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The Alternative PS3 Discussion Thread


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So, here's a thread for the non Playstation fanboys/ people with sense to talk PS3, PS3 v 360 v Wii comparisons, Sony v Nintendo v Microsoft etc etc etc and anything other than the 2 games that the PS3 has to talk about right now aka Resistance and Motorstorm.


So just say what you think rather than trying to justify/back up every opinion you have and enjoy, its only a freaking expensive games console after all!

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I dont think its as expensive as people make out tbh. Xbox 360 + Wireless Adapter + HD-DVD drive all comes to more than the top bracket PS3. The price of the games on the other hand :nono:


However, the bonus with the 360 is you can just add on the bits that you want rather than having to fork out cash for rubbish you dont want just because its 'built in'. If you simply wanted to play a few games occasionally you can get it for £200 with a game and a memory card!

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Yeah, they just decide to take an extreme loss on everything.

From what i've heard, the only thing they're making money on is the joypads. Which cost $0.75 to make and sell for like $35.


Plus Dom, i can appricate where you're coming from but half the time you seem to really back Sony for no apparent reason other than to prove everyone else wrong...

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Yeah, they just decide to take an extreme loss on everything.

From what i've heard, the only thing they're making money on is the joypads. Which cost $0.75 to make and sell for like $35.


Plus Dom, i can appricate where you're coming from but half the time you seem to really back Sony for no apparent reason other than to prove everyone else wrong...


Plus software, all they have to do for launch titles is sell 100k units and then they are in profit. Thats globally mind you.

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It's going to be one of those threads..


With the price of the PS3, and the rate that it's selling in the US, and with it being next month and little hype at this point i can see it being a slow start, to the PS3's life. With the xbox still selling fairly steadily, and the Wii still hard to get hold of..

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Yeah, they just decide to take an extreme loss on everything.

From what i've heard, the only thing they're making money on is the joypads. Which cost $0.75 to make and sell for like $35.


Plus Dom, i can appricate where you're coming from but half the time you seem to really back Sony for no apparent reason other than to prove everyone else wrong...


Well I like facts and so I'd rather people didn't start chatting shit around the place. I've said before that I don't care what Sony does as long as I have a good system, and I've got that before time again.


It's the same with music. I might not like the guys/girls in the band, but if they produce good music, should I not listen to them just because I don't like what they do outside of music?

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Plus Dom, i can appricate where you're coming from but half the time you seem to really back Sony for no apparent reason other than to prove everyone else wrong...


I've asked that too many times, and every time the answer doesn't quite satisfy. maybe i'm too good at spoting closet cases?





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I personally think the ps3 looks quite good. Although it may not have an awful lot of games to suit my tastes, it still does look pretty fun.


The only thing is that I can't see it supporting everybodies needs.


The wii will sell the most out of this generation.

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just to express my opinion - PS3 is crap right now because of its lack of compelling content. Wii however is getting its VC games out on time and making me very happy and its Wii games are really good if a little sparse rigth now. 360 is amazing and so much fun but then its had a next gen monopoly for a year so it has to have some quality games.


i cant see the ps3 having an equally exceptional library of games on year on from its us launch, Wiis library of games one year on are guaranteed already with mario, smash bros, mario and metroid and some surprises too i'm betting.


anywho, i will buy a ps3, just i dont think its a sound purchase atm-i mean theres no real reason to buy one except for the distant possibility of games like MGS4, DMC 4 and FF XIII-if they all remain sony exclusive.


anywho thats the bare bones of what i think, the day sony pick up the ball again and start doing something is the day my opinion changes. till then . . .


It doesn't matter if they sell out - its the one with the better games is the winner.


which seems to be the Wii or 360 for the next year at least-NOT the PS3

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I kind of feel the same as Takeo regarding the PS3. I wouldnt say its a bad console just that it is lacking in a killer game, for me at least. This doesnt have anything to do with the machine just due to the launch window. Being a big Ratchet and Clank an the only thing I will miss not playing is Resistance as I love Insomniac. I was going to get one at launch but I dont think im will to pay the price just for one game.


For Sony to get me to buy the PS3 they will have to have some exclusive games that will stay exclusive and not just timed but I can see these being very limited as development costs are rising so its more profitable for a 3rd party to release their game on as many platforms as possible.If that is the case then its going to be left to the 1st party developers to make their console stand out.


Another thing is that if developers want to make a game for the Wii they will pretty much have to make it just for that console due to the control methods. Providing developers put some time and energy into the game then the Wii could have some great exclusives. Also the VC is a huge asset to the Wii due to the massive back catalogue at Nintendos disposal.


The 360 has online sorted and I doubt anything in the console world will even come close to reaching what Microsoft have. I know alot of people dont like it but I personally love the whole Gamerscore thing that they introduced as it allows you to get the most out of your games even if they are short.


End of HoTs rant.

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Well answer this, If i'm some Sony fanboy? Why would I work for a N-europe? Why are most of my fave games not sony games? Why would I own all consoles?


TBH I'm one of the most open minded gamers in this place. I try any sort of game on any system.


After watching a few of your video blogs I can honestly say I believe what you say here. I think it's actually ZeldaFreak who sticks up for Sony just to be 'different'. I actually think a few people are like that actually.


I agree with Tak, and HoT about PS3 right now. Have considered getting one many times, but since I have a 360, I see no reason for me to buy one. I wouldn't play DMC, or MGS4, or FFXIII so what's the point? Virtua fighter is on 360 in a couple of months and Virtua Tennis is on both next month, so there's no reason for me to get one.

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The only reason i've wanted a PS3 is because I haven't ever had a PS2 and would like to play the FFs in particular. I don't need a PS3 though(+ i'd feel greedy to get it too), and am rather satisfied with the Wii60 combo. However if Shenmue III were to come out on PS3 it'd be a different story.

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After watching a few of your video blogs I can honestly say I believe what you say here. I think it's actually ZeldaFreak who sticks up for Sony just to be 'different'. I actually think a few people are like that actually.


I agree with Tak, and HoT about PS3 right now. Have considered getting one many times, but since I have a 360, I see no reason for me to buy one. I wouldn't play DMC, or MGS4, or FFXIII so what's the point? Virtua fighter is on 360 in a couple of months and Virtua Tennis is on both next month, so there's no reason for me to get one.


I would stick up for Microsoft aswell. I really am not bothered about new ways to games. So I didn't like the wii. So I'm selling it, to put that money toward something else don't know what though.

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