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Why you hate GAME


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Never had any problems with either of my local GAMEs, the staff were helpful and friendly, and whilst not the most knowledgable didn't try to push anything on me, nor did they mock me for buying Nintendo games. Don't really use them much anymore, prefer to shop online, but that's still at GAME, the only time I use the shops is to redeem my reward points and get a free game every now and again.

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I guess its just in Belfast that everyone is grumpy.


I asked a memebr of staff in game if there was a wifi hot spot in the shop and he said:

"That would be steelin'!"


The staff in game in belfast have always been friendly to me, maybe they just think your ugly :p.

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Off-topic: soag, I glanced at your sig and almost immediately after my keyboard, and it was as if the keys were themselves small rainbows on which my fingers would glide.


On-topic: Let it be known that my views on GAME can be applied to Gamestation (who better GAME on pricing, but are even worse when it comes to customer relations) and any other high-street or independent retailer.

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I don't hate GAME or the people in it. I've applied for a Christmas job in my local store. I just feel sometimes they employ the wrong people, people who have no idea about games, they don't even know what platform a game is on let alone offer advice.

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Aye but on the whole buy your games online thing. The only advantage highstreet shops have over online places is that a) You cannot trade in old games for discount online

B) Some people are nervy about preordering online as they don't always get it on the day of release.


Although GAME used to be pretty good online with their Deals Of The Day although now it's just Deal Of The Week and they end up being pretty shodding titles. PLus GAME online make you pay postage :/

And also they display massive PSP advertisements in the DS section online. Very irrating and enforces the point that they just push push push Sony products.

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Their pre-owned games are way over priced (£28 for a Fire Emblem GBA game). The staff have always seemed nice and helpful but sometimes they don't know too much, when i bought my DS the manager served me and offered me a seperate mic/headphones set because he didn't know if there was a mic included on the DS. He was nice though.


Also, it's like a PS2 shop when you walk in. Isn't renting out your shelf space a little... corrupt?

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The GAME in Stirling are really good. Everyone there is really cool and seems to know a lot about the games. I was buying Fable last week, I was being served by the manager and he asked me if I wanted to wait a couple of weeks and get Fable: The Lost Chapters for a little bit more (I didn't). I then went in a couple of days ago and bought Advance Wars, served by the manager again and he started talking to me about Fable. Very good customer relations. I would try and get a job there if I could get there without having to go on the bus.

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