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Capcom says Wii is for kids!


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There is a minority who hate the wii. From name to controller.


What the fuck! YOU'RE in the Wii Boards of a NINTENDO forum.


You're in the completely wrong place, go to a Playstation forum man if you hate the Wii that much.


I'm not saying the Wii doesn't deserve to be slagged off, but there's no way in hell you gonna be able to do it here.

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As long as you have the right software coming through, like games like Gears of War. Why is it movie directors like peter jackson want to work onthe 360 but not on the wii then ? :hmm:



Hmm tell you what ZeldaFreak why don't you start making games because you obviously know far more than any of us here despite being proven wrong time and time again. Then again in your mind your always right aren't you? So you go and develop games - in fact you make the next console since you know everything and we will all buy it and think what a great guy you are and it's the best console ever made.


Hmm on second thoughts I'd rather boil my own head. Here's a better tip you keep typing crap on here and we'll keep proving you wrong.


Sigh: you sad little man. :angry:

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Hmm tell you what ZeldaFreak why don't you start making games because you obviously know far more than any of us here despite being proven wrong time and time again. Then again in your mind your always right aren't you? So you go and develop games - in fact you make the next console since you know everything and we will all buy it and think what a great guy you are and it's the best console ever made.


Hmm on second thoughts I'd rather boil my own head. Here's a better tip you keep typing crap on here and we'll keep proving you wrong.


Sigh: you sad little man. :angry:


I hope your not a teacher. Aren't you told to accept other opinions on how WW1 started was it the assasinaion attempt or was it A-H trying to take over serbia.,etc..


And what have you exactly proved wrong by me stating Peter Jackson has more interest in 360 than other systems.


Have you played on a 360?


Seriously guys, if you're going to give somebody a counterargument, do it. But, don't resort to "petty insults" like calling him stupid or something. It's not right.


Its all right man - they can't think of anything else.

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Seriously guys, if you're going to give somebody a counterargument, do it. But, don't resort to "petty insults" like calling him stupid or something. It's not right.



I never called him stupid but point taken. I "ahem" just called him a vulcan in another thread though oops.


I'll restrain myself - just winds me up thats all.

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I hope your not a teacher. Aren't you told to accept other opinions on how WW1 started was it the assasinaion attempt or was it A-H trying to take over serbia.,etc..


And what have you exactly proved wrong by me stating Peter Jackson has more interest in 360 than other systems.


Have you played on a 360?




Its all right man - they can't think of anything else.


We've had a counter-argument to everything you've ever said. It's not even a discussion, it's just you spouting nonsense. I'm not against you saying you don't like Wii, but like I've said, don't make childish threads about 'wii-bashing'.



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I hope your not a teacher. Aren't you told to accept other opinions on how WW1 started was it the assasinaion attempt or was it A-H trying to take over serbia.,etc..


And what have you exactly proved wrong by me stating Peter Jackson has more interest in 360 than other systems.


Have you played on a 360?




Its all right man - they can't think of anything else.


I'm not a teacher I do work in education though and deal with kids that think they know it all (hmmm getting deja vu) am I at work right now???


Yes I have played the 360 and it's wonderful but heres the thing, I don't go stuffing that fact down peoples throats this is a Wii thread if you want to tell the world how lovely the 360 is do so in the appropriate place.


It's common sense your gonna have a hard time slagging of the Wii in here so dont be surprised if the slagging turns on you!


Now can't we all just get along??? hmm???

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What I meant is have you played a game for the 360 not an xbox game.


According to most people Halo 2 is the best game "on the 360" (even though it's a X-Box game)....which I think shows just how "great" HD and all that rubbish is.

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Quick question because it keeps coming up.


Non-gamers. Why do we give a shit? "Wii is to introduce non-gamers" is a frequent comment but why exactly should any of us care?


Nintendo should care yes because it means more money for them, but software wise what does it mean for us real gamers?

Introducing non-gamers will do nothing for us except a higher amount of

non-games such as wario ware and wii sports which are quite good for a 15 minute spin but £40 out of my pocket I like to be able to spend at least 20 hours on something.


Kinda disheartening aswell to see Capcom realize this. Even with the gamecube two of its later "Mature Titles", and I use mature in the sense as it is what pop culture accepts as mature, were released on the Ps2 after what was believed to be at first exclusive titles. Those being Resident Evil 4 and Killer 7.


In light of this could it be that those resulted in poor sales for these games? (Poor in comparison to Ps2) Has this led Capcom to believe that Nintendo is not marketable?


Well the bottom line is that Capcom is in Japan and in Japan Wii is a family console. Ps3 may not be selling as much but maybe its selling exclusively to hardcore gamers?

e.g Capcom release a hardcore game on Wii and Ps3 but software sales may be significantly less on Wii because they are families/non-gamers etc whereas Ps3 are predominantly gamers.

So I specualte that capcom might believe in terms of Hardcore games Ps3 will hold a higher software market share even if the have lower hardware sales than the Wii.


Ps. This isn't Wii bashing so don't get all nazi on my ass. I like my Wii i'm just worried about the poor lil' guys future.

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Like I said when I looked it, if you can bring forth constructive arguments, then do it. That's what forums are all about. It's great when people disagree.


However, it's not great to just bash a system for the sake of not bashing it. If you have reasons why you don't like the system, then bring forth them. What's the sense in creating a bashing thread purely for the sake of bashing?


Well, I see your point and I was just trying to raise the issue that if there was a thread for people like ZeldaFreak, then maybe every other thread wouldn't turn out like this one.


Why do we even need to slag off the Wii at all?!


Well, I agree that no one shoud be slagging off the Wii simply because they 'hate' it. But I think critiscm is fine. I think the Wii has some great ideas, but it also has some flaws. I'm not happy about the graphics, I like the controller - but don;t think it suits every game. I love the VC, but think it's total cack the VC controller doesn't work with Gamecube games.


Seriously guys, if you're going to give somebody a counterargument, do it. But, don't resort to "petty insults" like calling him stupid or something. It's not right.


What I really hate is when someone raises a point about a game in a critical way the Portugese Mafia swarm in, call them idiots and basically say that anyone critical of the Wii is a moron who doesn't understand gaming.

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So, one again it's just the meida blowing what he said out of proportion.


I think you're going to see some amazing Wii titles from Capcom. I just suspect that they won't all be blood and guts and they will likely be much more broadly focused. That also doesn't mean, our games in the Will will be "kiddie". Those are two very different extremes. We're likely to be somewhere in the middle with new products. Inafune-san already mentioned in some Japanese coverage that we have a new IP on the Wii that will be shown "soon". Internally, we're very excited about its prospects for success (and tapping into that broad market).


We must be smart then because we have RE: Umbrella Chronicles coming to the Wii for mature players, and other content for much more broad audiences. We might have another surprise as well to talk about in the coming weeks for Wii but I digress . I'd be happy to see some speculation though.


On a releated note, I saw a few comments elsewhere from people saying "but, but, but, Red Steel sold well!". Red Steel... is rated T for Teen. With a name like Red Steel and with swordplay/gunplay as a central part of the gameplay, Ubi could have easily dialed up the blood spurts or perhaps some dismemberment and crossed the M threshold, but didn't[b/]. I'd bet it was a concious decision and as a result, they can hit the teens and the adult market, which was smart. I'm certain that in the long run they will sell a lot more copies as a result. Smart for the brand, smart for the game, better for the audience. Broad.


Edit: As I reread this example, I just saw the headlines of 100 online sites jumping to conclusions "that RE:UC is aimed at T for Teen". Just to stop that from happening, at the moment, I'm not sure what the rating will be but I'd be shocked if it winds up anything other than M for Mature.



That's actually not what I said. What I said was that it's very broad but that it's likely to be younger on average than 360 or PS3. That doesn't imply kiddie, it doesn't imply mature. It implies broad and that could mean stretching across the wide spectrum of people who play games. It does likely limit the amount of blood and guts (because we have to not cut out younger demos too) but it doesn't mean kiddie (because that could alienate our mature gamers).



There's no blame to be handed out. The GC situation wasn't bad at all. Also, the fact that the GC had a younger core didn't mean that there weren't exceptions or games that were broadly appealing (Nintendo's own software being the best examples).


Many publishers were very successful on Gamecube (including Capcom) and it's my expectation that even more publishers will experience a much higher level of success with Wii.


Frankly, we'd like to have a couple franchises on Wii that are of the caliber of Nintendo's hit projects (that might be a bit unrealistic, but certainly that's a goal). You don't get much more broadly appealing than Mario, Zelda, Metroid and the host of other Nintendo classics. Everyone loves those.


Coming back full circle to my original statements, we want to make some new games on Wii that also appeal to everyone.


As for "E" rated games... all of the Nintendo franchises I mentioned above are "E" rated or "E-10" or "T" rated and they're some of the best games ever made. I don't think the rating has anything to do with the quality of a game or its value to the consumer.



The goal, if I recall, was to create something from the ground up for Wii that used the Wiimote appropriately and delievered something different than what was seen in other RE titles. Creating games, from the ground up for the intended hardware was the goal. At the same time, I believe given the intent to show lots of characters and locations from classic games in a new form, was to pay some serious fanservice to the RE loyal.



As for RE5, the team has some technical aspirations that simply could not be realized on the Wii. When you eventually do see it, to suggest that it could be done on the Wii while maintaining the fidelity it has, I'm sorry, is just silly.

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