too Human has now become a trilogy seems unlikely they will have resources to do it at the moment.

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Just watching it now with Stocka. It's the best video games show on the Internet I think.


Anyone have any better suggestions?


Oh and does anyone have the mp3 of the theme song for the show. I like it, and I want it. :heart:


eurogamer.tv is quite good but a bit top gear at times

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It does still annoy me at times, like the part where they refer to Little Big Planet as a Nintendo game and then one of them pipes up 'except the hi-def graphics!', I mean it's totally true, but not really something that needs to be said.


Also, Shane is so fucking fanboyish. Anything Sony does he thinks is amazing, like he's talking about Home as if it's that absolute answer to XBOX Live.


Home looks like a great option to have, but like one of them said, shouldn't replace the simple menu's of Live.

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Pretty much sums him up I guess.


Garnett is similar but not that funny, Shane is fanboyish but can argue both ways sometimes, and John (I think his names that, if not... meh) is probably the best of the lot.

The thing that annoys me is that yet again, not their opinions, but the way they give them.

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To be honest, I hate to say it but, I think Luke is right about the Wii going to fade out.


Oh, great. I'm just about to listen to it, and no doubt I'll be really pissed off by the end.


To be honest though, I don't care anymore. I'm so sick of this ridiculous console 'war'. I just want to buy a console to play some games, and I don't want to have to buy 3 consoles when the first one I bought stops getting supported because not enough people bought it.


If Wii fails then I wont buy a Nintendo console again. If XBOX 360 gets cut short (unlikely) then I simply will stop buying games. After getting burned with the Dreamcast and Gamecube, I'm simply tired of the whole thing.

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I'm not sure what they're on about with the FPS games on the Wii though. They haven't been great thus far, but I don't think that means that they can't be, and by their logic, should all FPS games only be on the PC?


Yeah, exactly, although I wasn't at all pissed off with the show, and every point was well made and there was a whole thing about comparing Wii to the start of the Gamecube lifespan and then DS, so it was quite good. My podcast ended 30 seconds to early though :s Just wouldn't play the last 30 seconds.

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I'm not sure what they're on about with the FPS games on the Wii though. They haven't been great thus far, but I don't think that means that they can't be, and by their logic, should all FPS games only be on the PC?


Yeah your write, maybe that's one to write on their forums, see if they reply to it in next podcast.

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To be honest, I hate to say it but, I think Luke is right about the Wii going to fade out.


Sure, historically world's fastest selling console is going to fade out, because it doesn't primarily cater trollish assholes* like him? With current pace, Wii is going to pass X360 in four months. I'm not saying that Wii will "win" this generation, but it fading out is just daydream of those who don't like it. :)


* Guys who think that they are somehow "hardcore" because they play latest FPS.

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Sure, historically world's fastest selling console is going to fade out, because it doesn't primarily cater trollish assholes* like him? With current pace, Wii is going to pass X360 in four months. I'm not saying that Wii will "win" this generation, but it fading out is just daydream of those who don't like it. :)


* Guys who think that they are somehow "hardcore" because they play latest FPS.


QFT. The thing is, Nintendo DO need to get a Nintendogs (a 'non-gamer' game) out on the Wii in the not too distant future, and what he said was that Wii will become a dumping ground for all the childish license crap, and he said thats fine because the PS3 and 360 will have all the games he wants to play.


This is a guy who slagged off Shadow of the Collosus and God of War.


What really anoys me about 1UP is that one of them gave SSX a bad review and suddenly it's official that it's a bad game. To be quite honest I think it's them that have the problem, because once I got used to the controls I had no problem whatsoever with them.


To be fair to Garnett this week, he was saying that everything they've said about the Wii (graphics, 3rd parties, lack of games, it being gimicky?) they all said about the Nintendo DS.

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First of all, None of them are really fanboys, just have differnet tastes in games. And you don't get Luke, He slags of all games, he doesn't seem to like very many games.. so it's not like he picked on SOTC and GoW.

And just cos the Wii is selling loads now, doesn't necessarily mean it can't stop selling later on ... not saying it will, but it's a possibility.

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