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Not sure if anyones said this but its £55 in HMV. Dont think you'll get it any cheaper than that unless your a lucky sod who got it off play.com at the right time :P

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  Owen said:
Joined that NEurope group thing, i'm 'pending' at the mo, how long does it normally take to show up?


yeah sorry, I thought I had approved them all so far I'll check urs out later.




Approved Owen! Can't wait to get home from work and play some more of this only played 2 hrs so far. Really wanna get into it!


EDIT 2; Will be £55 in HMV, they always seem to get them cheaper than everywhere else atleast they did when I worked for them.


Ordered this game on wednesday at a local gamestore, but I don't have it yet :( I also checked some other stores, can't find it anywhere :P Really excited about this though, it's going to be my first GH game :)

  Platty said:


*hugs play.com for putting it up for £29.99 and honouring it*


*Hugs parcel force for bringing it to me*


Now I only have half an hour before im going away for the weekend!


Mine has arrived too £29.99 gotta love it! *hugs Play.com and gives them a slobbery kiss*


Ok well had a quick play of the game and fuck me it's hard or I just suck big time. Had to change the guitar and buttons to lefty! that deffo helped.


I've linked my wii with the Guitar Hero community and am in the N-europe band too. You can check my stats they really suck!


My friend code is - 2363 4022 2369


Add me I'll play more later tonight!



School's Out........................EASY...........................21,739


Hit Me With Your Best Shot.....EASY...........................10,970


Slow Ride.............................EASY...........................18,571


Yes these scores suck but I've just started, have pity!


Bloody loving it,


playing on easy at the mo, just passed the "making the video" level. Took me a few tries to beat the first boss.


I really suck when i try to use the whammy bar, so i just avoid it now, haha, couuldn't even pass the tutorial on it so skipped it :heh:


Starting to get the hang of it, Schools Out was the first song i manged to get a 50+ streak together, currently of what i've played best score is Barracuda (61077), which is strange cuz I've never heard this song before, haha, next best is "When We Were Young" (55050)


Worst score at the moment is "Mississippi Queen" with a shamful 17551


I just tried the online, linked to my tour group account thingy, played one best out of 3 match with some guy called Mihali, i played easy he played normal, it seemed to take awhile to get started, not sure if this was a lag issue, or if he just took a long time to pick his options? The wierd thing though he beat me twice in a row (both sudden death so i didn't do too bad for a noob) but the 2nd match it said I won when the results screen came up, but he clearly beat me, weird.... he then disconnected, guess he wasn't happy, haha.


Fav song to play at the moment though is "Miss Murder"


I've added Flameboy and Cookyman to my friend roster (their the only ones i see who've displayed there's, if i missed someone tell me), i'll PM both of ye just to be sure also.


Here's mine, 2277 5031 1075

Remember to PM me if you add me also just to be sure I add you back :)


Mines 1633-2576-1783


I'll add you Mokong, I can't play online tonight though! The TV has been taken over by my mother! :D


Oh and Flameboy of course.


LOVE Miss Murder by AFI, that whole album altogether is great actually.




Just scored 82980 on my first play of Black Sunshine, and got 5 stars, my first star performance, wohoo




oh yeah, how much force do ye have to put into it to activate star power, when i first started play i was activating without even wanting to (ie: never went through the tutorial for it and didn't know how), and then when i figured it out i could do it with small quick motions, but not i have to gie it a good shake to get it going, which is annoying cuz i gotta wait for a good long note else i'll end up missing a note.




Just locked Before I Forget, wohoo, must play it now, why am i still typing??????




Haha, broke 90,000 for the first time, song was Number of The Beast (love me some Maiden), was my 2nd try at the song, 90,078 was the score, haha, just barely broke it :)


I completed Easy today, was a nice little introduction to the game. Had a quick blast at medium and i nearly cried! Gonna take a lot of practise methinks!

  McPhee said:
I completed Easy today, was a nice little introduction to the game. Had a quick blast at medium and i nearly cried! Gonna take a lot of practise methinks!


Ha, that was me over a year ago. I pwn on Expert now. :grin:


Keep playing, you'll get so much better. :wink:


Personally I think it's daylight robbery for £70. Or £55 for that matter is a bit steep. I really want this but I don't think I've ever spend that much on a game since 1996!


Indeed I shall bide my time and wait for this little monster to fall in price. It's not like there is a quality software crisis at the moment anyhoo.

  The Villan said:
No, skint at the moment.


But my brother's getting paid next week, hopefully then. Can't wait. :grin:


Lucky sod.


I can't wait to battle against you though, it'll be awesome. You're all talk! :heh:


  tapedeck said:
Personally I think it's daylight robbery for £70. Or £55 for that matter is a bit steep. I really want this but I don't think I've ever spend that much on a game since 1996!

Indeed I shall bide my time and wait for this little monster to fall in price. It's not like there is a quality software crisis at the moment anyhoo.


Don't count on it, GH1 and GH2 bundles are still riding high at £50 for the bundles.


Cooky...I remember the day it was posted and I never got it because I had £40 in my "rewards" account and just presumed it was an error. Some you win eh?...At least you can sell it for a profit ;p (if you ever wanna!)


Holy crap, i actually broke 100,000 points, didn't expect that on my first day at all. Said i'd give one more game before i head to bed, picked "One", wasn't actually too hard, notes came at a nice pace, not too fast, not too slow (though i can imagine things being much harder in higher difficulties, anyway, my score was 149,590 well over the 100,000 mark, woot, and I got a 320+ streak, my best before this was like 160 or something, hehe.


Ok must head for bed now...

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