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What actually is racism then?


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Is THE ganondorf and THE fish's argument any better than racism?

Because as a Christian I am more offended by THE fish calling me stupid and illogical for my beliefs, than I would be had he made fun of my race.

Ironicly though, it's okay to insult eachother's beliefs. Perfectly fine. We chose our beliefs so therefore people can rip us apart?

Bloody ridiculous.

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Is THE ganondorf and THE fish's argument any better than racism?

Because as a Christian I am more offended by THE fish calling me stupid and illogical for my beliefs, than I would be had he made fun of my race.

Ironicly though, it's okay to insult eachother's beliefs. Perfectly fine. We chose our beliefs so therefore people can rip us apart?

Bloody ridiculous.


Agreed. Welcome to the real world you silly fish- brained The fish. I don't care much of my race, but when people insult my religion- that is when it gets personal.

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Now you see that's not much better!

You're still having a go at him for his beliefs!

Granted, had The fish not started this whole thing saying religion is 'bullshit' and that it's perfectly okay to 'hate' religions but not okay to hate races, then none of this would come about. But you're both slinging insults at eachother's beliefs in the middle of a discussion about racism and prejudice!!

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congratulations! You have just insulted 2.1billion people! Not all science is theories. Take Pythagoras's therom for example. And the only indirect evidence of evolution is that we are all primates. I could say 'well, humans all used to have one eye, but evolution changed us, and it would be a theory. Indirect evidence/ we all have 2 eyes! As long as it goes against what is in the Bible, your a fan.


Oh my god, this guy is priceless.:bowdown:



I won't normally point this out as it's so obvious, but you have showed me that I must (see, evidence made me change my theory).

First off, Pythagoras' Theorem is a part of mathematics, not science.

Secondly, it's called Pythagoras' Theorem. The word 'Theorem" means it is theoretical. If we find a right-angled triangle in which the sum of the squares of two sides adjacent to the right-angle does not equal the square of the Hypotenuse, then Pythagoras' Theorem is destroyed. It's wrong, false, and rubbish. That is a fundamental difference between science/maths and religion. The reason a lot of science looks like fact, as apposed to theory, is because it has been refined over time so that there is no evidence against it, and there is lots supporting it. For example, we now know that Newton's laws are incorrect as they don't fit with sub-atomic physics. Einstein has pointed out the mistakes and corrected them. Newton's laws where very nearly correct, as they let us put a man on the moon...


If you insist that the only evidence of evolution is that we are primates, then you appear to be around the intellectual level of, let's say, Dubya, or perhaps some roadkill...


I'm not entirely sure I correctly deciphered what you meant about the eyes, but from what I understand of it, I feel I should tell you that it is thought that humans have always had two eyes. An ancient ancestor, which originally had one eye, mutated and was born with two. It passed this on to it's offspring. After a while the single-eyed ones mostly died out as they couldn't judge distances (and therefore comparative sizes) and had a narrower visual range, meaning they were less effective at avoiding/detecting predators as their two-eyed counterparts, so the gene which gave two eyes could be passed on.


As for your comment about me being 'anti-bible', you don't know me well enough to say that. For example the Bible says in 'Thou shall not kill', but I do not kill people, especially not for the reason that it says not to in the bible.


Agreed. Welcome to the real world you silly fish- brained The fish. I don't care much of my race, but when people insult my religion- that is when it gets personal.


It should be personal. If I can't say that I think what you think stinks, and here's why, then we will have lost what is probably the most essential freedom.

Yes, you can think what you like, but you have to be prepared to hear what others think as well, and what they don't like about what you think.


Oh and The Ganondorf, please please don't argue against evolution. It will make me angry and you wont like having an angry geologist/palaeontologist arguing against you. :smile:


Nice to see I have some back-up if my fingers get to tired from typing rebuttal.;)

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No. A jew is both a religion and a race. They are different things. You can be Jewish (you were born in Israel) but not be religious. And you can be Jewish in the religious sense and not be born in Israel. They're seperate things with the same name.

The reason the name is the same is because that's where the Jewish religion came from and for a long time it was assumed that if you lived there, you blieved in Jeudaism. But they are DIFFERENT THINGS.


You sure about that? The way I look at it if you are born in Israel then you are an Israeli(sp?). Just because you are born in Israel doesn't make you a Jew. The Jewish religion was about long before Israel was made a Jewish state. Therefore the above point can't be right

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It should be personal. If I can't say that I think what you think stinks, and here's why, then we will have lost what is probably the most essential freedom.

Yes, you can think what you like, but you have to be prepared to hear what others think as well, and what they don't like about what you think.


It didn't look like that to me, it looked very much to me like you were telling him he is wrong, not that you think what he thinks stinks, as you put it. It wasn't just you, you were both doing it. Maybe you didn't intend for it to come across like that, but to me, thats how it did. It also served to derail the thread, which is annoying.

Mr Odwin, I think that's what is causing all the problems and disagreements when it comes to racism, people simply have different definitions, and theres nobody to say which is the 'correct' one.


Is THE ganondorf and THE fish's argument any better than racism?

Because as a Christian I am more offended by THE fish calling me stupid and illogical for my beliefs, than I would be had he made fun of my race.

Ironicly though, it's okay to insult eachother's beliefs. Perfectly fine. We chose our beliefs so therefore people can rip us apart?

Bloody ridiculous.




Now you see that's not much better!

You're still having a go at him for his beliefs!

Granted, had The fish not started this whole thing saying religion is 'bullshit' and that it's perfectly okay to 'hate' religions but not okay to hate races, then none of this would come about. But you're both slinging insults at eachother's beliefs in the middle of a discussion about racism and prejudice!!


I like your style Jonwah, and I agree. On both your posts.

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Yes, evolution is a theory. Just like the theory of gravity and atomic theory. Scientific theories are science and thus belong in science class. Creationism isn't even a theory because it's untestable. It's a belief.

Well I never said evolution wasn't a theory.

Creationism is still a theory.


1. a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena

5. a particular conception or view of something to be done or of the method of doing it; a system of rules or principles.

6. contemplation or speculation.

7. guess or conjecture.

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Creationism is NOT a scientific theory because it does not have TESTABLE CONSEQUENCES. A 'theory' isn't just 'something that I think might be true'.


I, quite rightly, have the fundamental right to call your beliefs stupid, illogical, backwards, out of date or immoral. Everyone has the right to hate concepts.

To hate a group of people because of an aspect of their shared belief is stupid.

Hate Christianity but not Christians.


The Jewish question is complicated. There is a Jewish race, religion and country and all 3 kind of intermingle. There aren't totally separate boundaries. An amusing consequence is that if you wanted to CONVERT to Judaism, you'd have to prove you weren't already a Jew by ancestry. Shmickle.

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Creationism is NOT a scientific theory because it does not have TESTABLE CONSEQUENCES. A 'theory' isn't just 'something that I think might be true'.


Does that mean Freud's theories are not scientific theories? As far as I'm aware they aren't directly testable because it apparently all focuses on the unconscious and subconcious. I might be wrong, I didn't pay much attention to Freud stuff.

Anyway, what happened to taking all this over to the creationism/evolution thread, thought the point of it was to take it away from here?

As for this thread, can anyone give me some real life examples that they've experienced of racism towards a white person, that no one cared about? Because alot of people in this thread have mentioned that, but I never thought of it as an issue, and see it as just as bad as any racism.

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Dumbest post EVER

You do realise there IS LOTS of evidence for Evolution & NO evidence for God.


Sure, I agree. Just ignore the Bible, Koran, all 3 Jewish holy books, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the actual city of Jerusalem, 2.1 billion Christians, 1.3 billion Muslims and 11 million Jews, every other religion is this world, the fact that the Universe is too pretty to be a mistake, and everything happens for a REASON and you have no evidence God exists. Even modern Scientists know that everything has a reason behind it. Evolution? Darwin's theory, we're all primates, no books from when the earth began and about 1 billion believers. *yawns*


Bloody communism

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Sure, I agree. Just ignore the Bible, Koran, all 3 Jewish holy books, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the actual city of Jerusalem, 2.1 billion Christians, 1.3 billion Muslims and 11 million Jews, every other religion is this world, the fact that the Universe is too pretty to be a mistake, and everything happens for a REASON and you have no evidence God exists. Even modern Scientists know that everything has a reason behind it. Evolution? Darwin's theory, we're all primates, no books from when the earth began and about 1 billion believers. *yawns*


Bloody communism


Congratulations, you've successfully been brainwashed.

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Sure, I agree. Just ignore the Bible, Koran, all 3 Jewish holy books, the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the actual city of Jerusalem, 2.1 billion Christians, 1.3 billion Muslims and 11 million Jews, every other religion is this world, the fact that the Universe is too pretty to be a mistake, and everything happens for a REASON and you have no evidence God exists. Even modern Scientists know that everything has a reason behind it. Evolution? Darwin's theory, we're all primates, no books from when the earth began and about 1 billion believers. *yawns*


Bloody communism

The Bible & books were written by people, most likely with something to gain; that is not proof. The Temple, City and 3billion+ brainwashed are simply just from a snowball effect. (Amazing how other religions disagree with the 1 God one etc thoguh ey ;))


the Universe is too 'pretty' (i assume u mean complicated) to be a mistake?...I believe that's called human ignorance and not being able to understand that the Universe can be a very complicated place, without Creationism.


Modern scientists don't believe EVERYTHING happens for a reason, I forgeth what it's called, but it's theorised that once you 'get really small' things become random.

The Bible's not from when the Earth began either.

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Freud was highly unscientific. Highly.

But I'm not here to discuss psychology, I'd rather die than do that again.

You've studied psychology?


As for this thread, can anyone give me some real life examples that they've experienced of racism towards a white person, that no one cared about? Because alot of people in this thread have mentioned that, but I never thought of it as an issue, and see it as just as bad as any racism.


Just to put this back on topic, and I would actually quite like to hear of some examples.

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