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The FBT: Favourite Book Thread


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I just finished reading my favourite book...again, and I just wanted to know what everone else's favourite book(s) are!?


My favourite book is I am Legend by Richard Matheson. Here is some blurb I borrowed off amazon!


One of the most influential vampire novels of the 20th century, I Am Legend regularly appears on the "10 Best" lists of numerous critical studies of the horror genre. As Richard Matheson's third novel, it was first marketed as science fiction (for although written in 1954, the story takes place in a future 1976). A terrible plague has decimated the world, and those who were unfortunate enough to survive have been transformed into blood-thirsty creatures of the night. Except, that is, for Robert Neville. He alone appears to be immune to this disease, but the grim irony is that now he is the outsider. He is the legendary monster who must be destroyed because he is different from everyone else. Employing a stark, almost documentary style, Richard Matheson was one of the first writers to convince us that the undead can lurk in a local supermarket freezer as well as a remote Gothic castle. His influence on a generation of bestselling authors--including Stephen King and Dean Koontz--who first read him in their youth is, well, legendary.


Anyone else read it?

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I'm currently reading the second part of the two part fantasy series by David Eddings; The Belgariad and The Mallorean. (I'm on the 3rd in The Mallorean, which is Demon Lord of Karanda)


Anyone who likes fantasy will adore the series, so go buy! The first one if called Pawn of Prophecy.

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Guest Stefkov

My most read book must be Flat Stanley. I think thats the only book I've read over 5 times, granted that was when I was in Primary school. I havnt read very many books since then. Apart form the Harry Potters.


My favourite books are the Lord of the rings.

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The entire Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series, absolutely brilliant. I have to read them all at least once a year.


Loved that also!:yay:


The HDM series by Philip Pullman.


Did you think the third book in HDM was rushed a little? I was a bit dissappointed...

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Did you think the third book in HDM was rushed a little? I was a bit dissappointed...


No, I actually thought it was the most accomplished of the 3...but that's just me, a lot of people seemed to find it difficult to get through compared to the first 2...

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I don't like the idea of having to elevate one book above all others, but one of my favourite books is Ghostwritten by David Mitchell. Every time you read it you discover more, and understand it better. I've read it three times.


This sounds awesome! I'm gonna go get it tomorrow!!!



No, I actually thought it was the most accomplished of the 3...but that's just me, a lot of people seemed to find it difficult to get through compared to the first 2...


I just felt it was a bit of an anti-climax!

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Am i the only person on this forum that really hates reading books?


I don't like reading fiction. As I see it I use fiction as a way to distance myself and escape, and you can do that with television and films. Books are too self-referential, you can't drift off. You have to remain focused, you are physically holding the product. I need something more abstract.

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Depends on whether you're the only person without any imagination really.


Or you know, maybe i just don't like sitting down and reading word after word. I love a good story, just don't in that medium. Sorry if that doesn't go by 'God's Word' as said by The Bard.

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I don't like reading fiction. As I see it I use fiction as a way to distance myself and escape, and you can do that with television and films. Books are too self-referential, you can't drift off. You have to remain focused, you are physically holding the product. I need something more abstract.


You might like Naples '44 by Norman Lewis! Its a really good account of life in Italy in the wake of WW2. I really didn't think I would like it but after, and while, reading it I thought it was fantastic!



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Or you know, maybe i just don't like sitting down and reading word after word. I love a good story, just don't in that medium. Sorry if that doesn't go by 'God's Word' as said by The Bard.


Well, that really doesn't mean anything since I don't actually believe in "God", but what the hey, I've always seen books as the definitive medium for storytelling without any of the gimmicks often involved with movies or videogames etc...but thats just me...I agree that it sometimes requires effort and there are easier ways to a good story...maybe I was being a tad harsh eh...?

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Is it just fiction you dislike or do you not read books in general?


I really don't ever read books. I read enough text a day, whether it be on a website, instant message or text in a game or something.



maybe I was being a tad harsh eh...?


Probably same here, but yeah...

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