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Matt Casamassina:- Wii Aint Seen Nothing Yet!


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Found this on both GoNintendo and Cubed3....


There are some potentially crazy-awesome games coming down the pipeline for Wii, by the way. You guys have no idea. I know that’s vague — has to be, but I’ve seen some stuff that you simply have no idea even exists and frankly, if you did, you’d flip out. Comments like these have a way of backfiring on me and i’m sure some people will be annoyed that I’ve even brought up, since I’m unable to give even a hint about the projects in question. Others will undoubtedly say that I’m merely making crap up because there’s no way anybody can disprove statements that are intentionally so unrevealing. But whatev. I know that if I was in your position, I’d be happy just to know that some very cool, unexpected stuff is brewing somewhere way behind-the-scenes. I swear, when this stuff finally shows up, I’ll let you know that I blogged about it way back when. In the meantime, this is probably good material for the IGN Wii message boards


I might aswell say this before anyone else does.....MEGATON! :D

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Because he's a pillock who thinks he's an insider.




erm yeah that's not funny...


The latest IGN wii podcast was hilarious actually. Him, Bozon and Jess all know of 'major exclusive' wii games but they can't announce them :(


It's nice to know wii's future is in good hands.

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erm yeah that's not funny...


The latest IGN wii podcast was hilarious actually. Him, Bozon and Jess all know of 'major exclusive' wii games but they can't announce them :(


It's nice to know wii's future is in good hands.


It wasn't meant to be funny, that's how I see his attitude. He always says he's five steps ahead of us with news and he knows about every game before the developers even think of it.

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Because he's a pillock who thinks he's an insider.




Still, that ancient nerd-o-talk you're mentioning here is out of the funny-hype for about ten years now.


I don't really remember that much of Matt Cassamassina saying anything that turned out to be wrong and I'm suire he's got a lot of information on it - don't forget that he was one of the first persons outside of the developing world to ever play the Wii, just before the TGC in japan two years ago. I'm sure he's going to be right, though i'm waiting for him to say 'I posted it back then, see?'


But, then again, we all know that the most amazing projects are always kept under wraps untill the time is right - so Matt could wait untill one of those pops up and then say 'I told you!' even though he didn't know. The problem is, there's nothing to verify it afterwards. He is just stating the obvious, so it will always be true. Nah, doesn't matter. We'll see when the time comes, no sooner and no later. Go Matt!

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I happen to know there's some "crazy awesome games" heading for the 360 and PS3. But I can't tell anyone about it. But when they are annouced I will pop up and telll you all that I knew about it long before you guys ever did. Its awesome being me.



It's a fairly obvious statement really, it's pretty obvious that we'll eventually see some really unique games. They're a byproduct of having such a unique controller.


Couldn’t of put it better.

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Matt gets more shit than he deserves; everyone originally started hating him because he posted all the facts about the Wii being no were near as powerful as the competition....


Which turned out to be true...


Matt's also revealed that it looks like friend codes are going to return...


Which is very much looking like what's gonna happen. (Pokemon Battle Revolution)


Matt may have said some stuff in the past that has got fanboy's hopes up, but then they've been crushed by the harshness of reality, but normally he's more accurate than anyone else out there.


I don't see why not to believe him right now and I'm pretty hyped to find out what these games are.

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I mean it's all well and good that they know stuff in advance, for future coverage purposes, but dangling it like this in front of people isn't particurly professional. I mean even 1UP (who I largely dislike) do find out stuff and they say they can't talk about it quite yet, (alot of this is because they are waiting for exclusives on EGM to pass) but they don't bang on and on, they will say they can't say much (even recently referring to risking a cease and desist if they did) but then that's it they leave it, they say you'll find out soon enough...


Matt seems to have been saying this ages...zzzzz just tell us already Nintendo, so this guy can stop being a cocky ass hole!

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Matt gets more shit than he deserves; everyone originally started hating him because he posted all the facts about the Wii being no were near as powerful as the competition....


Which turned out to be true...


Matt's also revealed that it looks like friend codes are going to return...


Which is very much looking like what's gonna happen. (Pokemon Battle Revolution)


Matt may have said some stuff in the past that has got fanboy's hopes up, but then they've been crushed by the harshness of reality, but normally he's more accurate than anyone else out there.


I don't see why not to believe him right now and I'm pretty hyped to find out what these games are.



It's not that, it's his 'I know something you don't, nahnahnahnahnaaahnah!' attitude. I mean, what is the point of telling us that the Wii is getting more games? Megaton?

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What's up with all the Anti-Massina? If you read his entire blog post this part does make sense and isn't just a part of teasing us. That happens when you get things out of context. Read it here: http://blogs.ign.com/matt-ign .


well I now read the whole thing, and still think he is being cocky and showing off that he knows something we don't know. He must have a small cock and is over compensating, by being arrogant!


only interesting stuff I read in here:


I have SSX and Tiger Woods sitting on my desk at the office, but I am currently not in possession of a Wii reader unit, which means that I'm unable to play the titles.


Nice to know he has final versions of these waiting to play...

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It's not that, it's his 'I know something you don't, nahnahnahnahnaaahnah!' attitude. I mean, what is the point of telling us that the Wii is getting more games? Megaton?


Matt's just trying to throw some fuel into that hype machine he has, I can't believe people are actually annoyed by this, it's not as if the Wii's line-up is that bad at the moment, he's only saying that things are on the up.


The interesting thing is, Matt normally teases a bit before something is revealed or before there is a big let-down, since he talks about GDC at the end of his post I'm expecting something cool now.

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God there is so much matt hate around lol.


basically, all he's saying is that him and IGN know about some big wii games coming up, however IGN won't be the first to break the news as according to their podcast, another site got the go-ahead on it (gamespot probs).


Bloody hell, people are just using this to take cheap shots at him lol. Also, it wasn't even matt that mentioned these games first; Bozon i think mentioned it on last weeks podcast.

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It's cool to hate Matt. The truth is, he knows a lot more about future projects that we do and he just posted on his blog, not on the IGN mainsite, so I don't see any problem here.


Exactly. Let's be honest, he never really said anything wrong did he? All his 'predictions' turned out to be fairly accurate. And about that copy if SSX Blur and Tiger Woods in his office, he sais he hasn't got a machine to play it on - you know, a demo machine wich reads non-finished data. What's wrong about that? It's not like he would have destroyed it.


The only thing annoying me is that he publicly invites everyone to come see him and his friends drunk. 'Hery, all of you! Come out here, sayè hi and see how drunk we from IGN can get! And the next day i'm all like, Wee!' - I know, it's a lame Wii-related joke here. ther's a lot more going around, though.

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